Chapter 13

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"I can't believe you did that," Jihyun snickered the moment I went back to my chair.

I gave them an unimpressed look, "Yeah, I can't believe the two of you neither," I slumped myself on the chair, completely letting all of my limbs relax, "How can you conspire against me?" I complained.

"Well, it's time for you to get your man," Jihyun spoke in hush voice, leaning forward so only the two of us could hear, "We might be at the end of the world now and you haven't even got yourself a boyfriend once."

"I don't have a man," I roll my eyes, "And I don't need one."

"Yeah, keep telling that to that one page on your journal reserved for Su-hyeok's picture." my eyes widen and Jihyun burst in laughter at Nam-ra's revelation.

"Yah, did you go through my journal?" I glared at my twin.

Nam-ra smirked at me, "I don't need to. It just sounds like what you would really do."

Jihyun laughed harder and she didn't even acknowledged the glares from the other girls' who are probably super scared right now and the look of confusion in the boys' face.

"Yah, Jihyun-ah don't laugh as if you don't have a shrine of Park Chanyeol in your room." I sassed but it only made Jihyun to snort.

"But that's different," she stops laughing but she's still smiling, "I can't get a Park Chanyeol but you can get a Lee Su-hyeok."

I can only massage my temple, "I didn't know how bad it is for you to get starved until now. I like you better when you're quiet."

"Yeah, but you love me."


"Jihyun-ah, he might love Su-hyeok more than you. I don't know, maybe even more than she loves me." Nam-ra chimed in to which made Jihyun to laugh even more.

"Why do you keep teasing me?" I pouted.

"I'm impressed with you girls," We stopped talking when Joon-yeong suddenly spoke, "How you could all still laugh despite of the situation we are in. I hope I could do that too."

"You could too," Jihyun stated, "Let's all tease Minra. You'll see how fun it it to tease her."

"Yah!" I went to tackle Jihyun from her chair, both of us falling in the ground as I playfully punch her.

"Are they really fighting?" I could see Dae-su peaking from the table.

Jihyun slap me, well not really slap but more like playful slap. But the hair pulling seems a little bit personal, though so I respond with a punch a little bit too hard but still at the playful side.

"Should we break them up?" It was Wujin's voice but by this time, Jihyun had kicked me away.

"No, it's their love language." I heard Nam-ra commented.

"I really wanted some barbeque," Dae-su suddenly blurted out of nowhere to which made me stop from biting Jihyun. I drop her arm, sitting on the floor to look at him.

"Why do you have to mention that, I'm suddenly craving for pork belly." I frowned, my mouth watering.

"Yah, I know a very popular barbeque restaurant in Seoul. They serve really high quality marbled pork there." Woojin suddenly said, "We should all go once we got rescued."

I smiled, "Call."

"I'm in." Jihyun second the motion and one by one, they all agreed too.

"We'll just tell Cheong-san once they get back here. Su-hyeok will probably agree. The four of used to hang out there once in a while." Joon-yeong stated, probably referring to him, Su-hyeok, Dae-su and Wujin.

"But will they really rescue us?" I turn to Nam-ra who's looking at the window, "They've been flying around the place since yesterday. They would have already saved us if they really wanted to." she continued, referring to the helicopter flying around.

A huge shift in the atmosphere. The happy bubble we wrapped ourselves in was once again popped when reality dawned to us.

"I've heard that in some other countries, they mourn adults more than they do with children. And in, others, children more than adults. What do you think our country is?" Nam-ra laments when no one spoke after what she'd say.

"What do you mean?" Dae-su asks.

"When children dies, they lose hope. But when adults die, they lose their wisdom. Hope and Wisdom. Which do we value more?" Joon-yeong was the one to answer.

"Even if they do come to save us, we won't get out first. We're just not important enough for that. We're students. That's it."

"But guys, we're children and we haven't lose our hope yet. We're still alive," I tried to lift up the mood, "and we've made a plan that we're going to eat on the restaurant Wujin had said when we all get out of here, right? So none of us should die. We're all just students, but we have each other. The adults might've abandoned us right now but we have each other and if they won't going to rescue us, then we're going to leave this hellhole and survive together. There will always be a rainbow at the end of the storm and we just need to hang a little bit more to see it. Just try not to die."

"Until when? We're just lucky that we're even alive right now." Jimin stated.

"Until the end of the line." I said, turning to Jihyun who give me a tight smile.

"Yah, Su-hyeok-ah," Dae-su suddenly exclaimed as Su-hyeok appears.

"Bare-su," Wujin helped him to jump down.

"Where's the phone?"

"And Cheong-san?" Both Hyo-ryung and On-jo asks at the same time.

When Su-hyeok didn't answer, On-jo rush to the window, peaking out, "Su-hyeok ah, where's Cheong-san?" she trembles.

"We got separated in the teacher's office. I'm sure he'll be fine." Su-hyeok answered.

"Are you serious? Oh! Shit!" Dae-su cursed, leaning out of the window.

"I'm sorry.." he trailed, looking directly at On-jo who's trembling and it teary-eyed, "for coming back alone."

Silence once again took over and their mood affected my mood too. A somber atmosphere envelopes us as we once again find ourselves sitting around the Broadcasting room.

I'm sitting at the corner of the broadcasting room but I'm looking ar Su-hyeok who's looking at On-jo, guilt swarming his face. I stood up, walking to where Su-hyeok is. I lean my back on the locker beside him.

"It's not your fault." I started, crossing my arms and not really looking at him but to my shoes.

I'm not looking but I can feel him stare, "You think so?"

I nodded, "Cheong-san is a one-of-a-kind guy. He's strong-willed and he's smart. I've seen how he fights earlier. I could feel his determination to survive and I don't think he's going to just stop like that."

I turn to him when he didn't speak to find him staring at On-jo. My eyes flew down to the rectangular fabric on his hand so I cleared my throat, "You," I gulped, "You should talk to her."

I walk back to my chair, plopping myself down as I watch Su-hyeok approaches On-jo, them standing side-by-side in front of the window and seemingly in their own world.

I unconsciously reach down on the pocket of my skirt, feeling the rough and rectangular fabric of my own name tag.

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