Chapter 28

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Since majority of you wants poly, that's going to be the main story arc so if ever there will be a Season 2, I'm going to follow the poly arc. The original ending will serve as a special chapter for you guys. Tbh, I prefer the original arc but since I doesn't have any idea on what do to in poly arc yet, maybe I'll like too.


Third Person's POV

"It hurts," Minra cries, covering her ears while Wujin calms her down, pulling her closer to his chest as the lass nuzzle closer to him, "Can't I just cut my fucking ears off?!"

"Minra," Su-hyeok walks closer to where the two sat, kneeling in front of the crying girl and gently pulling her away from Wujin.

The shorter guy looks pissed, glaring at Su-hyeok for interrupting their moment but the latter grab Minra on her chin, removing one hand from her ear and placing something inside.

He went to place the other one when Wujin grabs him on the wrist harshly, halting him on what he's doing, "What the fuck are you doing?"

Instead of answering, Su-hyeok raises the rolled up fabric that he ripped from his uniform. Wujin gave him a questioning look, "It's a makeshift earplugs. It's not much but it's better than letting her in pain. It works on Nam-ra so it should work on Minra too."

Wujin rolled his eyes at the taller guy, intertwining his and Minra's fingers possessively, "Fuck off, Su-hyeok. You and Nam-ra looks so much better."

"What Wujin? Are you afraid that she might choose me instead of you?" Su-hyeok smirked, grabbing Minra's other hand and intertwining their finger, "Her small hands looks so much better with me. We fit like puzzle pieces."

The thunder rumbles again as the intensity on Wujin's glares intensified, "You're my friend Su-hyeok but leave her alone."

"Why would I----"

Minra, having enough of their petty argument pull her hands away from the two, standing up, "Geez, there's so much testosterone here. If you guys going to kiss, just kiss. I'm out."

"I'm fucking busy having a moment but then I got distrupted by a fucking bromance. Can't a girl have her moment?" the lass marches her way towards her twin sister as she rants under her breath, the older immediately offering her a smile, "Good luck with them." Nam-ra teases her.

On the other hand, after Minra left the two guys alone, awkwardness envelopes them. Both of them can't look at each other because of what she had said before leaving.

That was until Wujin broke the silence, "I'm serious Su-hyeok. Leave Minra alone. I was the first one to confess so back off."

Su-hyeok eyes sharpen into a glare, a smirk pulling up on his lips, "Are you guys dating?" the smirk on his lips widen when the former remained silent, "Then may the best man wins then." he went to pat Wujin on the shoulders but the former slap if off in annoyance.

"If you're going to treat this as a game, just stop. Minra's feelings is not something to toy with." the former snapped at him.

Su-hyeok's stance falters, "I'm not treating her as a game. I would never. You're not the only one who likes her, Wujin and you don't have the rights to be possessive over her because you're not dating yet." he said seriously before walking out.

The thunder rumbles, lightning illuminating the dark sky as the rain suddenly pours down, seemingly sympathizing on the grief of the remaining students-turned-survivors of Hyosan High School.

"Yes! It's fucking raining!" Dae-su suddenly yelled, jumping up and down as the rain drenches them. He greedily opens his mouth, catching the rain to quench his aching throat.

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