Chapter 09

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"Maybe they're drawn to smell," Woojin theorized, pointing to Dae-su, "They'll go after you like crazy."

"I don't smell," Dae-su stated.

"But you sweat a lot." Jimin pointed out.

"I sweat, but I don't smell." the former defended.

While waiting for Gyeong-su's self-quarantine to finish, Woojin, Dae-su and Jimin are all theorizing about the zombies while the others are just resting. I, on the other hand is just listening to them while resting my chin on my palm that was propped on top of the table.

They're just talking about video games earlier and then they went to theorizing about the zombie and their anatomy. It's interesting because they often share bizzare things like what if the zombies can fly and we just haven't seen it yet or someone is like their leader like those zombies in Army of the Dead.

"I think they're more sensitive to sounds than smell." Dae-su stated. I nodded at that, silently agreeing to him.

"Sound?" Jimin asks to make sure she heard it right to which Dae-su nodded to.

Suddenly, Woojin turn to me, "What do you think, Minra-yah?"

My eyes widen when their attention suddenly turned to me, "Hmm?"

"What do you think they're attracted more? I mean, I noticed how observant you are." He explained.

It took me a while to respond because I never thought of that before, "If you're asking me about what I've observed. Yes, they do get attracted more by sound, it seems. For instance, when we ran out of the classroom, zombies only attacked us because they might have heard our heavy foot falls and we are not really discrete about the sound we make. In the other hand, they could clearly see," I started, I didn't even know if I'm making sense right now, "You know when people lost one of their senses, another one will be heightened? If that applies with zombies too, they might have a really heightened hearing but I think their eye-sight is selective."

"Selective?" Su-hyeok asks, finally showing interest to the conversation.

"They can't clearly think morally. I bet all they think is to eat and by the nature of the virus, to possibly infect others. That means that they can only see where they're looking at. If their looking ahead, we could sneak behind their back without making any noise and we could make it but if we made even a single pin drop of noise, that's when they are going to know that we're there. I don't even think they have a gut feeling. And by means of selective, I could say that what happened with Coach Kang is a great example," I answered.

"Okay, you got my attention," Jihyun stated, "What about Coach Kang? How did it become a selective sight?"

I know she understands what I meant. Jihyun is smart too, maybe smarter than me but she often look down on herself, or sometimes, she's just doing it to test me, "Like how Cheong-san and Su-hyeok were standing side by side but he only went to attack Su-hyeok. Just like I-sak had attacked Cheong-san when there's On-Jo beside him and how Min-ji only attacked Dae-su when we're literally standing right behind him. It's like their locking on a target, and they won't stop until they did what they want or someone interfere." I answered.

Woojin nodded, finally understanding what I've meant, "How about scent? Can they smell us?"

I shake my head, "I don't really know. Maybe they can and that's how they can differentiate what's infected to non-infected. I mean, they don't attack those who are already a zombie."

"Minra," I turn to Dae-su when he suddenly calls me. My brows furrow when he's looking at me with dreamy eyes.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" I asks with my eyes wide open.

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