Chapter 35

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Third Person's POV

"What do you mean where's Minra? Minra is he----" Dae-su asks but halted when it wasn't Minra beside him but Hyo-ryeong. His eyes widening in terror, "Holy shit where is Minra?!"

Su-hyeok turns around to climb back inside.

"Yah! Bare-su!"

But before he could even climb back, the cover was suddenly flipped open and a hand suddenly covers his mouth. Minra climbs at the window and slightly pushing Su-hyeok to the side so she could climb down as she motions for them to keep silent.

The moment she landed in her both feet, the snarls of the zombies from the other side of the wall enters their ears and they all freezes. Minra removes her hand from Su-hyeok, slowly pushing him to sit down.

"They're inside," she whispers to the others which made them to stop moving too much.

Minra was about to sit down properly when she suddenly got pulled towards Su-hyeok, the lad had his arms wrapped around the lass' waist, her cheeks pushed into his chest as her eyes widen in surprise.

"I thought I've lost you," he whispers as he pulls her even more tightly, burying his face on the juncture between her neck and her shoulder. Minra was still frozen because of shock.

"Ehem," Someone faked cough behind them which made the lass to squirm around uncomfortably, tapping Su-hyeok's back as if to comfort him.

"I-I'm fine. I told you I can protect myself. You can let go now," she stated awkwardly.

Su-hyeok reluctantly let go, glaring at Wujin who was the one who interrupted them by faking a cough, the latter is already glaring at him even before he can glare at him.

"Guys, don't start now or I'll bite the both of you," Minra chided, not really thinking of what she had said.

Of course, Su-hyeok will always take the opportunity to flirt with her even in the worst time possible, "I don't mind being bitten by you."

The lad had the audacity to smirk and FUCKING WINK at her. In exchange, Minra punches him on the shoulder to which causes the lad to hiss in pain.

Wujin snorted, "You deserve it."

Su-hyeok glares at him and the latter didn't failed to reciprocate while Minra nearly pulls her hair in frustration, "Stop it, I'm serious, both of you."

The two shut their mouths up but the smirk on Su-hyeok's lips didn't falter. That was until they heard a clanging sound and On-jo suddenly sat down, crying as Ha-ri covers her mouth as to not make any noise. The snarls of the zombies outside becomes louder and more aggressive at the sudden loud sounds.

Oh yes, their situation. Joon-yeong and Mr. Nam. For a second there, the trio forgot what's happening right now.

Ha-ri comforts On-jo as the others sat there silently. Cheong-san kneels down in front of her, silently pulling her into a hug as to comfort her.

"It's okay, just cry," he whispers to On-jo while hugging her.

Silence followed after that, just them staring at the sky as the bird chirp around like nothing happened, like the deceased didn't come back to life. Like they're not fighting for their lives.

There's no really telling if surviving means living anymore. At this point, it is hard to differentiate what's living and dying. But Minra promised Jihyun that she'll live, she promised Joon-yeong that she'll get them home. But by how things are turning, she doesn't even know if they're going to survive, or they're going to die. Nothing's working right, that is for sure. They've lost so many people in a span of 2 and a half days and maybe, they're next.

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