Chapter 19

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"Guys, come on. If you believe my theory of Pres being a Hambie, maybe I'm right with Minra being a superhuman!"

We are all ignoring Dae-su but he's so adamant of this little 'theory' of his, "I'm talking in the air again."

"Bro, no one really believes you about the hambie thing." Wujin patted him the shoulder as if comforting him.

Hambie. Half human, Half zombie? Is it really impossible for that to happen? Zombie Apocalypse is impossible but it happened so why hambie don't? But there should be a logical explanation behind this.

"I could see the gears turning inside your head," Nam-ra said.

"Just thinking." is what I could only reply.

"Thinking about what?" she asks.

"Stuff." I answered.

Suddenly, Nam-ra stood up as she look at the door. I look up to her, confused, "What's wrong?"

"Did you hear that?" she asks to me but her gaze is focus on the door.

"The snarling?" I asked but she shakes her hand.

She walks closer to the other side of the wall and I was force to follow her because of our tied hands.

The others all stood up in alert.

"I hear it." Nam-ra murmured.

"What?" Su-hyeok asks.

"What do you hear?" On-jo followed. I tried straining my ears but I couldn't pick up anything but snarling and occasional thud of body hitting the wall.

"I think someone is puking." Nam-ra answered.

"I don't hear anything though?" I commented.

"It stopped," she eventually said.

"What stopped?" I nearly roll my eyes at Su-hyeok's question. The puking, idiot.

"The sound of puking." She suddenly look at Hyo-ryung.

"Stop it. You're scaring me."

My brows furrowed, "What's happening Nam-ra?"

"Don't you hear it?" she asks. I shake my head because I couldn't really hear anything but the snarling outside.

"I didn't hear anything." Hyo-ryung answered.

Nam-ra just looked at her for a second and I noticed the change of Hyo-ryung's breathing pattern, "What?"

"Are you scared?" Nam-ra asked instead. I'm getting really confuse right now. Nam-ra's always hard to read.

"What's wrong with you?"

"Nothing. It's just that, you're the only one who's breathing really loud right now." Nam-ra responded. Her eyes starts to roam around all of us, stopping at Wujin who looks at her confused.

"What?" he whispers.

After a minute, Nam-ra answered, "We should get out of here. It's weird here."

"We couldn't just leave. There are zombies out there." Cheong-san pointed out.

Dae-su sighed, "We should've gone to the roof when the music was playing." he whines, "Shit."

"Wait a minute! We have music!" On-jo suddenly exclaimed.

"What? What music?"

On-jo grabbed the video camera from the table, "We could use this. We're going to have to build a tall barricade here, and then we lure them on with the music and use the instruments too. If we leave the door open, they'll follow the music in. Once it's clear, we take the back door and run to the rooftop," she explains, walking back and forth to where we are going to build the barrier.

"In other words, what you're saying is we stacked desks, tables, and whatever we can find the middle here. Open the front door and run through the backdoor, right?" Cheong-san simplifies.

"Not here, farther back" On-jo corrected him, "We need more room on this side."

"And why is that?" Dae-su inquired.

"There aren't many of us, but there are lots of zombies." On-jo answered without a blink.

"Ahhh. She sucks at school but she's pretty smart," the former commented.

"Yah shi---" On-jo nearly cursed and hit him.

Dae-su whispered, "It's a compliment."

Cheong-san turn to us, "Let's give it a shot, we can figure out the rest later."

"We have a tv too. We should be able to connect it and make it louder." Joon-yeong suggested, "I will have to look for the cord though."

He suddenly turned around, "Jimin-ah, can you help me look?"

Jimin agreed and Hyo-ryung followed. The remaining of us starts stacking the tables and the chairs high although me and Nam-ra are having a little bit of trouble since we're still tied up to each other.

"I now know why we should be thankful that we weren't born conjoined," I blurted out as both us lifts up a chair.

A small smile peaks on Nam-ra's lips, "It's really hard moving."

I turn around to walk to the right but Nam-ra turned to the left, pulling my right hand away which causes me to drop the chair. The chair fell on my foot first before the ground, creating a loud sound as I hop on one foot while cursing under my breath.

"Yah, are you okay?" As far as I could remember, Wujin's on the other side of the room but he suddenly appears in front of me, holding my arm as he catches me before I fall, "What happened?"

I hissed, "A mixture of miscommunication and clumsiness."

"Guys, it has been exactly an hour since Nam-ra turned. Don't you think it was safe to say that she won't turn and we let them to remove their bindings?" Su-hyeok voices out but the look of hesitation made me say,

"It's fine. It's just a little miscommunication. We're twins, we can work together."

"I agree with Su-hyeok," On-jo blurted out, "Remember Ms. Park said? We should start trusting each other to avoid mistakes and remorse."

Cheong-san walked closer to us and both Wujin and Su-hyeok steps closer too but the former went to reach our tied hands, removing the ribbon binding us, "You're right, it won't work out if we don't start trusting each other." he stated while untying the ribbon on our wrists.

He looks at the both us, "Just don't make me regret giving my trust to the both of you."

Nam-ra and I both shared a look before nodding to each other, going to opposite way as we start helping in making the barricade.

While at the middle of working, my eyes flew to Nam-ra who is busy tying a rope with On-jo. I look forward again, continuing in tying the chair together.

Gwi-nam had bit her and she turned into a zombie earlier but Gwi-nam seemed normal though his strength seems to double up. He's a guy but he was never that strong---he overpowered Su-hyeok and everyone in this school knows how stronger Su-hyeok is than Gwi-nam.

Nam-ra.... only one of her eyes turned red and then she returned back to normal. I hugged her and her mouth is really close to my neck but she didn't bite me. It has been an hour since she last turned and one hour and thirty minutes since she was bitten. Her hands were not cold but rather really warm. Her nose didn't bled either. Something is not adding up here, something's weird and I am nearing to figuring it out.

Is it possible for the body to reject the virus? I mean, we have a natural immunity response in our body. Is it possible that Nam-ra would be immune? She rarely get sick when we were children despite of literally being surrounded by people who are sick. I was the weakest twin.

I shake my head, No, it's impossible for her to be immune. She wouldn't turn in the first place if she was indeed immune to the virus.

But she had managed to control it. Does that mean she could control herself? Or her body is fighting the virus? Maybe her white blood cells had managed to defeat the virus? Or it reacted....

I gasped loudly, my palm covering my mouth as my eyes widen.

Is it a mutation?

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