Part 15

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"JAEMINNNNN! THIS ISNT FUNNY" Jeno tried and tried calling out for the male, but it was pointless. It was like he just vanished.

Jen started to panic a lot more. He put house 127 on pause and started to search where Jaemin was standing just a few minutes ago. There wasnt much place he could of went, but then where did he go? In a car? No there were barely any cars and when Jeno checked the one that were there, he wasnt.

"Urgh ill find him later. Back to 127" Jeno bit his lip in fear and ran back to 127. He took a deep breath.....

*Knock Knock*

"Hi Jeno, what brings you here"

Jeno just stood there. Jeno's father had left his mother and moved away, but he never told anyone where.

"Something wrong?"
"You didnt happen to steal an adorable looking man"
"No? Why?"
"Do you mind if i search around?" Jeno asked as he looked over his father's shoulder
"If it proves my innocence then go on"

Jeno walked in the door and frantically started to search each room. But it was just normal, nothing suspicious or out the normal

"Jeno explain to me whats going on and how did you find me"

"Well...." Jeno began to explain his story. How Renjun and Jaemin was kidnapped and he thought his list was a sort of clue. But it didnt seem like this. So the list was really just a list and not a secret message. Jeno pulled his sleeve to wipe his tear

"aHA. Care to explain"
"Jeno, its a kitchen knife"
"The exact one i saw in the video"
"Its the only brand in the town"

The only brand in the town. So they must be near. And the Jaemin incident just confirmed their whereabouts. Ok this is a waste of time.

"Ok im gonna go now"
"Ok bye Jeno, hope you find him"

Jeno walked out of the front door, or at least tried to. His father pulled him back in to wipe his tears and give him some motivational words. Which he needed at this point.

"Thanks. I love you."
"Love you too. Come visit"
"I will"

Jeno walked out with a sad look. He sniffles to try and contained his tears. He lost Renjun, and Jaemin. What was he going to do now. Jeno had never felt this down, but now he did it was uncontrollable. He brought his body to the walk and started to tear up. The world didnt make sense at this point. Even his waterproof coat was getting wet from the amount of tears coming down from his eyes

"ngh what have i done to deserve this"


That sounds a lot like Renjun. I must be hearing his voice in my head. Wait.

Jeno brought his face up to the window. The blinds were covering what was going on, but he could just make out

Renjun! Jaemin! Haechan!



"Urghh how am i going to get in" He looked up and the answer appeared infront of him

*Knock Knock*

"Dad can i borrow a ladder*


It made a louder bang than he hoped. But that did not matter. He was in. Jeno checked his surroundings to see any if any peeping tom's were watching him. Nothing. A good sign. Jen tip toed to the hatch and opened i-


"Shit" he cursed under his breath. Opening that hatch made a louder sound than Jeno hoped. But that didnt matter. Jeno kept repeating 'Im fairly well built, i can do this' as a sort of motivation.

Out of the attic

Through the corridor

Down the stairs

Around the edge

Shit. Back around the edge

There they were. Tied to the chairs and no hope in their eyes.

Deep breaths Jeno. Deep breaths. You can do this.





Renjun's eyes were badly beaten, but once they locked on Jeno, there was no going back

The masked unnamed person had his back to Jeno, so it was the perfect opportunity for a


"Oh that was easier than I-"



"Wha- Where am I. How did i get here and whY AM I TIED UP"

"I told you to look out" Renjun unamusingly commented.
"There were people behind you and they whacked you with a frying pan"

"Urgh i give up. What happened. Why are you guys here"

"Well... The person hasnt said much regarding that topic. But it seems they were after you"
Jaemin contributed to the conversation. Hyuck had nothing to say, he was too traumatised by all thats been happening

"what WHY?"

"I can explain that" The ringleader of the masked people came in to the room and stared intimately into Jeno's eyes.


"Oh you should know exaclty how i am" She said, revealing her female voice to Jeno.

She took of her mask.....



"Jeno? Jeno" Renjun tried calling out to see if he had regained consciousness

"Agghhh im awake. What happened?"

"You got whacked. Anyways Who's Irene"

Jeno took a deep breath and explained his story.

Irene was his girlfriend for quite some time. She was one of those 'Im dating you to boost my popularity' girls and only used Jeno to make herself. She was mean, manipulative, cold, but hella attractive and thats what kept Jeno with her. But overtime she grew 'out of his league' and left him

"Andd.." Jeno reached into his pocket

And pulled out a pocket knife

"She's hella dumb"


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