Good Evening

259 7 0

11pm 30/01/22

Ok well hello first off, and thank you ever so much for reading this..


interesting story. I just thought id give a little update cuz i dont know what else to do rlly so hello.

i wrote this almost 2 years ago and boy has my writing style changed along with it. Being honest didnt think this story would get alot of reads but one thing is for sure

is it makes me cringe as hell.

What was going on in my mind to think that it was an actually decent plotline swear down it was lockdown getting the better of me.

debatung whether to revamp the story or leave it as is with just some minor tweaks

being honest here a part 2 to this fic was in the works but due to
a) my severe lack of motivation
b) the fact that NCT are no longer my ult group

it was put on hold. If you choose to follow my journey of literature then an ATEEZ fanfic will be coming out soon (not really i need like another month) so theres that ig.

ill probably add to this chain of thought soon but expect some edits to certain parts in the near future

(if i can even get through the entire story without dying)

Once again a massive thank you to all of you who dared to read my creation, and for now

Ta Ta.

Ok im back, i though maybe instead of editing ill write some fun comments to roast myself this will be fun 👍🏻

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