Part 17

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"aaaAAAAAARRRRGGGGGHHHHHHHHHhhhhhhhh" Irene screamed in pain. Jeno just gave her eyes a few sprays before he snatched the keys from her and unlocked the car to make his escape.




He did it. Irene was locked in the car, little chance of escape. But what was he going to do. Jeno didnt have his phone so he couldnt ring for help. And he was quite far from the rest, not out of Dream Town, but quite far from the 120s. One logical thing to do. Run back to them

It was a far journey, they were at the 120s and he was at the 20s. But no distance could keep him Renjun, maybe except this one. Bit Jeno just kept on running.







Jeno was starting to lose energy. His breath was running thin, but his motivation didnt. He just wanted to see Renjun. Even if it was one last time





He was here, there he was. Renjun was inside tearing up, Donghyuck was doing his best to make him feel less sad and Jaemin was outside on the phone with his private Taxi. Jae soon looked up from his phone....




tripped over and ripped his jeans, brusing and scratching his knee.

Renjun was still crying. He blocked out all outside sound and just sat there. So soon when Jeno appeared like 2 minutes later inside he didnt notice him. Hyuck tried to tell Ren but it wasnt doing anything.

"Let me handle this"

Jeno placed a finger under Renjun's wet chin and lifted.


"JENO" Renjun leaped out of his chair and hugged but at the same time lunged at Jeno with open arms, but Jen didnt mind. He enjoyed the warm embrace and in turn hugged back.

"We can hug later" Jeno broke the hug as he stood up and help Renjun up too. At that precise time the police arrived and arrested the men.

"Oh Sir, theres also a female in a car on the street with all the 20s. She's the ringleader of these shitbags"

A wave of nostolgia hit Renjun. It felt weird for that name to come out of Jeno's mouth and it not to be targeted at him, but it brought him joy.

A lot of things brought him joy. He was finally free frok the problem that caused him pain from the first week of school, and best of all, Jeno was now one of his best friends. What more could he ask for? Actually, he could ask for something.

"Well court will be happening soon" Jeno started the conversation as they both looked into the sunset, "And I guess my dorm is safe now so i can move out"

"You dont have to"
"Jeno" Renjun chuckled. "My art supplies need space and your apartment isnt big enough
"Fine" Jeno pouted as he walked into Jaemin's taxi

"See you soon, I'll Bring Donghyuck home" Jaemin said as Jeno and Renjun left the car and waved bye.

Walking there was nothing special. Jeno's knee was still in a bit of pain so he clinged to Renjun as he walked, which Renjun thought was a gesture of affection. Only to be reminded that Jeno had a so called 'boyfriend'.

"Whats that" Renjun said as they entered the apartment. Jeno follower his finger to see what he was pointing to, his bruise.

"Oh its nothing, i just kinda tripped when running" It was only a bruise but Renjun treated it like a broken bone. He ordered Jeno to lie down and he did, sort of.

"aaaAAAHHHhhh" Jeno screamed as he tripped over, his knee going from bruise to cut and bleeding. Renjun looked over from what he was doing to see Jeno on the floor in immense pain. Luckily he had experience when Hyuck cartwheeled into a trash can.

"What happened" asked Renjun as he tried to lift Jeno onto the bed, failing miserably. Jeno laughed at the attempt and just lifted himself onto the bed.

Ren grabbed a towel wet it

"Ok stay still, this should hurt just a little" Renjun calmly said as he placed the towel on the wound.

Stay Still? Pfft who does that.

Jeno screamed in pain which put Renjun into shock that he jumped back.

"Please be quiet. Here hold my hand and squish it when it hurts Ok?"

"ok" Jeno let out in a whimper with made Renjun's heart melt into 12 million peices. Jeno stopped screaming but squeezed as tight as he could. Once it was done Ren looked over at Jen.

Aww he's just a baby when he gets hurt

"Oh Ren i forgot to tell you, your stuff and your Moomin is in the corner over there" Renjun's face lit up with excitement


The day finally came. It was their october holiday and what better to celebrate the first day then by going to court as key witnesses.

Jen and Ren had just finished packing all of Renjun's stuff which wasnt much and now they were both in their underwear changing into their unecessary suits.

"Well" Jeno said as he slipped on his pants, "This is it. All our suffering is .... gone"

"Yea, are you happy"
"I guess i mean we're no longer in danger" Jeno commented as the two both started to button their polos.

Renjun picked up his tie and began to tie it, or at least try. He just stared into it with his demon eyes hoping the answer would come to him

"You need help?"
Ren snapped out of his trance

Jeno began to wrap the tie around Renjun and tie it, explaining each step along the way. Once he tightened it he placed his hands on the other's shoulders

"How do i look?"
"Like an angel"

They both smiled, Renjun trying not to show his emotion

"Whats wrong"
"I guess im just gonna miss living with you"
"Me too"

Jeno leaned forward and brought Renjun in for a hug. This was Renjun's best hug in his entire life.

Not a friend hug
Or best friend
It felt like a boyfriend hug

Once Jeno broke the hug he just stared into Renjun's eyes, hands still on his shoulders. That moment was the perfect moment to kiss him. He was going to do it. Jeno had lost this moment so many times to so many different things

He wasnt going to lose it again.

He leaned in


"W-What did you do that for"
"Cuz i wanted to"
"This isnt a good idea"
"Its ok, its just us two"
"But what if Jaemin gets here and-"
"Shh" Jeno placed a finger and shushed Renjun

"He was never my boyfriend. I lied"

Jeno looked at Renjun. He looked confused, but it looked like

he enjoyed it.

"Can i kiss you again"


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