Part 10

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"Where is the police station exactly" Jeno questioned, staring down at his phone. He was never the best at directionss, so naturally Renjun gave him a hand.

They finally arrived at the police station. They entered the double doors, checked in and sat down awaiting their turn.

Soon, they got called in for their turn. The pair entered the confined area, and sat down.

"So, Huang Renjun, you were a victim of a hit and run right?" Renjun nodded in agreement

"The people who committed the crime have been identified, but they haven't been caught. It turns out once we found their location, they had already left. But they did leave behind your stuff. Here it is." The officer proceeded to give Renjun his keys, phone, watch, wallet and other personal belongings.

"We are aware all this happened because you ran to the hospital to see your friend at hospital" Renjun let out another nod.

"Well according to evidence we are to believe that he was also a victim of the same hit and run, and also the people with the guns in your apartment complex were all part of one big group, if this information helps"

"It does help, thank you"

"But, once your friend left the hospital, he was kidnapped by the same people and We dont know yet of their location. Sorry"

Renjun let out a tear of pain, "Its OK, thank you so much"

"Just doing my business, you can leave now. We'll give you updates, when we know more information"

Once the talk was over, the pair left the room and soon the building. Renjun quickly looked for the nearest bench to have an emotional breakdown on. He sat down and dug his head into hands. Jeno soon caught wind of the situation and sat down next to him, gave him a comforting pat on the back and lifted his chin to face him.

"Dont cry Ren, none of this is your fault" Jeno said in an attempt. He took his thumb and wiped his tears away and cupped his cheek.


Jeno did nothing but stare and admire Renjun's features for a while. Renjun was doing the exact same, and Jeno looked stunning in that moment. The two couldnt help it, they both slowly leaned in.

*Thunder crash*

Rain started to uncontrollably pour from the sky. It wasnt rain, it was much worse, thunder.

Oh i give up at this point, its like God is against me and Ren.

"Well, we should head home now, dont you think" Jeno commented and Renjun agreed.

"Well today was fun wasnt it" Jeno said randomly, to fill the silence that filled the room. Once they arrived home, the two did their night time routines, climbed into bed, with Jeno immediately removing his shirt, and Renjun giving him a look.

"I guess it was" Renjun answered, looking down, as he had had enough of shirtless Jeno.

"Do you feel heavier"
"I suppose, but i dont wanna get too fat"
"No one does, but maybe it will benefit you. Stand up. Im gonna weigh you"
"Do you not have a weighing scale"
"I do, i just cant be bothered to fish it out of the rubbish i have in this apartment"
"Ok then"

Renjun stood of, quickly followed by Jeno. He wrapped his hands around the other's waist and started to lift him. He did feel heavier, but it was too subtle to realise

Renjun stared down at Jeno. In that moment he looked so much like boyfriend material. In fact, most moments he looked like boyfriend material.

Jeno however had a different thought. Seeing Renjun above him like this looking down on him reminded him of something, something he'd rather forget.

Tears began to form in Jeno's eyes as he let Renjun down from the sky. Ren was really confused, What made him cry?

"Jeno, look at me" Renjun said, placing his hand on his head and redirecting the other's eyes
"Why you crying"

"S-seeing you up there remindded me of that tuesday when" Jen cried, giving off more tears. That was all Ren needed. He took his finger and rubbed away his tears.

"Shhh, no more crying. You've changed. Your no longer that Jeno" These reassuring words cheered up Jeno's sprit a little. He looked at Ren's sparkling eyes, and plunged himself into a warm embrace with him.

It was adorable.

Once they were out of the hug, they stood face to face. A beautiful opportunity to kiss, they tried


Renjun's phone dinged, receiving a new notification.

"Who's it off?"
"It says unknown number"

«Unknown Number»


Who are you?

You should know who i am, Renjun?

How do you know my name?"

You've met me before

Whats your name?

You dont need to know,
Im coming for you?


"Who is it?"
"I think, the people did the hit and run found my number"


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