ashara x kaiba/Kaiba and Inpu Fighting

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So this is a one shot combining two request one has been waiting a little and I'm sorry that its taken awhile and then a newer request I'd just thought they'd fit well together.also bryan isn't dead, there will be a smutt warning when it does show up but for the newer request is going to be first so but there will be a warning! This is placed during Kaiba birthday!
Kaiba's pov
I was walking around making sure everything was prepared for the party. I had a blue suit on with a white undershirt. I look around one last time and head back inside to make sure I looked ok. I walk up the stairs to be met face to face with ashara.
"H-hello ashara! " I smile and see him wearing a red open shirt tux with his entire chest showing. He had his long hair tied back into a ponytail that fell down his back. I feel my face get hot and my tail slowly wags.
"Hello Kaiba you look absolutely handsome." He walked closer making me blush more looking at his abs.
"Are you okay Kaiba? "
"Oh- ah yes yes I am perfectly of heh"
"W-was there you something y-you needed your quite early. " I stutter as I'm engulfed in a hug. I smile and accept it burying my face into his chest.
"Happy birthday Kaiba. "
"T-thanks! "
He let's go and grabs my hand and bows. I feel my ears twitch as I blush more.
"Shall we go down to the party~"
"D-do I look fine is my hair messy? " I quickly stop and run over yo my mirror seeing bits of my hair floating and tangled.
Ashara laughs grabbing a brush.
"Come here Kaiba. "
I walk over he turns me around and I feel him run the brush through my hair I smile as he places a kiss on my head and grabs my hand.
"Shall we go now Kaiba? "
"Y-yes o-of course! "
I smile as we walk down the stairs together and sit next to each other at the large table full of foods, drinks, flowers, and a big banner hanging overhead saying 1000.
After awhile everyone showed up. I got to meet bryan inpus husband and got to see cousin Magnus again whom I got along with better then inpu. Inpu went on a rant about me having this with absolutely no protection and how anything could happen at any moment.
"Inpu I don't think anything will happen I mean look at Atlantis ball only one bad thing happened but it didn't effect anyone. "
Ashara grabs my hand from under the table "but kaiba couldn't you of at least got more of your guards or something out here. " I chuckle
"Inpu I don't even think any bad thing in this camp even knows about this place! "
"But the amount of demi god energy her right now they can probably see it! "
Bryan grabbed inpus shoulder and whispered something into his ear making him shut up. I chuckle seeing blush spread across inpus face.
"Alright everyone how about we a go out and enjoy the garden hang out and meet up back here later in the evening! " I smile as everyone agrees standing up and going there seperate ways.
"Kaiba." Ashara stands in front of me with blush covering his face.
"Yes ashara? "
"Can you follow me please. "
"Of course! "
I smile as he leads me through a tunnel filled with flowers and hearts on the walls. I see a small bridge going over a small body of water feeding all the flowers covering the area.
"Where are you taking me ashara? "
"You'll see"
He smiles leading me to the middle of the bridge and grabs both of my hands.
"Kaiba I know we've only known each other for a short period but I wanted to give you something special for your birthday so here it is. " he begins to lean in for a kiss I do as well closing my eyes as were about to connect lips.
"What are you two doing. "
"INPU! "
I yell seeing him with his arms crossed at the tunnel.
"God I hope me and bryan aren't like that. " he pinched his nose.
"Inpu what are you doing here? "
"I'm on look out sense you didn't hire any security I'm making sure nothing wrong happens god I sound like xylo! "
"Well we were having a moment. "
"Yeah and I thought I was gay jeez I hope me and bryan aren't like that! "
"Well guess what you are like that inpu now just leave. "
I cross my arms walking off the bridge standing in front of him and see bryan come running down the tunnel with his huge wings dragging behind.
"I'm sorry if he's being weird kaiba he's just... Paranoid. "
"It's fine bryan he just innterupted something. "Ashara sighed pinching his nose and coming and standing next to me. I look up at him and smile and see him a little sad.
"I still think you should've gotten protection or something Kaiba." Inpu groaned

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