Part 20

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It was now 2 months after Renjun moved out. It was now mid December and Renjun had just finished his first term of school.
It was now time for Renjun to do his christmas shopping.

He only had 4 people to buy presents for, but with limited budget of £200 pounds, he had no time to waste. He brought his iced vanilla latte and went off.

Trying to buy presents this close to christmas was a risk. But nevertheless he just power walked through. Talking to himself helped alot. Also kpop.

"Ok first stop is rightttt here. Aha" Renjun said as he stood infront of the CD shop. He entered and headed straight for the kpop section.

"So with all budgeting i can buy Donghyuck Two kpop albums and Two posters" He said as he bent down to take a closer look.

There was quite the variety but he went for Donghyuck's favourite Boy and Girl group. Heart*IZ by IZ*ONE and You will never walk alone by BTS. Now the posters were the same deal, IZ*ONE and BTS.

"Ok thats minus £50 so ive got £150 left" He said as he walked out and to his next destination. The book store and sweets store.

"Well Mark really likes books so ill buy him the next 2 volumes of Neo Culture Technology which he was saying that he wanted when we we went to buy a gift for Donghyuck" So he brought those to the till and payed. "Sheesh £15 each" he mumbles under his breath

"And now the sweets. Where are those bubblegum bottle sour thingys that he really liked" Renjun squabbled around the store trying to find it. And finally there it was, with around £20 left and with each pack being £2 he got 5 . Four for the Mark, and 1 for the Renjun.

Now marks his pitstop at the giftshop for wrapping paper. He ran out yesterday and so strateigically left some money for it. As he was approaching the store


He sees Jeno through the window. Now it was a game of 'dont get caught'. He couldve easily just came back for it later. But with it being Christmas everyone else also needed paper. So he went in. Jeno had just left the wrapping paper section so Renjun ran there. Picked up a random one and now played the waiting game of waiting for Jeno to finish paying

Baam that was his time. He went, payed and quickly scurried out of the shop to his next destination. The game shop.

Jaemin mentioned on one of their long talks that he really wanted the game Neo Zone: The Final Round to complete his collection. And he knew for sure no one else would buy it because he forced them not to.

£40 because it was christmas time. Leaving £10 for something else. He really couldnt think of anything. So he bought a card and placed the rest of the money there.

Now Jeno. Shoes. Thats it. He found the shoes he really wanted. And bought them. Renjun then headed home with his gifts

Christmas Eve. All 5 agreed that opening the gifts Christmas Eve was way better than Christmas morning. So once they finished dinner at Jaemin's, all 5 headed round the fireplace with their mugs and marshmellows and christmas clothes ready to open their graces.

First Jaemin. He loved them all. Expected.

Then Donghyuck. He started complaining because he wanted Colour*IZ and not Heart*IZ but with some threatening he soon stopped

Mark. Even though 2 people didnt know him that well, the two months brought then all closer together so they all knew eachother, and so Mark got exaclty what he wanted.

Mark especially loved Donghyucks so brought him under the mistletoe and they did their thing

Now Jeno. Like Jaemin, he loved them all. Especially Renjuns.

And finally Renjun. He got his favourite kpop albums and posters from Donghyuck. From Jaemin he got some really comfy slippers. Mark gave Ren some art supplies and Jeno gave him some giftcards and one of those 365 compliment thingys. Renjun loved them all.

"Aww thanks Jeno" Renjun said as he scooted closer to give him a little peck. Which soon led to a full on passionate kiss. MarkHyuck soon caught wave and also began to make out. And Jaemin....

Kept on eating. Jaemin shipped himself with food.

Renjun loved the feel on Jeno's lips brushed against him. It was the perfect gift.

So. Jeno finally found love. When Irene left him, he felt like he would never find another partner again. Renjun brought him something he never got with Irene, an actual bond. One that would last forever

Renjun thought the exact same. It was ususally him curled in a ball crying everynight after something Jeno did. Now its curled in a ball snuggled up with Jeno. He always knew Jeno as mean, stuck up, annoying and a real bitch. Now he's the loveable, adorable, kind boyfriend that anyone would ask for.

No, this relationship isnt perfect. They do have the odd bicker but the two cant help but feel

their right where their supposed to be. Together


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