Part 14

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"and then i checked and he was taken away" Jeno ranted to Jaemin as his eyes started to water. He needed someone listen to his emotional instability and it turns out Jaemin was the best choice

"There, there" Jaemin reassured as he looked down at Jeno whimpering on his lap and gave him a support kiss on the neck.

"What was that for"
"Cuz i wanted to"

Cuz i wanted to. Ill use that on Renjun

"Anyways this isnt the time for dillydallying. We need to find him and we need to find him now. Who knows whats gonna happen if we're too late" Jen panicked

"Relax Jeno, its been less then a day im sure he's at least alive. We can search for him tomorrow. We have the first lesson the the rest are free, and we both helped Mr Kim with his work and we were given a get out of training card so we can just use that. Got it?" Jae placed his hand on Jen's shoulder.

The tears slowed down and Jeno slowly nodded in agreement.

"Aww come here" Jaemin wrapped an arm around Jeno's shoulder and brought him back down to his lap, mainly just to play with his hair.

"Jaemin you can sleep here tonight if you want to"

"No i think Jisung and Chenle would do something if i wasnt there to stop them"

"Ok. See you tomorrow then"
"Bye" and with that he was off

Now even sleeping was hard without Renjun. Jeno had became used to company in the bed and so without him, it felt different. It was cold, uncomfortable and deafening silences filled the room to the brim.

Jeno just kept on tossing and turning, trying and hoping the next day would just come earlier. It never did, it just felt longer.

"Focus Lee Jeno, what makes you sleepy" He chanted as his mind tried to think about what made him sleep.

"I KNOW, REN-jun. Just looking at him sleep so peacefully with beautiful hair and his adorable quiet snores would just melt his heart and bless his eyes. It brought a tear to his eye

"Dont worry Ren, Ill find yo-"

His phone rang. It was 1am in the morning, who could be texting him.

«Unknown number»


Who tf are you

Oh you'll soon find out

Im blocking you

Unless you dont want to see your
precious Renjun


Play Video ▶️

It was Renjun. Jeno played the video to reveal Renjun, tied to a chair with his hands tied so they cant escape. It was 1am so he was sleeping, or at least trying to. The video was muted but did he really want to hear the screams Renjun was about to produce.

To start, the unnamed person slapped Renjun awake. He screamed, but Jeno couldnt hear that. Jeno began to cry as the person pulled out a knife

and brought it real near to Renjun's neck. A tear soon fell onto Jeno's phone. It didnt go any further, and Jen was glad, but it still broke his already shattered heart knowing the danger Renjun was in now

"Im sorry Renjun"

First lesson was now over, Jeno barely got any sleep, but got through the lesson, leaning on Jaemin's shoulder when he needed to.

Now they took the quick to Mr Kim and explained the situation. He gave one of those boring 'You can always come to me' speeches and they left.

"Now Jeno, where did you want to investigate"
"Number 127 in Dream Town in the U district of the city"

"Thats kinda far, how are we gonna get there"

"We can take the bus or train or taxi"
"Say no more" Jaemin took out his phone and ringed his private taxi, courtesy of his dad who owned the taxi company.

2 minutes later and the taxi arrived. Thinking about what might happen sent chills down Jeno's spine. He just wanted everything to be ok, more importantly he wanted Renjun to be ok.

The taxi ride wasnt any much better. Jeno kept on shaking, fearing any new scenario that popped into his head. Jaemin took notice and placed a hand on Jeno's thigh.

"Dont think about it" Jaemin took Jeno's head and brought it back down to his lap, mirrorring what he did yesterday. Jeno looked up at Jaemin, his twinkling eyes and all other features that made Jaemin Jaemin

"Jae im so glad your my best friend"
"Mee too, Jen, me too"

"Ok We're in Dream Town now, where exactly is house 127"

"Probably in the street with all the 120s. Driver take us there"

"Yes Sir"

Some more time passed. Jeno's mind tried to remove Renjun's image from it, but it couldnt. It was like a cold sore that always keeps coming back like "Im here, think about me" and it was just like "Godd, go away already"

"Jeno, Jeno" He snapped out of his trance
"We're here"

"Ohh cmon i need to find him" Jeno leaped out of his seat and rushed to open his door.

"127, 127" He repeated walking down the road, no not walking, running.

"I think it he-"
"You think its where"

Jeno turned his head

And Jaemin wasnt there


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