Part 6

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"So i guess you have to stay here" Renjun was now just staring at the ceiling, hoping he would wake up from this dream, although it would be called more of a nightmare in his eyes.

"Well, i guess i do" Jeno commented, forgetting that he was naked.
"Can i get changed now shitbag"

"Oh yeah go on then" Jeno slipped to the bathroom and put his clothes back on.
This gave Renjun some time to think.

Jeno has to now stay at me apartment for god knows how long. Arghhhh why is this always happening to you Renjun. AND CAN HE STOP CALLING ME SHITBAG FOR GOODNESS SAKE.

Renjun was too caught up in his thinking he didnt notice that Jeno had come out of the bathroom, and was now waving his hand trying to get his attention. It didnt work


"Oww, why did you do that"
"You were just staring into nothingness
"Yea yea. Now dont disturb me, im trying to do the editing"
"Ok ill be quiet"

Renjun opened his computer and started to upload the photo. He had pleausre in cutting out Jeno's cock and started to make it look like a magazine would


"Geez shitbag calm down. I need to beat Jaemin at this game"
"Ok just turn the volume down"

Renjun tried his best not to be disturbed by Jeno's annoyance. He continued to edit. And it seemed his speech worked as he heard nothing come from Jeno's phone. He was quiet. Too quiet in fact.

Jeno's phone died, He had nothing to do but stare at Renjun's apartment. It was what you would expect an art student, except it was immaculate. From the neatly arrange paint tubes from the colour ordered pencils, it was stunning.

Soon his eye met Renjun. He looked at what he was editing, and wow

Wow, he is skilled, how did he make me look so, so beautiful.

The quiet didnt feel right. Renjun without turning his head, knew what happened

"My charger is near my bed, you can use it"
"H-How did you- Nevermind"

Jeno stood up from the couch and charged his phone, leaving it on the bedside table.

"You arent that bad at that" Jeno tried to compliment Renjun to lift the silent mood

"I-Is that a compliment"
"If you want it to be"
"Ok, umm i really need to concentrate so-"

*Power cut*

"Oh i give up with today" Jeno plunged himself into the sofa.
"Whatever. So what are we gonna d-"

Renjun's stomach alarm went off

"Are you hungry"

"How are you going to cook"
"I keep a portable gas cooker"

"Can you cook"
"Oh you dont even know"

"How, how is this so nice" Jeno exclaimed getting to the end of his bowl of ramen.

"I told you i can cook"
"Whatever you're still a shitbag"

"Can YOU-"

*Phone rings*

"Sorry, What is it Hyuck"
"Oh sorry hi Mark, what is it"
"Im coming to the hospital right now"

"W-Whats going on?" Jeno asked in confusion as Renjun slipped on his coat. "Are you thinking of leaving"

"Its been like an hour or something, im sure the shooters have been caught already"

"I wouldnt, its too risky"

"Jeno, This is DONGHYUCK we are talking about, I have to, He's my best friend"

"Ok suit yourself"

Renjun quickly took his keys and left the room, he didnt even bother to close the door. He just wanted his best friend to be safe. And if he wasnt, he wanted to see him one more time.

It was 8pm but it got dark real fast, and with the power cut, the hallways were dark, and scary. But nothing could stop him at the moment.


It was like a showdown, Renjun on one side of the dark hallway, The shooters on the other side.


Renjun quickly managed to dodge the bullet, and ran for the stairs


He missed another bullet. Although his mind was all over the place, he didnt have time to just stand and get his thoughts together.

Jeno was left alone in a dimmly lit apartment and alot of time to worry. He wasnt worrying, actually thats exactly what he was doing. But he just wanted to see how Renjun was doing.

He quickly left the apartment and started to navigate his way through the corridors. Turning the corner he was now in the shooter's target range, and so he turned back and found another way around his problem, the emrgency exit.

"Renjun, RENJUN" He was now outside the building trying to find the art student, but it was like finding a needle in a haystack.

"Hmm where would he be. Ahh the hospital"

Jeno ran the quickest way to the hospital. He hated Renjun, badly, but part of him wanted to see that face, those charming eyes, perfect jawline, soft almost bouncy hair.

Wait? What is happening. Do i? No

His thoughts were put on hold as he saw a familiar coat. That was him. He ran after the male, trying to catch up.

"Jeno you are a sports student you should be good at running"

Finally he thought he caught up with Renjun. Jeno turned the corner and found

Renjun lying lifeless on the road


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