Chapter 33

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Death of the characters is inevitable because I find them symbolic. It is all in my opinion but I-sak's and Gyeong-su's death symbolises the end of their innocence, Ms. Park's death symbolises their dwindling hope but Joon-yeong's death sparks the hope and will in their heart to survive at the same time tells that in every decision, there will always be a consequence waiting at the end. I cried when he said that they'll go home and it wasn't even in the script!



As the group pulls out the shield they made, Su-hyeok immediately run to meet the volleyball team who charges towards them, with Minra backing him up by shooting arrows simultaneously, the arrows either impales the zombies' neck or forehead in great precision.

"Get in! Get in!" they pushes the barrier they made into a circle surrounding them but having trouble to because it's heavy.

"Close it!"

Minra turn to the others and when she sees that they still wasn't able to close it, she decided to buy them some time. She aims her bow to the zombie running from across the auditorium, the arrow soaring before it impales its forehead and dropping on the ground permanently dead. The arrows continuously shoot from Minra as the wheezing of the arrow slicing through the air mixes with the sound of snarls and screams.

"Get in, Minra!" Su-hyeok pulls her on the collar of her uniform, forcing her to get inside the shield as he kicks the zombie who tried to get in before closing it together.

The zombified volleyball team charges to them, trying to claw and snap their teeths on them but the makeshift metal shield prevented them from reaching any of them.

As the zombies tries to reach for them, Su-hyeok fumbles with the rope and after struggling from the shoves of zombies trying to grab them, he yelled to the group, "It's tied! Push!"

The group begins to push the makeshift shield. Through the gaps of the shield, the zombies manages to hang themselves as the group pushes the crate hard, having trouble as it's barely budging because of the strength of the zombies pushing them on the opposite of the auditorium.

Then scream of the group as they uses all of the strength left on their body attracts the other zombies inside the auditorium, snapping them as they snarls at their direction before running to attack them.

"Damn it!" Dae-su curses as even he has trouble pushing in. Maybe it's because of the brute strength of the zombies or maybe it's because of starvation and dehydration that made them weaker.

Minra loaded her bow, aiming at the zombie climbing the barrier and shoot, it tumbles down the body of the other zombies it used as stool before dropping down dead.


"It won't budge!"

Minra groan, thinking quick, "We have to lessen the zombies attacking us. Their combined strength and aggressiveness will not allow us to go forward."

At the lass' explanation, Cheong-san grab the metal baseball bat and start hitting the zombies off the barrier, Ha-ri joining her in shooting zombies that are climbing up.

The others followed, breaking off from pushing the barrier as they grab each of their weapons to ward the zombies off.

She grab an arrow but instead of loading it to the bow, she uses it to stab the zombies on the head but it proved to be hard because she's tip toeing.


Minra snapped her head at the sound of scream, landing on the ground where On-jo is being grab by a zombie through her leg. She's about to go and help her but she sees Nam-ra already helping her so she turns back.

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