Part 11

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The next morning dawned on the two. Ren had a restless night, constantly overthinking the wide amount of possibilities that could happen regarding what happened last night.

And then he would stare at how peacefully Jeno was sleeping, and lose focus. He would much rather admire his captivating face then care about what the world would do to him.

In those moment he would wonder
How can someone be so adorable yet so hot at the same time.

Jeno woke up to a kick in the face. He brushed it off as being the wind, but then the kick returned for round two. He turned his head to where he thought Renjun's head would be,

and was face to face with Renjun's feet.

Once Jeno sat up, he saw what was happening. Renjun was sleeping at the bottom of the bed and he looked really uncomfortable.

"What did he do now"

The more he stared, the more he was mesmerised. To think he used to hate this guy with all his guts and now he was in his bed being the cutest thing in the existence of cute things. Jen didnt want to disturb him, but he felt like he should just to make him more comfortable. Slowly he picked up the sleeping male and put him in a more comfortable position.

It was like trying not to wake that fire breathing dragon you always hear about in stories.

Once he was in a better position, he softly placed the blanket over him. Jen was so focused on not waking up Ren that he didnt even know that he already woke him up.

"Jen what are you doing and why are you staring at my-"

Jeno winced in fear.
"Shhhh, go back to sleep"

"Its 9am"
"Do what i say"
"Fine, at least i get more sleep"

Renjun curled up in a ball and fell back asleep in an instant. Jeno loved the sight. He was going to give he a goodnight kiss, although it wasnt really night.

*Ding* Renjun's phone went.

This was the nth time this had happened. Jeno was having none of it. He checked who ruined the moment

«Unknown Number»

I found you again

Go away, Stop doing this to Renjun

Renjun? Who are you

Not Renjun

I dont believe you, prove it.

I dont believe you, prove it

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    See my hand, its in a fist. Imma punch you if
you do this again.

Tell Renjun that ill find him
And he can never escape


"I swear if i ever get my hands on this guy im gonna pull out his organs and throw them all the way to Busan, Pluck out his eyeballs and feed them to my grandma's dogs and then sell his heart, actually no one would buy such trash" Jeno muttered to himself as be put down Renjun's phone.

Jeno was actually bothered to cook. It was a
miracle. Now that he could actually be bothered, he wanted to surprise Renjun. From looking through his photos, he really liked pancakes and strawberries.

"Im sure he would want to eat crepes" Jeno spoke to himself as he lifted the flour from the shelf.

One explosion later and we get a somehow perfect crepe, dressed with whipped cream and tons of strawberries. It looked amazing. Renjun's plate looked exactly the same as Jeno's, but something about Ren's just made it seem so much better. He quickly made the coffee, took several photos before transferring the plates and mugs to a tray to bring to Renjun.

It was his dream to give someone breakfast in bed and now that dream became real. He just hoped Renjun's dream was being given breakfast in bed

And it was.

"Ren, Ren, Wake up" Jeno whispered while slowly patting his forehead. Renjun's eyes slowly started to twitch open and he stared ap at Jeno

"D-Did i die"
"Not exactly, but i made breakfast"

That word seemed to intrigue Ren so he sat up and was greeted by the most amazing crepes he has seen.

"You made these?" Renjun questioned staring down at the beautiful sight he had seen in a while, besides Jeno of course.

"Yea, do you not like them?"
"No, they look amazing, too good to eat actully. Wheres my phone"
"I already took photos, you dont have to. Tuck in"
"Very well"

No hesitation, Ren dove straight into the crepes. Not only did they look amazing, they tasted great too. While it may seem like he was just eating crepes on the outside, he was fighting a war in his brain

Does he like me? No! Of course not Renjun. He's just doing this to cheer up the mood. He has a boyfriend and i should respect that. BUT I DONT WANT TO.

He was too caught up in the war that he didnt even notice that whipped cream had gotten the best of his nose. Jeno noticed and moved Renjun's head to face him.

"You have a little something there" Jeno said as he reached out his finger to take the whipped cream off his nose.

Renjun saw the opportunity and took it.

It was a perfect amount of whipped cream and it even had a small strawberry slice on it. So he moved his head close to Jen's finger

and ate the whipped cream

"W-What was that for?" Jeno laughed and Renjun turned red. It was adorable and Jeno's heart was melting.

Sometime later the two were nearly finished there crepes. Jeno finished earlier than Renjun and was just staring at him eat while drinking his coffee. But he was a little surprised when Ren asked this question.

"Are we friends"
"We've never confirmed anything. So would you say we are friends"
"Id say more than friends. Id say..."

Pleaseeee confessss pleaseeeee

"Id say your one of my best friends Ren"


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