Part 16

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"And that should do it" Jeno stated as the ropes loosened and he was free. He gave his joints a little wiggle and a smile let his face.

"Good. Keep a low profile. They are equipped with whacking. And free me" Jaemin whined as he shaked in his chair.

"Fine" Jeno brought his pocket knife to the back of Jaemin's chair and started to saw the rope. Once Jaemin was free he jumped im excitement.

"Umm hello? The people who have been in here for more than one day?" Renjun tried to get Jeno's attention.

"Dont worry im getting to you. But ill do Donghyuck first. He's been in here for like a week or two." Jeno walked over to Donghyuck's chair and cut his ropes open. When he was free he gave his muscles a good stretch. He was only allowed out of the ropes once a day to go to the bathroom.

"Free me now!!" Renjun complained.
"If you keep on whining then I'll just keep you here"
"Of course im freeing you Ren, dont be stupid"

The ropes were all now cut. Renjun leaped from his chair to hug Jeno. It took him by surprise but once he adjusted to it he loved it. Renjun's soft arms wrapped tightly around his waist was a sensation he longed to have.

"Cmon we can hug later. Now we need to get out of here"

"Too late" The masked assisstants said as they started to flood into the room. There were only 4 but it felt like 8. It was a male voice so it wasnt Irene, but they were all well built.

"Lets get them" On queue the four started to attack the other four. It was a showdown.

In one corner you have Jaemin. He found the box with all their personals, took out his phone and earphones and as the person was about to tackle him. He made a quick dodge, Kicked the male to the wall and began to rot his ears with music, full volume. Was it effective, not really. He was just trying to preach the word of God.

Corner two Renjun. He was paired with the least built of the masked men, but he was still well built. Ren was one of those 'Im too scared to hit you so i dodge and you hit yourself' people and it was working. Once the masked male was at a breaking point, he took the belt from his waist and started to whip him. Civil? Not in the slightest. But he did get quite the thrill from it.

Corner Three Donghyuck. He was paired with the bulkiest of the bunch and once he lunged towards him, he stopped him in his tracks
"You seem tense, do you want to talk about it"
The male nodded and Hyuck began his way of defeating the man, talking with the other about his problems and trying to resolve it.

And Finally, the only one actually trained for this. He started off with a simple kick to the private areas, then what Jeno considered a 'light abrasion to the face' and then finished it off by throwing a vase at them. That seemed to do the trick


A bullet came right passed Renjun. It was Irene, with a gun.

"Stop This. Either I take Jeno away or Renjun gets it"

This scared Jeno. He was so indecisive that he just refused to make up a decision when Jaemin asked him. He wanted Renjun to be safe, but he also wanted to be with him.

"Jeno, dont do this, Im not worth it" Ren tried to convince Jen that his life was the right decision.

Jeno looked Renjun in the eyes. He saw the same twinkle he saw everytime he looked in the eyes. Those eyes. Diamonds

He couldnt lose bear to see him dead.

"Take me, Spare Renjun"


"Very well" Irene said as she grabbed Jeno by the arms. "Any last words"

"Yes. Donghyuck, i dont really know you but you seem like an amazing person. I hope you comfort Renjun well when im gone. I wish you an Mark the best of relationships and you are adorable. I love your pink hair"

"Jaemin. Your my best friend. You have been with me since say one. I just love you so much and hope you will find someone like me. Promise me that you will find me and even if its when we are in purgatory, we will play with clouds together. Promise?"


"Renjun, where do i even start. Im so sorry i was so näive for four years and didnt know how shit i treated you. You have been the greatest roomate I could ever ask for. Your unbelievably sweet, adorable and i love just staring at you. And Im sorry i didnt say this sooner but I L-"

"Enough of that" Irene interrupted as she started to put duck tape over Jeno's mouth. She then took him to the back door and loaded Jeno into the car. "Dont think about chasing after me. Don't forget that im armed"

Renjun just stood there. He was speechless after what his eyes just witnessed. Jeno was now

out of his life. Like he wished for so many days. But it felt different. Worse.

"Hello whats your emergency"
"125 in Dream Town in the U district. We have more intel on the Hit and Run case and have caught some people"
"Ok we have sent some police officers. They will be there shortly. Try to keep the people contained."
"On it"

Irene didnt even bother putting handcuffs on Jeno or tying him his hands up as she was so confident with her plan.

"Why do you even need me. I thought i was 'our of your league"

"Kai dumped me for Seulgi, so i needed someone back to show that he made the wrong decision"

"Urgh whatever"

Jeno tried looking around for something to be his saving grace. Nothing. And if he did try to escape, Irene was armed with a gun so he just needed to see what she had in stock for him. One thing for sure that he knew

Jeno picked up a bottle of perfume

Irene was hella dumb


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