Part 19

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The last few days together was Golden. Court was on saturday and Renjun got all of his stuff back on Sunday. Nights were spent snuggled together watching Love Alarm and small kisses to prove their love.

Never had Renjun thought his dream would be real. It didnt feel real. Too dreamlike to be real.


"Ow Renjun what the fuckkk"
"Sorry. I just had to prove you were real"
"Why wouldnt i be"
"This seem too dreamy to be real"
"Well i am real, are you happy"

Renjun ended placing a small peck on Jeno's cute nose, which ended in more kisses under the blanket. They were adorable.

"Jeno i brought over the cookies you asked for and holy shi- are they having it"

In Jaemin's defence, the two were moving a lot under that blanket and every once in a while Renjun would let out a soft, breathy moan

Both Ren and Jen went silent after hearing Jaemin's voice

"Its fine, your cookies are on the table, Ill leave you to destroy Renjun's ass"

Jeno flipped over the blanket and ran after Jaemin like it was a wild goose chase. While Renjun just stared in complete awe

Wow he really loves his friends. I fell for the right person

"Ok why did you bring me here?" Jeno asked as he clinged onto Renjun as he was being pulled from store to store.

"Cuz i need things. They took alot of my stuff that i need for school and other stuff so be quiet"

"Yea yea" Jeno brushed off as he looked at Renjun who looked at his list
"Ew who does lists"
"Me now if you regret spending time with me I..."
"Nononono i love you"
"Thats what i thought"
"Shut up"

They went from store to store, Jeno choosing the cheap things but Renjun declining and choosing the high quality ones

After buying all the things he needed. He checked the list for the last item.

"I dont have enough to buy the camera"
"I could always-"
"You dont have to. My phone is just as good as a camera"
"How much is the camera you already had"

"Here its this one. My parents bought it for me but that and the one i want are too out of my budget"

"Well thats too sad. But minus the camera is there anything else"

"One more thing"
"And what is that"

Ramen was over. It tasted exaclty like how Renjun made it, so it was delicious. Jeno just called Jaemin to call the two a taxi and so they waited with their bags.

The taxi came and they loaded their stuff in. Now on the way home, Renjun could get comfortable. He took of his scarf off and rested his head on Jeno's lap. Immediately he could feel something rise

Ren laughed. "Does this turn you on"
"Do i have to answer"
"I mean it seems your cock did the answering for you"
"Ok yes this turns me on"

Renjun smiled as he rested on Jeno's erection, giving it a small kiss before he sat back up.

"Dont act like you didnt enjoy it"

This silenced Jeno and made him blush. He did enjoy it but i mean Renjun didnt seem like the horny type.

Jeno why are you acting like he hasnt seen that area before

But while lost in his thoughts he didnt notice Renjun's warm embrace so when he was brought back to reality he enjoyed every last moment of it.

Jeno looked over and lifted Renjun's warm chin to face his own face. He wanted to kiss him, no. He was going to kiss him.

Jeno slowly leaned in and was greeted by the softest lips he's ever felt. Ren cupped the back of his head and scooched closer to deepen the kiss.

Jeno's hungry lips feasted on Renjun's butterflies. Once he was stuffed he refreshed himself by diving deeper into Ren's mouth and sucking all the greatness out. Jeno had is eyes closed so he couldnt see if Renjun liked it, but from the moans he produced he was certain he did.

Ren and Jen arrived home, placed their bags aside as they continued their kiss. They got sick of the kiss and went to go make dinner and overall that night was beautiful.

While nomming on their food, Jeno had an idea

"How bout we go on a walk tonight"
"At like 11pm at night"
"Yea its not gonna be busy"
"Yea ok. But let me finish my food"

All wrapped up, they left the apartment and went for their evening stroll. No particular destination. Just walking.

Soon walking found them in a small alleyway cut off from the rest of humanity. Jen looked over at Ren. Even though he was all wrapped up, he looked freezing.

"Here Renjun, borrow my hat" He said while placing the hat over his ears.

Renjun smiled, but struggled to find any words to express his feelings, so they just kept on walking. Then all of a sudden


BAAM. The heavens opened and rain started flowing down from the sky

"Well thats great"

So they continued to walk. And wall more. This was like a walk of memories for the both of them

"Does this feel familiar" Jeno asked to break the silence between the two.

"Actually, it does. When we were walking home from the hospital and then all of that happened, yea it does feel familiar"

"Renjun, Can i just say something"
"Yea go ahead"

"Im really glad that i stopped bullying you. I guess that means im glad that you got hurt but whatever. Can you promise me that you wont ever leave me"

"I thought it was a given that i would never leave you"

"Was it?"
"It is now. I promise to never leave you"

The rain posed no threat to the warmth of the hug they had. Renjun clinged tightly around Jeno's waist and in his mind he was finally at ease

Ok Renjun lets review Jeno

Full name: Lee Jeno
Age: Same as me
Qualities: Kind, hot, adorable, a ball of fluff

Now lets see if he's the ideal boyfriend

- Good Kisses
- Attractiveness
- Good in bed - We're getting there
- Brutally honest
- Gives the best compliments
- Gives the best hugs
- Loves me

Yep. Ideal. I chose the right person.


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