Part 2

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There in front of him stood the school. The massive, daunting, intimidating, scary, dream-crushing, dream-making tall building towered over Renjun.

"The gates arent even open. A-And the sun hasnt even rosen. Hyuck are you sure this was necessary"

"Hey im doing this cuz its the first day. Tomorrow you can go back to your lackadaisical way"

"Speak properly"
"I am, what would you expect from a English literature student."

"So what do we do here"
"Just wait"

They waited


Waited some more


And more


"Urghhh, can we go home just for a bit"
"Fine but till 8:25"

The two started to walk home, heads down cuz their was no sunlight to stare at. Big mistake. The two didnt notice the people coming towards him.


"Oww" shrieked Renjun in surprise. He looked up, and regretted living.

"S-Sorry Jeno"

"Oh well if it isnt Mr shitbag" Jeno smirked. Renjun hates this name, like on a scale from one to 'i hate this name', he HATED this name. Its been a thing since their first year, and stuck with him right until their last.

"Jeno dont say that. New school year new you, like we said" Jaemin tried to calm down Jeno, although it was pointless.

Jaemin and Jeno we're known for having quite a strong bond. You'd think that Jeno was the type to just scare everyone, but to Jaemin he was really caring and protective.

"What are you doing here this early" Renjun asked, hiding behind Donghyuck.

"Jaemin kinda forced me here, but at least it means i get to see my favourite shitbag" Renjun didnt know if this was good or bad, but when given that name at the end, it wouldnt seem good.

"Jeno lets just go."
"Fine" He turned to Renjun "See ya later, shitbag" and he started to walk away.

"Renjun i am really sorry for his behaviour, i thought new year new him but obviously no-"

"Sorry thats my queue to leave, see ya"

Unlike Jeno, Jaemin and Renjun werent arch enemines. Jaemin had a soft spot for Renjun and vice versa. This always made him wonder
How can such a nice person be friends with such a predatory, inconsiderate, brutal dickhead like him.

"Sorry about that" Donghyuck apologized.
"Its not you're fault" Renjun reassured him.
"Lets go back now"

"You can see why i hate the sports team." Renjun ranted. Donghyuck had to listen to 30 minutes of him ranting, and it was tiring.

"Well not everyone on the sports team is bad"
"Yes they are."

"Whats wrong with Lucas"
"Did u see what he did to Jungwoo"

"And Johnny"
"That Fuckboy sends his nudes to anyone"

"He's ok but my parents are friends with his, plus he's too into horoscopes to actually care about the relationship bit"

"Jisung seems to think differently"
"Jisung can get eaten by wolves for all i care"

"Uh- Whatever. Is there anyone you like on the sports team. You seem to know Jaemin quite well"
"Yea i can tolerate Jaemin. He kinda helped me live but thats irrelevant"

"wait what do you mean helped you live"

Renjun was failing photography. Failing a lot. And his art skill plummeted too. He was too stressed with the new news about his dead parents to care about school.

Renjun was a mother's boy, so this news killed him, like someone stabbed him in the throat and slit the knife all the way down to his heart.

He just wanted to end it. It would make everything much better, and he could be with his mother again. He brought himself to the bridge and looked over at the water. It looked cold. Nevertheless he slowly climbed over the fence to his death.

Just as the last foot went over the bridge, he was pulled back.


"W-Why'd you do that" Renjun mumbled among the tears.
"I couldnt watch you do that." Jaemin wiped away Renjun's tears and sat him down.
"Please, dont do that. Whatever made you do that, we can work around it" Jae reassured Jun.

"Hey look at me" Jaemin put both hands on Renjun's cheeks and made him look at him.
"Dont do this, you're too precious to lose. Why dont we go for a coffee"

"Woahh I didnt know Jaemin did that to you. I should thank him"
"You can if you want and- AHH I FORGOT THE TIME"


The two quickly ran out the door, scrambling to get out the apartment complex. They ran as fast as their bodies could bring them, but not being on the sports team wasnt that beneficial in instances like this.

Finally they arrived, just on time aswell. The bell went for their class as they entered the building

"Ok see you Hyuck"
"Stay safe"

Renjun ran to his first class, to greet the teacher and make a good first impression of the new teacher he was going to get.

"Hello New tea-"
"Helloo Renjun, my favourite student. Im your teacher for the year yet again."

"Hi Mr Lee" Renjun said, unamusingly. It was his 3rd year with Mr Lee. Was he complaining, not at all. Mr Lee, or what he wanted to be called, Taeyong, was his good luck charm. With him Renjun always passed with flying colours.

"Ok class you all know me, Mr Lee, but i always encourage you to call me Taeyong. Well since i dont need to do introductions, we'll get straight onto the lesson."

"Oh well class is nearly over" and me and your photography teacher, Mr Jung and i have prepared an assignment for you to complete at home"

Renjun looked like he was the only one paying attention. No one found Mr Lee's lessons exciting but loved the way he taught them. He taught them with such excitement and had a great sense of humour.

On the other hand, photography lessons with Mr Jung were really fun, but he wasnt. He wasnt bad, just boring. He tried to make jokes, but people just laughed at his failed attempts rather than the jokes themselves.

"Your first assignment is all to do with the art...

of nude photgraphy and painting"


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