Part 18

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Thats one way Renjun described the kiss as, Overdue. Other words were : Passionate, Needed, Soft, the list goes on.

Renjun had too little time to process the words and before Renjun could answer Jeno's question, he was pulled back in for another kiss.

Jeno cupped Renjun's cheek and moved his fluffy brown hair to the side. Ren softly moaned, making Jen flustered.

They proceeded to kiss more, feeling every part of eachother's body, while leaving hints that the two had found love from eachother. Never had Renjun seen Jeno, so romantic? It was clear Jeno wasnt good at Romance, but after all this kissing, it was like seeing someone in a whole different perspective after you've fallen for them.

Finally, the small acts of love the two shared over the past month made sense.

The tie that was once on Renjun's neck soon came off and although it was a hard task, Renjun and Jeno began to unbutton eachother's shirts. Their lips refusing to part ways.

And Renjun at last found the best word to describe the kiss and entire scene for that matter


The two would pull away, only to resume where they left off. In between kisses they would have small converstions that cleared up all the confusion Renjun had.

"S-So your not with Jaemin - Ngh"
"No i lied"
"But why"
"I guess i was just scared of being rejected"
"I hope your not scared now"
"Nope, im blessed"

With force, Jeno pushed Renjun onto the sofa and took off, almost ripped off his belt, loosening his pants. While waiting, Renjun did the same.

But it had already been enough time since their lips last touched so Jeno closed the gap. And soon the suits that used to be on their bodies were reduced to underwear. What they originally started with.

It didnt have to last that long. The kiss would make up for all the times that their kiss was interrupted. But what felt like 3 minutes was actually 9. Did they mind? Not in the slightest.

Renjun loved it. It wasnt as rough as rocks but it wasnt as soft as butterflies. Like ..... Rock-Butterflies? It didnt make any sense. Like Renjun cared about anything else at that moment. He had his Jeno, finally, and that was all he needed.

Jeno trailed down Renjun's less bony body, leaving purple marks everywhere he touched. The sensation was glorious. A new sensation that would be added onto 'Renjun's favourite sensations' list. Others Include:

- Jeno's presence
- Jeno staring at him
- Jeno's arms around him
- Jeno in general

Yea he had a thing for Jeno.

Alas, Renjun's underwear. Jeno wanted to just take it off, but he didnt feel it was right without permission. Renjun was enjoying the moment too much to notice, so when he looked down at Jeno poking his cock to see if it would spring back, he was naturally shocked.

Unlike some people, Renjun wasnt proud of that area. Once he quickly caught sight of what was happening, Ren lifted Jen's chin up and looked into his eyes

"Jeno, maybe not now. We have to be in Court soon"
"Its in 5 hours. I didnt even know why i agreed to change this early"
"Because i told you to. Besides we can do other things while we wait like transfer my stuff to my apartment"

Court was over. And it went like...

"Witness one, Lee Donghyuck. Now you were the first victim of these people. So tell me the things that they have done to you"

"Oh Judge Yuta let me tell you. So first off, they hit me with their car and it really hurt. Then once i left hospital they knocked my baby Mark unconscious and threw a black bin over me and kidnapped me. IF THAT ISNT ABSURD I DONT KNOW WHAT IS.

Then once i woke up I was tied to a chair and they fed me a nut a day and two cups of water. A NUT A DAY DOESNT SATISFY MY INSATIABLE HUNGER. AND ON TOP OF ALL OF THAT. THIS WOMAN MADE RENJUN SUFFER. I SAY PUBLIC EXECUTION OR BURNING OR-"

Yuta didnt want to hear any more of this nonsese so he used that hammer to silence the tanned male. It worked

"Ok our Second witness. Na Jaemin. What is your evidence against Miss Irene"

"Am i even relevant to the story"


"Our third witness, Huang Renjun. Tell me your side of the story and why she should be behind bars"

Talking about stuff like this always made Renjun shaky and emotional. So through the entire of this speech he was teary eyed and his legs were shaking.

"W-well. Her minions hit me with their car and took my stuff. Then continued to traumatize me with texts and then kidnapped me and took my money" By this point he reached for the handkercheif in his pocket to wipe his tears

Jeno looked over at him
Why The fuck is he crying. Oh he's adorable

"And then they tortured me and tortured me more and then they took Jeno away and then he returned and then..."

He was a wreck at this point. He plunged his head into hands and broke down.

Yuta did not have time to put up with this. So he called his last witness up to speak

"And witness four, Lee Jeno. So tell me. What has Irene done to deserve punishment"

"Well First off she hit two people with a car and took their belongings. She put the lives of people in so many danger and Renjun had to live in fear of what might happen to him. When they were kidnapped she would torture them unhumanly. All because she wanted me back for her own"

"I see the trauma you and all of you have experienced. Irene what do you have to say to prove you arent guilty"


A deafening silence filled the court. It was so loud yet disturbingly quiet. And Yuta took this as a sign that she is guilty

"Very Well. Irene you and all your henchmen get 20 years in prison. And your 7 year old minion gets juvenile detention until he comes of age. Case dismissed"

They were now back at Jeno's apartment. This was the last the last week that Renjun would sleep here. So Jeno wanted the make the most of his time here before school started again.

"So Ren, we have a week before we go back. What do you want to do"
"Jeno. Its 11pm. We cant really do much. And i havent eaten since breakfast which was 13 hours ago"

Jeno had a long thought. The perfect meal to serve the two.

"Ready for nostolgia"
"Take a shower, Im making dumplings"


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