1k Special

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Wow 1k reads! You guys are amazing. well here have a 1k special


"Congrats Renjun, you got the highest in the class" Mr Lee exclaimed in the office they were in.

"Indeed, we will miss having you to teach, have you thought about the university you're going to go" Mr Jung asked

"Oh well i got accepted into..." He got up close and whispered the name

"Not surprised, That place is for the best students. Enjoy your time there, you can visit us anytime. You can leave now" Mr Lee said and almost started to cry, but Mr Jung placed an arm around him as they both waved goodbye.

Once he left Mr Lee had to get it off his chest,
"Should we tell him, sweetie"
"No, not yet Taeyongie, He'll figure out for himself"

Renjun was really happy for the entirety of summer. He was gonna be in an apartment with all of his friends and some new people, but Jeno knew them so it was fine. In fact you were going out to dinner with them tonight.

"Ren, if you feel uncomfortable just tell me ok"
"Ok, but ill be fine. Chenle's parents and mine are friends, you know"
"Ohh ok"
"And Jisung is fucking hot"
"Uh- what about your boyfriend hello?" He waved, with 🥺 eyes.
"Aww your so adorable i love you so much" Renjun grabbed Jeno's head and kissed his forehead.

"Anyways, lets go. Jaemin, Donghyuck and Mark are waiting outside"
"Ok" And they left


"Chenle, Jisung you should already know who Renjun, Mark and Donghyuck, but here they are again" Jaemin announced and they quickly settled into their table.

"So what are you doing for Uni" Hyuck asked the two younger ones
"Umm Im doing accounting and Sungie is doing performing"
"Accounting, you must be smart. That mean you'll be going to the building right next to the technology and performing arts building with me" He exclaimed, clearly happy someone was joining him.
"What about you?" Jisung asked Renjun.
"Oh umm im doing art/photography. Its all one subject. Probably the most boring course but its the one im best at"
"My parents wanted me to do art but i couldnt be bothered with any of that.
"Its a hassle, you were right not to choose it. Ahh the food is here"


"So umm, do any of you want to watch a movie or anything. My treat" Renjun asked, lying back in his chair after eating his heart out.
"Oh you dont have to, I have netflix we can all just go back to my place" Jaemin said
"oo Ok, everyone ok with that" Jeno asked and they all nodded.

A short ride later and we're all at Jaemin's place, snuggled in a bunch of blankets and pillows with a few snacks ready to watch a movie. They all decided to sleepover and use Jaemin's clothes cuz he had alot to spare.

"So umm, Horror?" Jaemin asked and they all agreed. Except for Renjun, but he didnt want to look scared so he just braved it.

The Movie was about a group of 7 braving the dangers of the forest. They ran into a labrynth and are now cut off from eachother

Jeno looked over at his baby and he was on the verge of tears. Jeno wrapped his arm around him and whispered
"Just bury your head in me if your scared ok"
"Okay" he said, spooning his boyfriend.

He tried his best not to cry, but once the jump scare popped up he lost it and broke down.

"Renjun, you ok" There was no point asking though, he knew the answer. He picked up his chin and wiped his tears away.
"Jeno, Im scaredd"
"Its ok" Jeno smiled and placed Renjuns head on his chest.
"W-will you p-protect m-me" he said and Jeno's heart melted into 12 trillion pieces
"Of course sweetie, dont look at the screen ok"
"ok" and he buried his head into Jeno's shoulder.


They day finally came. Summer was over and now all 7 were moving into their shared apartment across the country. Jen and Ren were the first ones, while the rest were coming in an hour or so

"Woahh this is so cool" Renjun enetered his room which he shared with Jeno. Ren was one of those people who had to check out everything. The bed. The bathroom. The curtains.

Jeno entered the room to a tired Renjun lying proper starfish style on the bed

"So hows the room" Jen sat down and started strocking Ren's back.

"Its so cool. Come check out the bathroom" He grabbed Jeno's hand and brought him into the bathroom

"Wow this is cool" Jeno looked around at the bathroom, wondering how could be so mesmerised by a bathroom.

"I know and look at these cabinets" Renjun bent down and looked in the cabinet

"Umm Jeno, a little help" said the chinese male, stuck in the cabinet

Jeno laughed at his boyfriend, and then...

he started to become horny.

"Hurry up then Jen- Ouch. J-J-Jeno" Renjun became a little scared.

And soon loud moans came out of his mouth.

You can imagine the rest ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


The day finally came, the start of Uni. Chenle and Haechan didnt have lessons until tomorrow. Jisung didnt starts lessons until thursday and Jaemin and Mark didnt have lessons until next week. So its just Jeno and Renjun, on a warm tuesday morning, standing in front of what would be his life for the next few years.

To say he was scared was an understatement.

Then he felt a hand interlock with his.

"You ready?" Jeno asked.
Ren took a deep breath, "Yes, yes i am"

The art department was on its way to the Business department so Renjun was seen off first . He liked being the first one there so hurried Jeno to the room.

"Ok, we're here enjoy yourself ok. Mwah" Jen kissed Ren on the nose, making him blush.

"Thanks. You too. Mwah" He did the same.

Renjun watched Jeno leave and smiled. You took a deep breathe and entered the room.


What. WTF are Mr Lee and Mr Jung doing here.

"Mr Lee, Mr Jung. What are you doing here?"
"Why we're your teachers Renjun"
"But- Wha- How- What about-"
"We were chosen to teach here after the last teachers quit. And once we found it you were moving here it became perfect. We're like your second parents"
"My parents are dead" Ren unamusingly said
"Oh, Well then we're like your parents"
Renjun smiled

This was the next chapter in his life, and he was glad he was spending it with the people he loved.


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