Part 5

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Wednesday came and fell, no Jeno interfered with his life

Thursday saw the light, and saw the end and still Jeno did not disturb him once

Friday. No Jeno in his life. Renjun couldnt say it felt bad, it was amazing, but he was so used to Jeno's schemes that it was hard to picture life without it.

This was an insight into what his life was going to be like. No Jeno, no bullying, no shitbag. It felt different. Worse? Renjun still couldnt figure that out.

It was now Friday night. Renjun lay in his bed staring at a wall, picturing every possible scenario that could happen tomorrow. He hasnt seen him for 3 straight days. Was he even alive? Renjun decided to give him a text

- Jeno 🖕🏼-

Jeno, Are you alive?

Last time i checked, What now shitbag

Sorry about Tuesday

You should be
Whered you go?

Ok im here. Anyways, are you still coming

I do promises dont worry.
See you then, shitbag.

"Urghhh for goodness sake can he stop calling me that" Renjun screamed, shaking the room. The shake caught him by surprise and he waited for the it to calm down.

"I should probably clean up the place, just so sloppy doesnt join the list of adjectives he has to describe me." Renjun leaped out of his bed and started to clean his apartment.

"Wow, there really isnt much to clean" Renjun circled the house 3 times but found minimal mess.

"Hmm dont i need a white wall" Renjun asked himself. He frantically found his pile of blank paper and began sticking them to the wall.

"Why am i in a rush" Renjun face palmed himself.

"Oh i give up" Renjun wasnt usually like this. He was usually calm, relaxed and focused. But Jeno made him freak out on a whole different level. He placed the paper and then went back into bed. Curled up in a ball before dozing off to sleep.


Renjun awoke at 7:18. It wasnt his usual waking time for a saturday, but it gave him time to prepare for Jeno's arrival.

He was about to enter the shower, but as he placed a hand on the door knob, he had a long thought

Am i actually doing this. Jeno, Lee Jeno, My bully for 4 years now is coming to my house and i have to see him NUDE. What have i gotten my self into, oh Huang Renjun you're alwayd in a pickle. Why cant i live a life of normality. Is that even a word. Urghhh just take a shower already

That marked the end of his thoughts. He entered the shower and began to refresh himself.

*Knock Knock*

"aaAHH HE'S HERE" Renjun screamed, before slapping himself back to reality. He slowly worked up the courage, walked over to the door.

"Lets get this done and over with"

Jeno walked in and started to examine the living quarters.

"How clean can this be, are you a germaphobe or something"

Shit. I was too caught up in making it look nice i made it too nice. And now im germaphope, well done Renjun.

"Ok so let me explain what im doing. Your gonna sit there and im gonna photograph you. Then if i dont need you for anything else you can go"

"Urgh thats gonna take ages"
"It will if you keep on complaining"

"Everything's ready now. You just need to umm"

"Out in the open?"
"No, how dumb can you be"

"Not dumber than you"
"Yea right" Renjun mumbled under his breath

"What was that?"
"Nothing, the bathroom's there. Here use this towel to cover your, that"

While Jeno was changing out of his clothes, Renjun gave himself some mental notes

Ok Renjun, Jeno is right there, and whatever you do, dont stare at his, that. Just take the photos, and then he goes.

Renjun waited slowly for Jeno to come out of the bathroom. There he was. Lee Jeno, nude in Renjun's house

How did my life end up like this

"Ok now take off the towel and sit on the chair"

Jeno was a bit hesitant, actually he was very hesitant. Did he want to do this, not really. Did he want to never see Renjun, that was still up for debate. Once he was finally ready, he took the towel off and sat down.

Renjun took his camera and started to photo Jeno, trying his best not to stare further down from his chest, but without even looking he knew

he had a big one.

"A-Are you staring at my..."
"Hurry up and do this"
"Im doing it"

Renjun tried to not look. He just needed to take the photos and leave.

"Urghh stop moving"
"Dont tell me what to do shitbag"

Renjun wanted to curse at him so bad. He had the scenario invisioned that a bullet will go throught the lens and kill Jeno, but it never did.

"Ok thats it"
"Few now i can go and you wont ever be in m-"
"Now to get the water"
"The wa-what now"

"Urgh did i not explain to you, this water is basically just for the editing bit"

Renjun grabbed the water and turned went to the back of Jeno

"Do i just pour it"
"Well duh, dumbass"
"Well sorry i havent done this before"
"Urgh just let me do it"
"No i dont trust you"

This bickering went on for a minute or two, the two continuously snatching the cup from one another until finally, it spilled all over Jeno

"Well done shitbag"
"Wait, shut up, this is perfect. Dont move"

Renjun retreated back to the camera lens, and then removed his face from it and gave Jeno a look.

"Omg put the cup away"
"Well i cant cuz the water will run off"
"Throw it"

Jeno couldnt dent it, he was scared of Renjun. So he did what he was asked to do, he threw it, landing in the sink.

"Are you gonna take it"
"Oh yeah"


"Ok its done now you can leave, get out of my life now"

"Ok im going"


"I stand corrected"


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