Bonus Chapter

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"Jeno where are we going?" Renjun whined in his seat. It was their spring break and Jeno had dragged Renjun somewhere that he didnt know.

"Well, its better to see it. We're nearly here so be patient" Jeno answered, keeping his eyes on the road.

"But its dark, so wherever we are going is probably closed"

"Nope. 2 more minutes"

Renjun slumped in his chair on his phone. This car ride had already lasted 4 hours and he was sick of it. All Jeno had said was

'Well your gonna enjoy it'

Like what kind of information was that. And by what Jeno brought with him and what he told Renjun to bring. Are they? No. Renjun had a dislike towards camping ever since he went with Donghyuck and lets not talk about that

2 minutes of overthinking and he didnt even notice they arrived. Renjun was still lost in thought and Jeno didnt know how to get his attention.



"IM AWAKE" Renjun said shocked.
"We're here" Jeno said pointing to outside the car. It was a flat peice of land with a beautiful, purple, starry sky. Renjun loved it.

"Surprise. Hope you like camping"
"Oh i love it" He lied. But with this scenery and Jeno, how could he not.

"Ok. You go take as many photos as you want. I'll set up our tent and make dinner"


The photos were taken. Although he wouldnt get the best photos with just his phone, it would do. They had dinner which was soup and dumplings and were now cuddled around the fire together roasting marshmallows.

"How were your photos."
"Oh they were nice. Just wish i had a better camera"

"Oh yeah. Wait here" Jeno climbed back imto the tent and pulled out a box covered with wrapping paper.

"I was meant to give you this for christmas but i didnt have enough money. Here open it"

Renjun was shocked. It wasnt his birthday. It wasnt any special day, just a tuesday night. He opened the present

"No way...."
It was a diary

and the camera.

"Jenooo, you didnt have to"
"But i wanted to" He wrapped his arm around Renjun and finished eating his marshmallow.

"Are you done eating?" Ren asked as he looked over at Jeno"
"We're going to take photos"

The photos were taken

———The photos were taken

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They looked amazing. The way the sky lit up the water was just chefs kiss.

Now they were back in the tent. Jeno put out the fire and they were snuggled together in the blankets.

"Woahhh, i can not eat anything else" Renjun complained. His stomach wasnt hurting but he could use a little rest.

"I could eat" Jeno commented

"You didnt let me finish"
"Go on then"

"I could eat..." Jeno goes up to Renjun's ear and whispers "You"

Renjun's hair stood up.

"Oh you horny peice of shit"

"Can we"

"Pweeaaseeeee" Jeno pouted in the most adorable way known to man. Renjun wanted to resist, he tried his very best. But no. He gave in

"Finee" Jeno's face lit up and he leaped over to Renjun and hovered over his body while their lips moved in sync.

"You know me so well"
"I love you so much too"

Renjun woke up incredibly sore. His back was hurting and his crotch felt like it was going to come off.

"Ok Renjun lets review becuase we like reviewing alot.

- Jeno brought you somewhere and you didnt know where
- You are camping and had an amazing time
- Jeno bought you a diary the camera you always wanted
- And Finally, you lost virginhood and had sex with Jeno and you woke up naked"

Jeno overhood Renjun's ranting and woke up.

Mid rant, Renjun felt a warm arm surround his bare body. The only other person who was there was Jeno so he assumed it was him

"Ren, calm down. Its 7am in the morning. And stop ranting. If you want to rant, write in the diary i gave you"

"Oh yeah"

For a few minutes the two nude males just sat there, Jeno running his fingers through Renjun's silky hair and cupping his cheeks. It made Renjun's heart flutter. To be fair, If Jeno did this to anyone their heart would flutter.

"Ren, I love you. Everything about you"
Jeno ended as he brought Renjun into another warm embrace.

Not one inch of Renjun's face wasnt covered in Jeno's kisses and he liked it that way. Their bodies were brought closer together and their privates touched. It was a weird sensation, but one he could get used to

"I love you too Jeno. So much"

"Your mine"


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