Part 12

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Monday arrived. Renjun, as always was excelling in his classes. Mr Lee took the test with the class and Renjun somehow got the same marks as him. It didnt really make sense for anyone.

While Renjun was in Mr Jung's class, his phone rang

"Someone important?" Mr Jung asked heading over to Renjun's work area.
"Not really, its just this guy is stalking me"
"Let me handle this"

«Unknown Number»

You can never escape

Fuck Off, Your disturbing
my class

No. You can never hide.
I am always watching you

Well watch someone else. My student
is trying to concentrate


Now unless you want a punch from

I-                                                                    Fuck off

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Fuck off


"There i think i told him. If he bothers you one more time you can always come to me"
"Thanks Sir"

"Jeno he texted me again" Renjun ranted to Jeno over hot chocolate. It was now after school and Jeno decided to treat Renjun to take his mind of danger, but mainly cuz Jeno wanted hot chocolate.

"I thought i told him to go away"
"Wait, what did you do?"

"He texted you last sunday so I told him to go away" Jeno sighed placing his mug down to add more marshmallows.

"Oh, Mr Jung did the same" Ren commented as he to placed down his mug to take a bite of his cake.

"Dont worry about it. Just forget it. Have fun. Is this fun for you"
"I guess, but you didnt have to pay for mine"
"Its fine Ren" Jen said, spying on the lady who was coming over with his cake

"Here's you cake sir, and might i say what a lovely couple you two make"
"HES NOT MY BOYFRIEND" Renjun nervously screamed while turning red.

"He will be soon" Jeno muttered under his breath.

"What was that?"
"Oh nothing. Thank you"

Once their café 'date' was over, the two started to walk home. It was the last day of september so it was the perfect time to take photos. The leaves were at that beautiful autumn colour. Red. Orange. Yellow. And they still hadnt fallen off the trees. Perfect for photos.

"Jen are you gonna go home?"
"Its a beautiful day. I was gonna go and take some photos"
"Ill come along then"
"You dont have to"
"But i want to"

There was no point in arguing with Jeno. Plus it would be nice to have company while he takes photos. Usually Donghyuck would find some excuse to not go and leave Renjun alone. Not this time.

They both made their way to the forest. Even though the forest creeped out Jeno, he couldnt let Renjun know that. So he just came along and stared at Renjun, being so engrossed by the scenery.

"Isnt this beautiful" Ren commented linking arms with Jeno, causing him to be a blushing mess.

"I guess it is" Jen answered, taking a breath of the fresh air around him. He could get used to Renjun linked to his arm, so naturally he pouted when he took his arm away to take some photos.

While Renjun took what he needed to, Jeno just stared at his phone, hoping some form of entertainment would find him

"aaaAAAAHHHHHHhhhh" Jeno screamed as he took a few steps back in fear, gasping for air.
"Ren, you little prick"
"Haha" Renjun laughed as he picked up his phone to stop recording.

"You were recORDING"

"COME HERE YOU LITTLE-" And in a flash Jeno lunged at Renjun and brought him to the floor. It was a the tiniest bit painful as he was a sports student, but with the leaved catching his fall it felt simply like falling onto your bed.

Once their bickering was over, it was the two lying peacefully on the ground, surrounded by the trees whistling and birds harmonizing. While Ren was looking around him, Jen took out his phone to take a selfie

"Ren, look this way" And he did as instructed. It did take him by surprise, but come on, its Renjun. How can he not look perfect.


"Urgh i look ugly in that photo" Renjun whined as he sat up to look at the photo

"I dont think so, you look good" Jeno said as he looked up to see Renjun giving him a 'I want to kiss you so much' look


"Oh its the police"

"I see"
"Thats good to hear"
"Ok thank you"

"What did they say"
"They caught some people who were part of the act, but not them all

"Oh thats perfect. I was meaning to go back to my apartment to get some things" Ren said as he stood up and wiped the leaves off him. Jen stood up after to tell him...

"Ren maybe dont, they took your key, they might have made a replica. Plus, Some of the people were caught. Not all of them"

Renjun placed a hand on Jeno's shoulder, as a way to begin his speech

"Relax Jeno, ill be fine. How about this. I go into the apartment and you stay just outside so you can see if they come out with me."

"Hell no, im coming in with you"

"I wouldnt. What if they are there and knock both of us out. Plus theres no exit other than the front door so its perfect."

Jeno wasnt the type to keep on arguing. He would just let them do whatever they want as long as it didnt get them killed

This however could, hence why he was very hesitant. But he just agreed, saying that he's probably overthinking it



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