Chapter 03

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"What just happened?" Jihyun blurted out the moment we sat on one of the bleachers in the field. She's still holding her backside but when I tried looking at the damage, she slapped my hand away. Instead, focusing on checking my wrist and shoulder.

"I'm fed up. I have ignored it for so long and when he uses violence on me, I snapped." I answered, hissing when she presses a certain spot in my wrist.

"I'm proud of you. The bastard had harassed you for nearly a month now and it is time for you to stand up for yourself. Albeit it's late but not too late. I thought you'll never fight back." she stated.

"I don't even know why you didn't shove a sharp arrow on his thick skull. He's irritating and downright creepy." she added.

"Honestly, you don't know how many times I was tempted to just grab my bow and sling an arrow on him just to show that I'm not kidding when I say I could hurt him if he keeps bothering me." I said, heaving a sigh after my sentence as I feel satisfaction cursing through my veins.

"You should do that often. You know, the whole ignoring the pervert mullet asshole play doesn't really work at all. You're just letting the bastard to do what he wants and it results to him thinking that it was okay because you're not fighting."

"He's all words in the past. I didn't have a reason to retort back with violence. Not until now when he grabbed me harshly. Now, I would have a reason for when we were called in with the disciplinary committee." I answered, massaging my right arm.

"You won't get in trouble from that. Your mom has a connection with the Principal. I'm sure they will turn a blind eye when a daughter of Choi Hyuna slap a student because of self-defense," Jihyun stated, "Just like how they turn a blind eye to any bullying cases here in Hyosun."

"This school is shit. I just want to get out of here fast. I can't wait to graduate," I stated, turning my head to Jihyun who's looking up to the sky, "Where are you planning to go for college?"

Jihyun smiles at me, stretching an arm and wrapping it around my shoulder, "I'm going to where you will be studying."

I push her arm away from my shoulder, looking at her with mock disgust, "What are you? My stalker?"

She laughs at me, "You're my only friend. You should've thought of the consequences before you approached me in the past. You can't get rid of me that fast."

"I'm not planning to, anyway."

Silence envelope us after that. That was until Jihyun suddenly stands up. I look at her in confusion, "Where are you going?"

"Stay here. I'll ask the school nurse for an ice pack. You keep hissing in pain and you're annoying me." she answered to which makes the furrow on my brows to deepen.

"You were hurt too." I reasoned out.

"But I'm not frail like you," she retorted back, "Quite whining. I'll be back." and then she's walking away.

Deciding to just follow what she had said, I lean back in the bleachers again, stretching my arms as I watch students play football in the field.

I was silent at first, just staring at the people walking pass by, students playing in the field and friends laughing with each other. It was the usual scene that I got used to see as we always hang out here. The fresh air and the green environment, it's relaxing.

Speaking of fresh air, when a breeze brushes my skin, I smelled a faint iron-y scent--like blood. My nose starts to itch and I can't help but to sneeze. My brows furrowed, why would I smell blood? It's impossible---unless of great amount.

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