Part 8

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"Sorry if it isnt the best of places, i really wasnt expecting visitors"

"Its fine, it has character"
"Thanks i guess"

"Wow do you not know how to take a compliment"
"Oh shut up. We should probably clean you up" Jeno said, looking for his spare towel. Jeno searched and searched before

finding nothing.

"Sorry Renjun, i dont have a spare towel, you mind using mine"
"Not really"

"Good, umm you'll have to wear some of my clothes, is that fine"
"I mean if thats all you have" Jeno grabbed a shirt and and some shorts and handed it to Renjun.

"Thanks, now where's the shower" Renjun asked. Jeno grabbed Renjun's arm and pointed to the bathroom.

"There, you hungry?"
"Umm, its 11pm"
"Yea and, im starving after all the running"
"Ok, i could eat, whatever's fine"

Renjun went into the shower and began to talk to himself

"So Renjun lets review, you brought Jeno to your house, he stripped nude and modelled for you. You dodged bullets and got hit by a car, ended up in hospital and now Jeno's apologized to you and is now nice to you. What happened to today?"

It was too much and Renjun put his thoughts aside to shower.

Leaving the shower, he wrapped himself in the towel. It smelt exactly like Jeno. Did he like the smell, Maybe.

"Mmmmm, that smells really nice" Renjun exclaimed, walking to wherever his sense of smell was taking him.

"Good, Im not the best chef but i can make a mean dumplin-  OWWW" Jeno screamed as hot oil jumped from Jeno's thumb, causing him to jump in pain.

"Woahh are you ok" Renjun brought up Jeno's finger to examine. He dampened a tissue and wiped the burn mark. Jeno just stared at Renjun. He found it admirable how tender and loving his eyes were.

"Is that better"
"Much better, thanks" Jeno looked down into Renjun's glistening, sparkling eyes, and couldnt lie, he was stunning.

Renjun felt the exact same. Seeing Jeno look at him without hate, but instead love was something he always wanted to see, and it was beautiful.

It was the perfect moment for a kiss, they leaned, slowly, and


"Shit" Jeno cursed as he looked to see smoke coming from the cooker. He quickly turned off the stove and started to fan the dumplings.

"I-Is that meant to happen?" Renjun asked while he also fanned the smoke to rid of it.

"Well, not really, but look at this colouring" Jeno exclaimed as he placed the dumplings onto a plate.

"WOAHH, when you said mean i didnt know it was that good"


The two continued to eat their dumplings and they both loved them. Once they were done, Jeno took both plates to his sink, grabbed the towel and showered, leaving Renjun to sit and take in the scenery. It was above average for a students dorm, not at all what you would expect from a sports student. He liked it.

Jeno walked out of the shower, exactly how he was when he was modelling, but somehow better.

"Are you staring at me?" Jeno asked, looking down on Renjun, who in turn was staring back.

"So what if i was? Its not like its a new sight. Plus i have nothing else to stare it"

"Whatever" Jeno said changing into shorts,

Just shorts.

"I-Is that all you wear to bed"
"It gets super hot. And also are you gonna just sit there" Jeno answered, as he climbed into bed.

"I dont really have anywhere to sleep"
"Umm, Im sure this bed is big enough, come on"
"Jeno are you sure?"
"Where else are you going to sleep" a long silence filled the room, proving Jeno's point "Exactly"

Renjun was very hesitant. Was he actually going to sleep in the same bed with what used to be his bully until a few hours ago. Yes, yes he was. He climbed into the bed, and immediately felt the warmth of the blanket cover him. It was hot, a little too hot.

"You're right, its really hot in this bed"
"What did i tell you"
"I should manage"

Jeno stared at Renjun as he tossed and turned, trying to get comfortamble.

"Can you stop moving"
"Urghh it soo hot"
"Do you wanna take off your shirt"
"You wont mind?"
"No not really, just place it on the floor"

Renjun removed his shirt and placed it on the floor, exposing his body to Jeno, who got a glance at it.

"W-Why are you so skinny?" Jeno asked examining Renjun's ribcage which looked like it was going to come out of the skin.

"You sure you want to know?"
"I mean if its a personal thing you dont have to"
"It isnt really, its just, I started to starve myself

after you called me fat"

Jeno glanced again at the body.

"Was i really that bad"
"Being honest, Yea"
"Renjun i am so sorry"

Jeno started to let out tears onto his pillow, reminded with the memories of how bad of a person he was. Jeno felt two arms surround his body. It was Renjun's. Renjun patted Jeno's back and reassured him that he had nothing to apologise him for. The two fell asleep in the embrace.

Renjun woke in Jeno's arms, Did he like it? Yes of course he liked it. For a while he just stared at sleeping Jeno, taking in the beauty of all his features. The sun beamed on his face, highlighting how hot he looked.

Jeno soon awoke due to the constant caressing. He smiled at how adorable the other looked, causing a chain reaction of smiles.

"Jeno, i forgive you"
"Really!!" Jeno's already bright face lit up even more.
"Yea" Even though they hadnt left the hug it got even warmer.

"Renjun you wouldnt mind if i bring my boyfriend over"


Renjun's heart shattered into A trillion pieces at these words that left Jeno's mouth.

He's Gayyy!!!! Ok i shouldnt judge, but still did he not feel anything towards me. He looked so perfect in that moment but ..... Urghhhhh. Just play along Renjun.

"Ummm, No i dont mind"

A few minutes later Jeno's boyfriend arrived.

"I should introduce you Renjun

Meet Jaemin, my boyfriend"


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