Part 9

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"Boyfriend? BOYFRIEND" Jaemin screamed. It was the day after Renjun went to hospital and all that happened. And now, while Renjun's doing some after school work regarding his assignment, Jaemin is at Jeno's, currently screaming in his face.

"Listen i can explain Jaemin"
"Oh you better explain before i punch you"

Jeno gave Jaemin a 'Rethink your life choices' look.

"Ok maybe i cant punch you. But explain yourself"

"Fine, but ill give you a little backstory. I

Like Renjun"

This statement made Jaemin spit out his broiling hot tea right onto Jeno, who screamed in pain.

"Whoops im sorry" Jaemin exclaimed, grabbing 40 or so paper towels from his bag and wiping the tea.

"Where did you get these from"
"I learned it from my parents, but thats irrelevant. You like RENJUN. Then why did you say i was your boyfriend"

"I DIDNT KNOW FOR SURE ABOUT MY FEELINGS THEN. SO I JUST MADE UP SOME RANDOM EXCUSE" Jeno shouted, not seeing the look of fear or Jaemin's face. "Sorry"

"Its fine, But are you going to tell him"
"Definetely, just not now. I wanna make sure he feels the same"
"Are you sure he doesnt? I mean from what you told me, it seems you two had a bit of a moment saturday evening"

"Ok first off, who says evening. Secondly I just want to make sure so if i get rejected i wont take it too badly. You of all people should know when i get hurt i cry like a baby"

"That is true. But what if he does feel the same?  and once he heard you say that he decided to move on? What you gonna do then?"

"Simple. Im not gonna make him move on. Im gonna be so close to him you could mistake us for being in a relationship"

"Well you better do it well"
"Dont worry i will"

Renjun knocked on the front door and was let in by Jeno, who was a little too eager to see him.

"Hi Renjun, how were you"
"Im great, i got most of my assignment finished, i did the modelling, and painting. I just need to the editing, which is wednesday"

"Well, we have practise on wednesday so we can see you and ......." Jeno stopped in his footsteps and looked at Renjun

"Who modelled for you?"

"Oh, Mr Jung. I hate to admit it but he has a nice body"

"Uh- Nevermind, what you feeling for dinner"

Four days have passed. Renjun stayed at Jeno's for all of them, fearing what could happen if he
returned. After Jeno said about his 'boyfriend', the pair's relationship was a bit tense, but still very caring and compassionate.

It was now saturday. Jeno decided to treat Renjun, for a few reasons

- To congratulate him for getting top of the class on his assignment, Although he was still salty that he wasnt the model that got him the best
- To take his mind off the stress regarding his belongings
- To make him gain some more weight so his ribcage was less visible
- To make Renjun want him.

"Renjun" Jeno asked, to which the other looked up from his book

"Do you wanna go eat somewhere"
"What's the occasion"
"Do i need an occasion, im just treating you"

"Ok where"
"Some place, where you can eat a lot"

"I think as a friend i should be conscious about your weight"
"Well ok then"

"When you meant eat a lot, i didnt know you meant 'all you can eat buffet' a lot"

"Something wrong, Re- Ren- Urghhhhh your name is soo long. I need a shorter thing to call you, hmmm"

"Anything but shitbag i suppose" Renjun mumbled to himself, and Jeno overheard

"What was that?"

"Oh nothing, how about Ren"

"Ren, i like it. Hi Ren"

"Hang on a minute" Renjun shushed Jeno. "It comes with a catch"

"And what is that" Jeno said in a sarcastic tone, indicating he will probably not follow through with it

"I get to call you Jen"

Jen. I like that. Not only cuz Ren made it, but because they match. Its perfect.

"Deal. Now hurry your little ass up"

Jeno linked arms with Renjun and lightly pulled him to the front desk, leaving Renjun to think.

How did he change so quickly

It really was that fast. For Ren, Jen had stages of how good and bad he was, and he managed to pass all of them in the matter of two weeks or so. The stages ranged from :

- Satan Incarnation
- I am going to kill you
- I want to kill you
- Despise
- Truly hate
- Hate
- Ok but the bad part of Ok
- Neutral
- Ok but the good bit of Ok
- Semi friend
- Friend
- Friend for life
- Protective Friend
- Amazing Friend

The only one he hasnt passed was boyfriend. But who knows.

Once the two found a table, Renjun had no problem diving straight into eating. Jeno found it adorable, for a matter of fact, anything Renjun did Jeno found adorable.

Jeno was about to head for a plate, when he gets stopped by a call

"Oh hi"
"Thats a shame"
"Thats good to hear"
"We'll be there tonight. Thank you"

"Who was that" Ren asked, putting Jen into shock.

"Sorry, but who was it"

"Ren, lets get your stuff back"


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