Part 13

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Renjun entered his apartment complex on a mission. First he climbed up the stairs, the nostalga hit him. Flashbacks of when he was frantically running down the stairs play in his mind. It did give him a bit of emotion, but the crying could be save for later, when he was in the comfort of Jeno's arm

Alas, he makes it to the corridor. First Ren searched the perimeter to make sure no one was out of place. Nothing. That was a good sign.

He grabbed his keys out of his pocket and sprinted. Ren didnt know why he sprinted, he felt it was just to add to he thrill for the imaginary viewers at home.

There it was. It was his apartment. It didnt look any different from the outside, but from his luck there was probably a few things stolen.

It was a mess. Things thrown everywhere, a lot of his art supplies had been taken, probably to be sold. Most of his expensive clothes were stolen but there were the bare few that were missing. His computer and other tech was also stolen. It wasnt all gone, just the important things. But he knew one thing couldnt have gone, he gave a good look at his closet

and opened the secret door.

"Ahh, the safe" He said as he found it unopened and unharmed. The safe kept what you would find in a safe. Spare Cash, a spare credit card and his most prized possession. His camera.

'You thought we wouldnt find this :D'

Renjun read as he noticed all of it gone and the back of it was cut open. He had given up at this point. He left the closet head down, the only sound being the creaks in the floor. One may think he was upset, but he was listening for something


There it was. Renjun squatted down and started unscrew the bolts with the screwdriver he kept in his wallet.

"Phew" Renjun sighed in relief as he pulled the spare spare money he kept under the floor. It was around 750, perfect to buy him some essentials so he didnt have to share things with Jeno all the time.

So to evaluate what to bring, he looked around at what was left and made a list.

1 spare pair of glasses
2 Pairs of pants
7 shirts/hoodies/whatever was there
Drawing things that they left
Everything that fits in my backpack
A lot of paper

And of course his spare cash

That was pretty much all that was there. He stuffed it all into his backpack. Noomin didnt fit so he just had to carry him.

"I found you"

Shit!! Its them. Urghh what to do, what to do. Oh how i wish Jeno was here. Wait. Where even were they

"W-Where did you come from" Renjun stuttered in fear.

"The next door room. Anyways, i knew you would come here. It was just a matter if waiting, and now, you're mine"

Wait. A female voice. He never heard it, but it felt so familiar.

But their identity was irrelevant. It was now a 1v1 showdown between the two people. Renjun just did what he saw people in the movies do.


"Oh that was easier than i thought" Renjun commented as he stared at the body beneath him


And soon fell Renjun, as more enemies arrived at the scene to find that Ren was hit in the head with a baseball bat and knocked unconscious.

Now these people knew what to do. They heard about Jeno's presence and so the front door wasnt an option. So one of the accomplices brought out a brick and started to smash the back window open

And escaped with Renjun.

"God he's taking an awfully long time" Jeno commented as he looked at his phone to see that it has been 30 minutes since he last looked into Ren's sparkling eyes and he was starting to really get worried.

So he decided to enter, and Jeno felt the need to run. So he ran as fast as his legs could take him, and when its for Renjun, they can take him far.

Jeno finally entered the corridor. It gives him flashbacks of the time when he first walked the corridor

Jeno wasnt the best at taking directions, in fact he had to ask someone where he was going. He contemplated even going to this. Just the thought of stripping nude in front of Renjun gave him weird feelings. He took a small break from walking, leaned against a wall to re think his thoughts

Ok Lee Jeno, lets review. So the person who you have hated for years is now the person to see you nude. I mean i could always go home, but like it would be too mean and- LEE JENO YOU SHOULDNT BE TURNED ON BY THINKING ABOUT THIS. Urghhh lets just get this overwith

The thinking got the best of him, as now he was starting to tear up and slow down. Did he really feel that way about him. Yes, Yes he did

"renjun, RENJUN" Jeno screamed, opening the door to find him, gone. The window was smashed open and it was all turned inside out.

Jeno's heart sank. In that moment he just wanted to see Renjun's face, his beautiful fluffy hair, gourgeos nose and symmetrical jawline.

Jeno was too caught up in Renjun invisioned in his mind that he didnt notice he tripped over Renjun's backpack. He stared down at the black bag, never noticed that he had a patagonia backpack.

Damm, He's rich. I fell for the right person.
What am i saying. Im not a gold digger. Its just a bonus

The longer he stared at the bag he started to notice the list that was sticking out of his bag. He picked it up

1 spare pair of glasses
2 Pairs of pants
7 shirts/hoodies/whatever was there
Drawing things that they left
Everything that fits in my backpack
A lot of paper

Jeno's childhood got the better of him. He used to love codes as a child, finding where the hidden prize would be. It got the better of him as now he put on Renjun's glasses to find the code. Renjun didnt know but he had actually embedded a location into his code. If that would actually be where was still unknown.

After 5 minutes of constant examination, he finally found what the code could have been

"Think Jeno think" He repeated placing his fingers on his head to make him 'think better'

127, Dream Town, District U

"I'll find you Renjun"


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