Part 3

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"NUDE" The class screamed at Mr Lee's new assignment.

"Yes Nude photography and painting, Its not that big of a deal. Well maybe for your teenage brains, but this is very important in the photography and art world.  Mr Jung will explain all of this in more detail. Your class is about to finish for your lunch"

"Can you explain that Mr Lee, Mr Jung is boring as hell"

"First Kun, dont speak out of turn. Secondly Dont say that about my fiancé. Thirdly"

"FIANCEEEE" The class screamed.

"Ok yes Mr Jung is now my fiance. I know it was boyfriend last time we saw you but things change. But thats irrelevant so-"

*Ding Ding Ding*

"Oh well thats the bell, see you next lesson"

Renjun quickly left the classroom, And the photography building. He ran to where he would find his best friend, the english building.

"Urgh where is he" Renjun franctically searched the buildings to find the tanned male. The pink hair made him stand out even more, but he just couldnt find him.

"Ahhh so scary" Renjun said, sarcastically but not really.

"Cmon lets go to lunch"

"So spill, what happened on the first lesson" Renjun asked, sipping on his noodles.
"Well, i had literature with Mr Moon, and Mark said he wanted to go on a date today"

"Ooh that should be fun. Well let me tell you about my day so far. Mr Lee just told use our first assignment is about nude photography and painting soo..."

"NUDE PHOTOGRAPHY AND PAINTING" The entire ramen shop went silent. This was just the amazing thing they needed to hear while eating ramen.

"Sorry. Go back to your lives" Immediately the shop became filled with talking.

"Still though, nude. Sure your teacher isnt high on something"
"I hope he is. But we werent told what we had to do."

It was now time for their next class, photography with Mr Jung. Renjun was again in this class, the best student, and so was favoured by Mr Jung and got a special welcome upon entering the class.

The other students wanted to hate him. But they just couldnt.

"So as Mr Lee has mentioned, your first assignment is to do with nude photography and painting. Time to explain.

So your first step. Find a model. I dont want to make you students do anything with your model so they must be male. It could be a fellow students, but it cant be yourself.

Ah the demonstration has arrived"

There stood the demonstration, also known as Mr Lee.

"Gather round humans. So this is a brief representation of what you will do. You will have your model sit with a white background and take some photos"

Mr Lee sat down and Mr Jung proceeded to take some photos of him. Fortunately he was fully clothed, because both teachers would have likely been fired if he wasnt.

"Obviously your model wont be fully clothed, but this is just a demonstration. Then with the power of editing you make your photos into magazine covers, cutting out the private parts.

But once thats done, you choose your best photo and paint that. Higher marks for better details. Understood"

"Yes sir" The class said in unison.

"So, whats this assignment all about"
"Well..." Renjun began explaining the task to Donghyuck and he cant say he wasnt shocked.

"So where are you gonna find a model"
"Thats the part im stuck on. I hoped walking home would give me an idea"

"Ooh why dont i be your model"
"You dont exactly have the best body- PWEASEE DONT KILL ME"

"Ah brutally honest, your getting there"
"Oh shut up"

The two gave eachother some light, friendly punches before continuing with their walk. For the first time, Renjun was stumped. He had never failed to impress with an assignment, but this was the new level.

"Wait. Renjun shut up i have a great idea."
"Cant relate"
"Didnt i just say shut up"
"Ok fine ill be quiet"

"Get someone from the sports team to model"


"Yes, but not now, its a good idea."

"Did you not here my rant about how rubbish everyone was on the sports team"
"Yes i heard, its everybody but one"

"Jaemin dummy. Ask Jaemin to be your model."

"I dont know he seems like a busy guy and-"
"Nothing would hurt from asking."

Renjun thought about this for second. He was considering it. Jun could never see min as he was always with Jeno

Jeno, that worthless fuckboy, can he just go away for like a decade, no a century.
But, this is not Jeno, its Jaemin. Im sure he wouldnt mind a few hours away from that soul sucking demon.

"Yea ok why not. Ill head over now. Training should be over in 15 minutes so. Come with me, ill need help in case Jeno tries to interfere"

"Like i wasnt going to come anyways. Lets go then"

Training was now over, the sports students should be leaving the building. Renjun searched the premisis, no Jaemin to be found.

"Jun, isnt that him" Hyuck elbowed him, causing him to flinch. He then pointed to Jaemin in the distance, walking by himself

"Ok im gonna head over, you watch the perimeter to see if any Jeno's enter the 10 meter radius of me and Jaemin. If he does send a it."


While Donghyuck hid behind a pole, Renjun walked up to Jaemin.

"Hi Renjun"
"Hi Jaemin. Can you do me a favour, its ok if you dont want to though"
"Ok, what is it"

"So basically......"

While all of this was going on, Donghyuck was watching intently, until something distracted him.

"Hyuck, what are you doing here"
"Mark why are you here"
"I asked you first"
"But im more important"

This went on and Donghyuck eventually lost focus of what he was meant to be doing.

"So what do you think" Renjun was expecting a rejection

And he got one.

"Im so sorry Renjun, the holiday got the better of my weight and unless you want to be drawing rolls, then i cant do it"

"Ill do it"

A voice came from behind. The two turned around to identify the human



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