Chapter 21

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It wasn't that long before we reach the rooftop. Thankfully, we haven't encounter any zombie because it seems that majority of them is on the music room or the field.

"Come on, open it!" Dae-su said.

I leaned on the railings of the stairs, catching my breath as I wait for them to open the door.

"It's locked," Cheong-san panted.

"What?" Dae-su gasps in disbelief, slightly pushing Cheong-san to try opening it himself. He starts pounding on the door, slamming his weight on the metal. It created a loud clanging sound.

"It was locked inside and can only be opened using the keypad," I stated between pants, pointing at the box at the side of the door.

Cheong-san rushes to the small box, the keypad chiming everytime he presses a number. All of his guesses are wrong.

"Try 1975," I said and they look at me, "What? It was the school's founding year."

Yet it didn't opened. The alarm beeps, "I forgot to tell you that it only allows three tries before it beeps."

Joon-yeong starts slamming his fist on the door, "Is anyone inside?! Anyone?! Open the door!" he keeps banging on the wall.

"Of course not! Get back!" Dae-su went to push him, both of him and Cheong-san going to the both side of the door.
"1....2....3" They slam their bodies on the door in unison, getting louder and using more force the more they did it again. Joon-yeong joined.

"Guys, one of the reason why we even decided to go up here is because of the metal door. It's practically indestructible with bare hands," I tried explaining to them but they still keep going.

I just lean in the railings, Wujin besides as he catches his breath too.

"Minra yah," Nam-ra suddenly calls me and just by the look on her face, I already know what she meant.

"Guys, they're coming."

This made the trio to stop. Cheong-san immediately goes down the stairs with Su-hyeok.  We all wait with a bated breath, peeking down the railings of the stairs as the snarls starts to become louder.

Looking at the two guy equipped with only a wood and a pole, I know that they won't going to make it if we didn't help. I roam my eyes around the stairs, finding something that could help them.

The growls got louder. As the other guys tried to open the door, I met Nam-ra's eyes before falling to the blue tarp behind her.

I immediately crouches to grab it, "We'll going to throw this over from that side to trap the zombies," I stated and Nam-ra immediately grab the other side.

"Guys! Let's throw this over," she yelled as the others not occupied in opening the door helped us to spread the tarp around.

With it spread open, we throw it over the mezzanine, covering the stairs down and trapping the zombies inside. They clawed their way out as we try our best to not let the tarp get pulled by them.

"Hold onto it tight!"

Cheong-san and Su-hyeok is still fighting off few zombies and one managed to sneak behind Su-hyeok. He's too busy fighting off the other zombie to notice that one is trying to grab him.

I let go of the tarp, running down halfway as I kick the zombie through the railings, it growled but it suddenly disappeared from under the tarp.

From my peripheral vision, I saw Su-hyeok and Cheong-san froze, looking at the small opening in the tarp. My eyes followed them, first seeing a zombie hovering above the ground before I saw the one behind it--the one holding it up on the collar. My eyes widen and my face pale. H-how----he was dead.. He fell with J-Jihyun. W-why were the zombies ignoring him?

The zombie growled at me, snapping its teeth as it tried to bite me but I staggered back.

Gwi-nam throw the zombie towards Su-hyeok, the latter immediately dodging to avoid being bitten. The tarp collapsed as the zombies charges to the three of them. One managed to run pass Su-hyeok and before it could go up the stairs, I kick it hard but it managed to grab my foot so when he fell, I followed too. My back colliding to the steps of the stairs.

I hissed, kicking its face with my other foot as I try to free myself. That was until it was lifted away from me. My eyes met Gwi-nam who hold the zombie by its collar before throwing it to Su-hyeok who was about to run to help me.

I immediately stood up, about to run away but he grab my wrist, pulling me back making my back collide to his chest, "Hello, darling," I felt disgust course through me as he licks my neck.

"Get your fucking claws off of her!" I heard someone yelled before I got pulled towards Gwi-nam's back.

"Wujin stand down! He's not human!" I warned him, trashing away from his grip, he didn't even flinched.

I watch as he punches Wujin on the face, the latter falling on the stairs but immediately recovers, throwing a fist on Gwi-nam but he deflected it by grabbing his knuckles. I saw the pain that registers on Wujin's face and my mind blanked.


"Leave him, Gwi-nam. Leave him alone!" I yelled, trashing about as I try kicking his knees he didn't even flinch. What is he?! A tree?! Not even the zombies are these fucking strong!

Wujin's yell increases and I panick. I didn't even think, my hand just move on its own to grab the back of his neck and pushes his pressure point hard. I learned in watching movies and it's supposed to put someone to sleep.

He throws Wujin forward, manhandling me so I am facing him, "Darling, that won't work." he smirked at me, "I am supposed to gouge Lee Cheong-san's eye but I guess that could wait. I'm going to take you first."

He pushes my head to the side, baring my neck and lean in to bite me. I scream in anguish, feeling his teeth slowly ripping the flesh on my neck. A tear fell down my cheeks as I try to push his face away from he. He's teeth getting deeper and deeper.

Until it disappear and I fell on my butt while holding my bleeding neck. Nam-ra stood in front of me, holding Gwi-nam's neck and there's a distinct sound of bone crunching before the bite starts burning.

"I told you to stay away to my little sister,"

I push my hand on my neck as the burning gets worsen, tears clouding my eyes and I didn't even notice Nam-ra crouching in front of me. She pulled me close, "It's okay, don't cry. Unnie's here."

"Did she got bitten?" Su-hyeok came rushing in as I felt the warmth of his palm on my hand that was holding my neck, "Fuck!"

"Come on, let's get out of here first. We'll decide what to do next." I heard Cheong-san said before I got carried bridal style.

"It burns," I sobbed, feeling myself get light headed.

"Fuck," Su-hyeok cursed.

"Live for me please?"

My head starts spinning around as I get pulled deeper on the dark abyss.

The end.

Nah, I'm just kidding. Please don't sue me.

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