Chapter 06

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Since I'm already in the floor, I just let myself to lie down completely, catching my breath. The cold floor somehow makes the ache of my back a little better. No one spoke, only the sound of panting and the snarls of the zombies with the occasional scream outside are all that can be heard. That was until someone from us screams that we jolt back in alert again.

When I stood up to turn, I saw Joon Yeong is being pulled by the zombie from the window.

"Ah, shit." I curse, looking at the bloodied scissors in my hand as I immediately stood up and help him just in time when he broke the glass further. I pulled a chair beside the cabinet and climb at it for leverage as I begin letting my rage out to the undead.

"Fucking die!" I didn't even know that I screamed but the rage boiling inside of me from all of the things that happened to not only today but also the past week is too much. I need an outlet. Technically, they are dead so I don't think I'm going to get sued for killing someone who died and came back to life. Right?

"Minra watch your fucking hands!" someone yelled from the background.

"Get a desk!"

And then I was carried down, with Cheong-san, Joon Yeong, and Gyeok-su replacing me so they could put a desk to cover the windows.

"Minra, shhh. Calm down." I didn't even realize that I'm still trashing around and when I realize that I am indeed trashing around, I stopped.

I stayed on the floor for a couple of second, breathing hard as I watch the boys pile up the chairs and table to barricade the room. I breathed hard until I regain my breathing pattern again.

"It's okay. We're safe now," When I calm down only then I realized that there are arms wrap around me tightly, warmth enveloping me as my back is pushed on his chest.

I close my eyes tightly, heaving a deep breath before patting Woojin's arms that are still wrapped around my waist, "I'm okay now. Thank you, Woojin-ah,"

He unwrap his arms around me slowly, seemingly reluctant to let go. When he did, I let my back fall and lean on the foot of the table.

"Where is Su-hyeok?" I heard but I'm too tired to look up, "Has anyone seen him? You were with him right?"

"He was behind me." Cheong-san answered, his tone making it obvious that he's hesitant.

"Then where is he now?" My eyes fell, too heavy for me to keep it open. My shoulder's killing me and I can't even keep my eyes open.

"I don't know," The adrenaline slowly leaving my system. I couldn't control my head, it's too heavy. It fell on Woojin's shoulder and I felt his warm palm caress my cheeks, lulling me to sleep.

"It's okay. You can rest. I'll wake you up if something happen," that was the last thing I heard before I was pulled into the dark abyss.

"It's fine. She's not bitten. There's blood on her clothes but her blouse inside is still clean, no blood or anything. She's just exhausted. Too much things happened to her this week and I guess it all took a toll on her body."

"What if she suddenly transforms and kill all of us. You saw how she killed those zombies earlier, she's ruthless."

"Are you deaf or you're just plain stupid? I told you, there's no bite mark on any of her exposed skin. Her blouse inside her sweater is clean."

"Why do we need to risk our life again? Let's just throw her out before she tranforms--"

"I'm going to kill you right here and right now if you don't stop whining. You didn't help any of us but rather attract some damn zombies with your annoying squeaky voice. Don't you know something else to do than to become annoying?" I spat in hoarse voice, lifting my head up from Woojin's shoulder to glare at Nayeon.

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