Part 1

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"Looking forward to going back to school" Asked the tanned male. It was the day before the new school year and Donghyuck and Renjun decided to spend it together

They were practically inseperable

Donghyuck had always been over protective of Renjun. From their first day of school he would make it his number 1 priority to make Renjun feel safe. Even now they were older its still his one and only task.

Renjun was a model student. He was the best in his class at photography, and not to mention he was one of the most attractive guys. Girls wanted him, girls wanted him badly. And Donghyuck was having none of that. So when any girl would approach him, he would scare them off.

"Not really. Its my last year in photography, im gonna miss this school"

"Im sure you're not gonna miss the sports team" Donghyuck commented and the two laughed. If you werent on the sports team, you hated the sports team. Some of them were just so unlikeable

"Why dont you have a partner already. Its our last year." Donghyuck asked Renjun, and was given a sarcastic look

"I think you can answer that question, and how come im not allowed to date. Its not fair. You're dating Mark"

"Well i couldnt resist, Mark is cute on a whole other level"

"Yea yea" The pair laughed.

Renjun was now intrigued "So you're gonna help me find a partner"

"Well duh, you're my best friend"

"But I-Im-"
"Dont worry Renjunnie. I know you're gay"

"wHAT! Since when"
"Since you wrote about it in your diary"

"Y-You went through my diary"
"Mhm" Donghyuck says casually.

"Urgh whatever. I should expect this from you"

"I dont want to go to school"
"None of us do"

"Plus if i do get a boyfriend. I dont know the first thing about being one"

"Well you have to be good at kissing. Practise on this" Donghyuck put out his hand for Renjun to practise.

Renjun gave him a look. "You're joking right"

"No.. Just do it"

"Fine." Renjun picked up the hand and gave it a small peck, it was clearly an uncomfortable moment.

"I think thats enough"'

"Ok, what else. They must give the most amazing compliments but be brutally honest aswell. Do your best and worst"

"Do i have too" Renjun complained but he had no choice. It was Donghyuck's way or no way.

"Lee Donghyuck. You are the cutest thing in existence...

But pink hair doesnt suit you"

He cant say he wasnt offended by this, but he asked for it so he was satisfied.

"Good. Now hugs."
"I give you hugs all the time, cant you just base it off those."
"No. Those were friend hugs, this is a boyfriend hug"

The two males stood up and awkwardly hugged. Renjun tightly wrapped his arms around Donghyuck and gave him what he thought was a 'boyfriend hug'.

"More affection, tighter"
"Im giving it all i can"
"Let go"

The hug lasted 30seconds but it was tiring. So once Renjun let go, they were both out of breath

"We can work on this. Anyways would you look at the time. Sleep early so you can wake up early"

"K bye" Renjun waved goodbye to Donghyuck. Renjun lived alone. He moved out to get away from his mentally unstable father, only to find out that later he killed his mother.

Renjun awoke to his phone violently shaking with notifications. It was only 5:29 in the morning.

He answered the calls:

"Donghyuck what is it. Its 5am in the morning"
"Let me in, i made breakfast. Quick before the bacon goes cold."

Renjun sluggishly stumbled over to the door and let the tanned male in.

"You're lucky im doing this"
"Its the first day, you need to make a good first impression." Donghyuck reasoned, while setting up breakfast.
"Tuck in"

"Mmhhhh how are you such a good cook" Renjun exclaimed, shocked at how good his food was.

"When its for you, i can do anything" These words stayed in Renjun's mind for a while. It was hard to process, he couldnt stop thinking about it through the entirety of breakfast.

"Well look at the time, you should go shower now" Donghyuck commented

Renjun stared up at the clock above him.
"It's 6 and school starts at 8:50"
"All the more reason to hurry up"

Renjun didnt dare question further, brought his and his friend's plate to the sink, picked up his towel and entered the shower.

He left the shower a new person. Jun was more inspired and determined to do what Hyuck said and make this a good day. He opened the shower door and found his outfit already prepared for him.

"Umm i think i can pick out my outfit myself."
"No you cant."

Renjun brought his clothes back into the shower and changed into them.

"Woaah you looking goooodd" The other commented

"Yea yea now i need to back my ba-"
"Already done. I have your pencil case, text books camera and all other things you need"
"Wha- Nevermind"
"Dont question my ways, lets go now"
"But its 7:15. I should be in bed right now"
"Dont question me"

And they were off


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