Chapter 1: Assembling The Team

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A long time ago, there was a pomegranate cookie named Red Settler Cookie from a village filled with pomegranates. Ever since she was young, she was gifted with her mirror magic and loves to create many challenges such as puzzles, obstacles, and many more. She would have been the high priestess but she immediately left the village to take on her own journey around earthbread, where she meets a coffee cookie named Bean Settler Cookie. A troublemaker cookie with his wooden staff weapon who adventures around earth bread to take on challenges along his path, but he always ends up getting himself in trouble. With the two together, they became good friends as they travel and adventure into the unknown not only to explore but to help other cookies. They have been together as friends ever since and the last time they were heard is when they travel through a ship and a storm hits them. That was the last thing they heard from them, but there is a discovery of a broken ship on an island that is filled with mystery like once cookies enter the island, they wouldn't be the same cookie again. Cookies who entered said about meeting two cookies who fit the settlers but there was no proof and was nothing but a belief.

"Hm, that cookie better not be joking about what he found on the island," Espresso scoffs as he puts the book down on his desk.

It was nighttime in the Cookie Kingdom, and Espresso couldn't be any more awake. He was preparing several donuts in his Coffee-themed home as he waited for his guests to arrive - Latte, Almond, Snow Sugar, and Madeleine (Which he actually didn't invite) arrived one by one. Each of them grabbed a donut as they sat down to listen to what he was about to tell.

"I called you cookies here tonight because I require all of you to join me in an expedition to a faraway island, I need the ingredients located there for my research," He explained, fixing his glasses.

The lovely Latte giggled a bit. "Aww, the cold-hearted Espresso inviting us on an expedition! So cute! And here I thought you were going to explore by yourself as always."

"Oh, I certainly would, but SOMEONE told Ginger Brave to make sure every expedition comprises 5 cookies so to accept it." Espresso glared at Madeleine with disdain.

Madeleine on his part kept eating the donuts, swallowing them whole as he stood up with pride in his eyes. "After what happened in Hero's Gate, I will make sure that you and every cookie are safe, I swear on the name of the Divine."

Snow Sugar Cookie got confused about why Madeleine was there as they were gripping their wand. "Umm... Espresso Cookie, it's a bit strange that you invited Mr. Madeleine Cookie... since it seems well-known that you dislike him."

As a response, Espresso groaned and tried to explain that there weren't any other available cookies to come and had no choice but to let him in the group. As for Madeleine, he was happy as long as he could protect Espresso and the other cookies.

Almond let out a silent sigh and drank his coffee. "Any plans or strategy in case of danger?"

The dark-skinned scientist, with a calm smile, gently bowed. "Of course, Detective Almond. I'll explain it through a prepared presentation! Now listen carefully, especially you Madeleine."

As Espresso explained the plan for their trip to the island and things needed to bring once they got there, A whole hour passed of the presentation, and the time for the other cookies to go home eventually arrived. Alongside a just-pouring rain.

Snow Sugar looked up at the sky. "Ohh.... I didn't bring my umbrella."

Almond used his coat to cover his head and was about to go- but Latte pulled both Almond and Snow Sugar in her flying spoon, At the same time she created a spell to make a Latte floating ceiling above her. "I don't want you two to get wet from the rain, I'll bring you home myself!"

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