Chapter 12: Wishes

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"I know this is breaking the rules, but I need to work on my research," the young Espresso whispered to himself as he walked in the hallway while performing a coffee magic fire during the nighttime in Parfadia Academy. Espresso needed to work on his experiments and knows that breaking into school will get him in trouble, which possibly can get him expelled from school.

Espresso enters the magic laboratory, but as soon as he gets inside, he realizes another student came. He sees a familiar student trying to perform light magic but fails miserably.

"Dang it, every time! Why can't I perform magic right!?" A student groaned from his misery at failing to perform magic once more.

"Because you didn't perform the chant right," Espresso said that led another student to notice him. Espresso used his coffee magic fire to inspect the student and realized it was Licorice Cookie. One of Espresso's classmates, he can tell that the skinny cookie doesn't admire his coffee magic. Espresso didn't care if everyone admired his magic or not but Licorice seemed spiteful about this.

Licorice was shocked to see him, but he eventually turned from shock to anger. "What are you doing, top student!?"

Espresso raised his eyebrow. "I've been asking you the same question, what are you doing?"

"What does it look like? I am performing magic!"Licorice showed him the stack of books.

"Doesn't it look like one?" Espresso rolls his eyes.

"Let me guess, you gonna rat me out to the professors." Licorice glares at him.

"If I did, I would end up getting in trouble. Just be glad I wouldn't tell the professors," Espresso said as he sat down and stared at what he was doing.

Licorice mockingly laughs. "So the top achiever is breaking the rules, so much for the student of the year."

"Shut up, I need to concentrate on my experiment. How about this? I won't rat you out if you don't rat me out. Clear." Espresso said as he made a deal with his classmate.

Licorice stares at him and rolls his eyes. "Fine, but only because they wouldn't believe me that someone like you is breaking the rules."

They all nodded in agreement as they work on their magic, with Espresso working on his coffee magic research to better use of coffee while Licorice is working on his magic. Licorice sweats as he tries to chant but it doesn't work.

Licorice sighs in disappointment but he remembers what Espresso said about saying the chant. "Ugh, I didn't want to say this but...what is the correct chant?" Licorice asked Espresso who seemed to stop working on his experiment.

Espresso was a bit confused as he stared at Licorice but he decided to help him out so he would not be disturbed more. "Alright, this is the correct chant..." Espresso said as he began to chant correctly which resulted in the magic circle summoning a small coffee vision in which the magic shows what kind of cookie they are.

Licorice nodded as he began to chant correctly which suddenly made the magic circle summon a small licorice vision. He smiles when that happens. "Yes, finally. Now I can pass the assignment and-" Licorice realizes he said it out loud and sees Espresso who seems surprised to see Licorice's side of him. "I mean...thanks a lot, I guess," he said as he tried not to make himself happy in front of him.

Espresso is a bit confusing but he proceeds to work on his coffee magic research while Licorice works on his other assignments. Licorice has some trouble with some magic but he did well in some but can tell it's weaker than the others who perform their magic.

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