Chapter 15

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"Do you think no one's alive outside?" Nam-ra asks me as we both stare at the window, watching the zombies roaming on the field mindlessly, "Mom.."

"Mom would've flipped the school upside down to save us. She would've use all of her connections. She's strict and over-achiever but she loves us," I answered.

"Do you think she's one of them too?" she asks but we both knew the answer. It's hard to accept, knowing that you probably won't have a house to go back to, no family waiting for you. We always argue since most of time, I feel like she doesn't understand us as she keeps pushing me and Nam-ra to do something we don't want to do, to be always the number 1 and never 2. She got mad when we failed but she's our mother, she brought us to this world, albeit without our permission but she had still carried us for 9 months and give our basic needs as well as our wants after.

"You know dad told me once before he left that you resembles Mom so much when she was young?" I turn to her. I didn't know that, "You're both strong-willed and free-spirited. Dad told me that Mom went against her parents so they could be with each other. She disobeyed grandpa and grandma when they wanted to send her in London but she had ran away with Dad and got pregnant with the both of us and our grandparents doesn't have a choice but to accept their relationship."

"When did he told you that?" Dad left us a long time ago.

"When you ran away from home when Mom didn't give you permission to join the Taekwondo Club in elementary since you thought that they're really cool but end up going home crying because you had twisted your ankle on your first day of training. Dad said that you reminded her of mom so much but instead of eloping for love, you ran away for your dream." I chuckle at the memory. Taekwondo wasn't really my dream back then but it's because I find them kicking people cool. I thought that I would be cool too if I joined them but I ended up in the hospital for the whole night and in the house arrest for two weeks.

"Mom was so mad at me that night." I recalled.

"Mom was mad but she couldn't eat or think when you suddenly flee from home with a note that don't find you because you're going with the cool guys. She's really worried for you. She was about to call the cops but Dad found you sleeping under the sink so they just let you to think that they believe you really ran away," said Nam-ra, "Dad said that maybe that's why you and Mom always argue and never got along. Because your attitude and traits were clashing and no one wants to stand down. You're both hard-headed."

"If I took after mom, you took after Dad so much," I pointed out.

"Hmmm?" she only hummed, looking at me.

"Both you and dad are very reserved and calm. Even if you're at the middle of a sticky situation, you guys are still calm and reserved."

"And we're both pulling both of your asses from trouble. " She added, "Like that one time when were kids, you nearly got troubled for stabbing your seatmate's hand using your pencil because he keeps stealing it from you."

"You had to begged the discipline to not call mom and convinced him to just make me write words," I laugh at the memory, "He made me write "I'm not going to stab my seatmate" in five long bond papers. Back-to-back." I sighed.

"You're really a troublemaker even back when we were kids. But you never got Mom disappointed even for once because you excel in things that you wanted to do and proved to her that disobeying her is right. That you know what's good to you," Nam-ra sighed, "That's why I had envied you because you never have to try hard to make mom proud."

"I'm proud of you, though," I look straight in her eyes, grabbing her hands in mine, "I told you you can never do anything to disappoint me. I was mad at you for ignoring me. When I wake up in the hospital, you were the first one I've asked for."

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