vendi x pat x bryan

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Vendi's pov
Today was going to be the official 3 month anniversary sense I got Pat and Bryan to work together! I'm so excited to see if my plan worked that they would slowly begin liking each other and work together!
I enter the pizzaplex it being strangely quiet I walked downstairs and found the animatronics playing with a child. I was confused why was a child here. I walked over and the first to notice me was Glamrock Chica.
"Oh Hi Dr. Vendi! " she waved the others waved as well greeting me in their own ways. I smile and look at the child.
"And who is this cute little boy" I smile squating down at the table.
"I'm Gregory! " he smiled and was coloring on some paper and had pizza in front of him.
"So why is there a child here exactly? "
"we found him well Steve did" she laughed and the others all kinda walked away.
"And where are his parents? "
Gregory looked up.
"I don't have parents! " he smiled seeming happy about it. I was shocked and looked at Chica.
"So what I'm getting at is that he's been here for who knows how long? " Chica nodded looking happy. I pinched the bridge of my nose and pushed my glasses up.
"And what's being done about this? " Gregory looked up at me again smiling.
"Bryan is going to adopt me! "
"Wh-what!? " I looked at Chica
They both nodded I blushed I've liked Bryan for a while now, I didn't even know he'd wanted a kid.
I clear my throat and fake fix my tie.
"An-anyways where is Bryan exactly? " I smiled as Gregory went back to drawing coloring in a picure of what I think is Steve.
I smile at him and look back up at Chica.
"I think him and Pat are upstairs in the office" I nod and walk away from the table, going back up the stairs. I take a sharp turn heading into the newly built office with several computers and large screens.
I look around for the two boys walking into the second office surrounded by glass walls. The doors slide open I look around then seeing a pair of black high top converse on the floor. I walk around the table seeing the two both asleep Bryan holding Pat. I blushed at the two. They were both so adorable like that just two cinnamon rolls.
I sat in a chair and pulled out my phone messaging some people and playing a couple games waiting for at least one of the two to wake up.
Bryan's pov.
I yawned blinking my eyes to adjust to the lights around me inside the office. I look down still seeing the purple fluff on my chest watching as pats chest slowly rose and fell. I blushed a bit and ran my fingers through his hair. He moved a little curling his legs and digging his face into my chest. I smiled and silently chuckled to myself.
"Cute" I whispered.
"Both of you are" I jumped hearing another voice. I looked up and saw vendi staring at me from the chair. I felt my cheeks get hot as I see his glowing red eyes staring into mine.
"Your quite red their Bry" he chuckled and spun around in the chair. He disappeares till he came around and squated down in front of us.
"So what how are you two doing and how'd you get here? "
"Wel-well pat hasn't been sleeping so I figured that I could get him to sleep for at least a couple hours. "
"Mhm well I was wondering if you two would like to accompany me to my house for dinner so we can talk business stuff. " he chuckled and I felt blush so read across my face.
"Su-sure! " I smiled and he nodded in return
I looked down at pat.
"I don't know if he'll wanna come though he hasn't been sleeping and has barely ate. " vendi crouched down rubbing his back.
"Poor thing working so hard. "
Pat moves a bit rolling into his side. I looked up at vendi seeing a bit of blush on his face and lust in his eyes.
"So should we wake Pat up? " vendi nodded. I look down and lightly shake him awake.
"Pat" I keep shaking him.
He groans and tightens his grip around my waist. I blush and move a strand of purple hair out of his face.

"Pat?" I shook him a bit more.

"Mh~" he slowly opened his eyes

"Where am i?" he sat up and vendi chuckled "Your on bryan thats were you are" I blush and pat quickly sat up. He was extremely red and he looked back at me.

"Bry-bryan!" I blush "yo-you were tired so i figured i could get you to sleep" we both were extremely red.

"Anyways now that your awake would you like to accompany me and bryan for dinner at my estate?"
Pat nodded "sure! " vendi smiled and clapped his hands together "alright then shall we head off? " we nod at the same time and Pat stands off offering me a hand to stand up. I took his hand and stood up. I turn and smiled at vendi.
-timeskip to once they get to vendi's house-
Third person.
Vendi unlocks the door opening it for the two men.
"This is nice. " Bryan smiled looking around the mini mansion.
Pat followed close behind seeing a large dining table with a bottle of wine and plates covering that table. Bryan turned and looked at vendi.
"So what should we do! " vendi smirks and walks closer to them. Bryan looked into vendi's eyes seeing lust in them but in greater forms. He blushed and backed up a bit.
Pat was looking around at paintings admireing them.
Vendi walks closer to Bryan, Pat turns and walks over.
"So... What's up? " Pat was confused
"Well I told you both I wanted to discuss business... However its a different form of business. " vendi blushed a bit
"Then what did you wanna talk about? " Bryan asked looking over at Pat.
"We-well I like... Both you guys like I love both of you! " vendi's face was completely red and he looked away.
Bryan walked up to vendi And cupped his cheeks with blush covering his face.
"Ve-vendi I like you to" vendi smiled looking into Bryan's eyes lovenly.
Pat walks over wrapping an arm around Bryan and vendis waist.
"And I wouldn't mind being with the both of you~".
They were all red as they looked into each other eyes. Vendi smiles and leans down hugging both of them tight. They fall to the floor continueing this hug.
----3 months later-------
The three got closer the longer they were together. They now live together in vendis house and always start the day in each other's arms and end it the same way.
Bryan's pov
I was working on animatronics in the basement. I was messing with some of Steve's wiring when I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist. I feel my cheeks get hot and I turn my head seeing fluffs of purple hair.
" hi dear" I chuckle as he sets his chin on my shoulder.
"Hello bryan what are you doing~"
"Fixing Steve"
"What happened to him? " pat moves his hands down to my waist then moving my shirt snaking them up my shirt. I blush,
"He-he was found passed out a Freddy land so I'm just doing some checkups"
"Ah how's he looking then~" pat moves his hands and start messing with my nipples.
"Mmh~ h-hes doings fine wh-whats with the teaseing~? "
"just felt like it you also seem tense~"
"I-if you wanna do anything you gotta call vendi" I chuckle as I feel his hands stop rubbing and slide out.
"Bet~" I shutter. He kisses my cheek and walks away. I smile huffing. I set the wrench down for a second and picked Steve up.
"What happened to you Steve? " I sigh standing him on the charger plugging him in. I turn around walking away putting my hand on the light switch. I turn around looking at him one final time
"Charge up quick bud we miss you" I smile and turn the light off heading upstairs.
Pats pov.
I had my hands up Bryan's shirt teaseing him as he was working on Steve.
"I-if you wanna do anything you gotta call vendi" he chuckles. I slowly move my hands taking them out of his shirt and move close to his ear.
"Bet~" I smirk kissing his cheek and walking out of the workshop. I pulled my phone out dialing vendi and sat backstage waiting for him to answer. After a couple seconds he picks up the phone.
"Hello dear what's up? "He sound flirty making me blush.
" well I was wondering if you could get off a bit early tonight~ Bryan seems tense so maybe we go a buh some toys and surprise him when he gets home~" I smirked
"Hmmm~ interesting alright I'll see you soon I'll pick you up so Bryan has the car let him know though so he doesn't worry~" I could hear the lust in his voice as he talked as well as bit of back ground noise. I hang up and hear footsteps coming up the stairs.
I turn around seeing Bryan shutting the basement door.
"Welcome back bry~"
"Hi hon. " he smiles walking over kissing me on the cheek. I wrap my arms around his waist.
"So vendi is going to drive me to a meeting so you can drive home so he's going to pick me up alright" Bryan smiles and nods.
"Alright" I smile and pull Bryan into a kiss with him quickly returning it.
We pull away and blush.
"Alright I'll see you later love you. " I pull my arms away.
He yells
"ALRIGHT! " I chuckle going out and seeing vendi waiting in the front.
I go and get in the passenger seat.
"Hi hon Bryan says he loves you and hi. "
"Hello text him that I love him please" he chuckles.
I laugh and start texting Bryan while vendi drives.
"So what is this plan to make him less tense~" vendi says stopping at a red light.
"Well he seemed happy when I was teaseing him so why don't we take it to the next step. If he's fine with it~"
"Interesting alright " I smile and blush and see vendi blushing to. We head to a sex shop parking and walking inside. We buy some rope, a couple of toys, and a bottle of lube. We thank the cashier paying and heading back to the truck.
We drive home and walk into the house. I walk up to the bedroom and pull the blankets and pillows off the bed and set them folded up to the side and pull out a new set of sheets placing them next to the bedding. I then grab the bag setting it on the book shelf all the items kinda sticking out then turn towards the bathroom. Vendi was downstairs setting stuff up and figuring out what the plan for dinner was.
I go into the bathroom and pull out a bag of rose petals we normally out into baths. I set them beside the tub and pull out the soaps setting them on the sink.
I walk out seeing vendi in the bedroom.
"I order us some pizza and set it to show up in a few hours" vendi smiled wrapping his arms around my waist as I smiled and booped his nose making him laugh.
Bryan's pov
After hours of hanging out with the animatronics and making sure Gregory was alright for the night I headed out to my truck. I started driving home excited to see my two lovers. I pull into the driveway and get out of the truck. Vendis car was already in the driveway so the meeting must have been fairly short then usual. I shrug it off and walk inside. The lights were all off leaving the house pitch black, I shut the front door locking it behind me and take off my shoes and leave my coat at the door on its hook as well as hanging the keys up. I walk into the kitchen and flick the light switch on and head over to the fridge grabbing the pack of hamburger and setting it out on the counter. Letting it thaw out a bit more sense it was still frozen. I look around it seemed like nobody was here. I walked upstairs into the bedroom. The bed had no bedding on and the sheet was messed up a bit. I felt a set of arms wrap around my waist and another around my torso.
I blush and glance behind seeing a white suit and tuffs of purple hair.
"Hello bryan~" they both said with lust in there voice one of them rubbing my waist moving his hands around my thighs.
"Wh-what's all this about? "
"Hmm well we were wondering if you wanted to have some fun~" they keep rubbing my body.
"Mmh~ wh-what type of fu-fun! " I groan looking back at them.
"Mh~ a new type of fun~" pat moves his hand into my pants and palms my member.
I groan and move my hips a bit.
"I-i suppose we could~" I Huff leaning my head back starring into both of their eyes.
They were both blushing with lust and love showing in their eyes as they stared at me and at each other. Vendi moves his hands from around my waist and moves over to the bed. He pulls me and Pat over with him, he grips my waist and pushes me onto the bed. I gasp as my body bounces up a bit landing softly on the bed. I blushed as they both tower over me.
" s-so wh-what all are you wanting to do? " I groan moving my arms up.
Pat and vendi move closer, Pat pins my arms were I had them holding them tightly above my head, and looks at vendi. They nod at each other and vendi walks over getting into a grocery bag.
"Wh-whats in there? "
"We just figured to pick up a few toys while on the way home~" he smirks looking over and vendi. Vendi walks back over holding a bundle of rope.
"You know Bryan your not the only one getting some toys~ or fucked~" vendi smirked and slapped pats ass making him blush. Vendi sat next to me on the bed and started unbuttoning my shirt while Pat undid the rope.
Vendi took my shirt off and started unbuttoning my jeans. I bush and close my thighs together and curl my legs up.
Pat moves over with the rope handing it to vendi.
"Now Bryan don't make me tie these legs of yours down to~" pat smirks spreading my legs apart. I look up feeling the rope wrap around my wrist.
"No-not to tight at least. " I pleaded looking at vendi.
"No promises bry~"vendi looks at me smirking as he tie a bows
Pat rubs my inner thighs squeezing them, I yelped squirming moving my hips and messing with the ropes. Pat pulls my jeans and boxers off.
" now bry I just tied those don't mess with those or do I need to make them tighter? ~"
Vendi chuckles pulling at the bow. Pat moves his hand further up squeezing harder.
"B-but I need something for support! " I whine squirming more. I feel Pat move his hand and press his hands down on my waist adding weight. I yelped and looked at Pat confused.
Pat's POV.
I held bryans legs open with my hands as vendi continued fighting the ropes around bryans wrist. I lick my lips moving down and kissing the tip of bryans member.
"P-PAT! " Bryan stuttered out blushing more I pull my mouth away and looked into bryans eyes. "Mh~ what's wrong bry~" I smirk moving one of my hands grasping bryans member moving my hand rubbing from the base to the tip of bryans member.
"Mhh~" bryans moans out biting his lip. Vendi leans close into bryans face. He pulls at bryans lip.
"Now stop that bry~ we wanna hear those lovely sounds~" a smirk crosses vendi's face. "Here I'll make it a bit more fair~" I looked up. Vendi crawls off the bed and walks closer to me.
I smirk, squeezing bryans member rubbing it a bit harder. "PA-AT STOP! ~ bryan moaned. Vendi chuckles and places his hand on mine pulling it off of bryans member.
" we should make this a bit more even shouldn't we~" vendi pushes me against the wall. I see bryan move to get a better look.
I smirk and look vendi staring into his eyes.
"Maybe we should~" I chuckle pushing myself towards him.
"Stop fighting for top you two" bryan chuckles.
Vendi laughs, and pushes me against the bed post.
"I think I've won between the two of you~" vendi pulls at the buttons on my shirt. I push my body towards him tearing his shirt open.
"You wanna fuck me that bad huh~" vendi smirks. I blush "well at least I'm winning I've gotten more clothes off of you then you have me~" he smirks and tears my shirt off and starts unzipping my pants.
"Now who's egar" Bryan chuckles I look over seeing him squirm his member fully erected.
"Well look who's getting hard watching us undress huh~" Bryan blushed and looked away. I then back to vendi and hook my finger into the waist band of both vendi's jeans and boxers. He blushes as I move my hands pulling both down and helping him step out.
"Well looks like I won~" I chuckle and finish taking off my pants and boxers.
Vendi's POV.
I watch Pat take off his jeans and boxers thinking he won. I looked at Bryan who was a blushing mess looking back and forth between me and Pat. He closes his legs tightly together again. "I think before we make anything official Pat we need to tie these lovely legs up~" I look over at Pat as he nods walking grabbing some more rope. Bryan eyes go wide as he squirms pushing his legs together more. Pat walks back over handing me the second bundle of ropes. I walk closer to Bryan. I grip bryans thighs and force them apart. Exposeing his member and asshole. I smirk leaning down and licking his member. Small moans escape his mouth I grab the rope and wrap just above his knee and tie it tightly. I take the rope and tie it to one of the post and copy the same to his other leg. Bryans legs were completely spread apart. Pat Stood next to me licking his lips. I smirk and smack his ass making him jump. I chuckle and turn away to grab the lube.
"Getting excited aren't you vendi~" Bryan chuckles I find the bottle and walk back over to the bed.
"Mh yet you've been licking your lips and begging us to fuck you already~" I grab his chin as he blushed trying to look away.
I drop his chin and look over seeing Pat opening the bottle of lube. I walk behind him and give him a small hand job " and you seem very egar~" I chuckle hearing small moans escape his mouth I move my hand and move back to Bryan. I place my hand around his member and begin rubbing my hand up and down his shaft. He bites his lip trying not to moan.
"Now how should we play this out~" I smirk squeezing my hand making Bryan gasp and moan out loud.
I look over at Pat who's applying lube.
"We could have overstimulation~ or we could tease you a bit~" Bryan looks scared and shakes his head. "N-none of th-those please! " he begged I smirked and looked over at Pat.
"Well I think we should overstimulate him~" Pat smirks I look over at him.
"I think so~" Bryan looked scared gripping the ropes. I get on the bed lean over kissing Bryan.
Pats pov.
While vendi made out with Bryan I went in between brys legs. I wrap my hand around his member squeezing my hand. Muffled moans came from Bryan as he started squirming a bit. Vendi deepens the kiss groaning and places his hand on Bryan's torso. He starts rubbing his hand up to Bryan's nipple rubbing it as Bryan groans. I grip Bryan waist and and lean down putting my mouth on Bryan's member. I start deep throating it, moving my tongue from the base to the top, wrapping it around. I guess vendi stopped kissing cause you could clearly hear Bryan's moans now. I smirk bobbing my head and push two fingers into Bryan's ass pushing them deep and curling them a bit. Bryan squrims he moans softly, I move my head bounceing it on and off his member I spread my fingers farther apart pumping them a bit. Bryan moans more huffing as he squrims.
Bryan's pov.
I moan gripping the ropes wrapped around my wrist. Pat deep throats my member wrapping his tongue around the base. He has something in my ass he's moving it spreading it around curling them and pushing them further into my ass. It causes me to moan louder. I Huff arching my back
I feel a new pressure on the bed assuming it was vendi I bite my lip closeing my eyes trying to stop myself from moaning.
Vendi's POV
I pulled away from the kiss between me and bryan, he was moaning louder from Pat deep throating him. I chuckle kissing bryans forehead. I get off the bed grabbing the bottle of lube and putting some on my hands rubbing it on my member huffing watching while Pat moved faster and was scissoring bryans ass. Bryan had his back arched moaning loudly. I bit my lip and crawled back onto the bed and started rubbing bryans hips seeing him bite his lip.
"P-PAT!~" Bryan moaned out and I'm assuming cummed, Pat quickly pulled off of bryans member huffing and pulls his hand out of Bryan.
"Seems your both pleased~" I chuckled and leaned down kissing Bryan, he quickly kisses back turning into a French kiss. Our tongues swirl around in each other's mouths. I nip his lip pulling away huffing I move down and look at Pat nodding my head with him quickly understanding. I go in front of Bryan grabbing his waist and pushing the tip of my member into his ass. Small moans exit his mouth. Bryan grips the rope starring into my eyes pleading. He moves his hips telling me he's ready. I smirk pushing my entire member into Bryan's ass and begin slowly moving. Pat crawled onto the bed and places his hand on Bryan's member slowly moving it. Bryan's moans increased his eyes pleading for more as he gripped the ropes more.
"Nghhh~c-could you move faster p-please~" he moans out. Both me and Pat smirk I grip Bryan's waist moving faster the sounds of skin on skin being heard loudly but Bryan's moans even louder. Pat moved his hand faster even squeezing Bryan's member.
"Ahhh!~" Bryan moaned arching his back huffing, he closed his eyes as cum shot out of his member covering our stomachs.
I smirk moving faster as Pat removed his hand and kissed the tip of bryans member. He then pushes the entire thing into his mouth.
"You must enjoy bryans dick there pat~" I laugh moving harder.
"S-shut up~" Bryan moaned out glareing up at me. Pat started bobbing his head moving on and off of bryan.
"N-nghh!~"i look up into bryans eyes, they were closed his mouth open with constant moaning. I slow my pace down a bit then quickly moving faster continueing this into a pattern.
" I-I-IM GO-NNA!~" before he could finish Pat quickly pulled off of bryans member as cum squirted out covering us even more. Pat sat up huffing, panting he moved up and started kissing bryan muffling the moans slightly. I groan huffing feeling a knot at the base of my stomach. I grunt thrusting a bit more cumming deep inside bryan. I moan out thrusting a few more then pulling out. I huffed keeping my grip on Bryan's waist . Pat pulled away from their kiss and pulled me into one. I kept my grip on Bryan as Pat had his fingers tangled in my hair deepening the kiss. Our tongues danced as we fought for domence. I move my hands gripping pats waist pulling him closer as I nipped his tongue. We pulled away every few minutes grabbing a quick breath then quickly pulling back into the kiss.
"Mmh~" sounds came from Bryan, we pulled away and saw him squirming starring at us with pleading eyes.
"Aww is somebody jealous~" I chuckle looking down at him. Bryan groaned biting his lip as he squirmed.
Pat smirks moving cuffing his hands over my ear.
"What if we fucked him at the same time~" he pulled away and stared at me I smirked nodding we both looked over and moved over hovering over him. Bryan looked confused I pushed my member into Bryan slowly pumping it. Grunts came from Bryan as he huffed gripping the ropes.
Pat pushed his member in soon after I did thrusting a bit faster then I was. Gasp and loud moans came from Bryan. We both began thrusting faster moving deeper into Bryan. Moans filled the room as tears pricked Bryan's eyes he tried squirming he huffed panting starring at me and Pat.
"Ah-ahh-mhhh!~" cum  squirted from Bryan's member covering the three of us. Small tears fell down Bryan's face as his head fell. Me and Pat started moving faster, Pat moved his hand wrapping it around Bryan's member moving his hand gripping the base.
"Ah-ahh-mhhh p-at! M-mh Ve-vendi! ~" Bryan moans drool falling from his mouth. I huffed moving faster sweat falling from my forehead. I grunt moving faster Pat following matching my pace.  Grunts come from Pat as he cums filling Bryan up I follow cumming after both of us pulling out. The moment Pat removed his hand cum squirted from Bryan's member again. I huffed and starting to untie Bryan Pat helping. I sat next to Bryan Pat on the other side we each wrapped our arms around the huffing Bryan as he had already passed out. We passed out all of us breathing heavily calming down the longer we slept.

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