Chapter 5: Repeated Paths

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The cookies forced to work together to get out of the cave kept on running in the path ahead yet they still have no light other than Espresso's coffee fire. The path they took revealed to be similar to the tainted forest.

"Hey, doesn't this place look like where we first met the group of cookies who stopped us?" Poison Mushroom asked Pomegranate.

"You seem to be right, but it doesn't make sense how a forest came on this island," Pomegranate looks around as she runs.

Licorice stops as he breaths in and out. "Jeez, are you sure you know where you are going?!" Licorice complained.

Espresso with an annoyed look towards Licorice. Espresso stopped to see Licorice which led everyone to stop running. "Of course I am, Licorice Cookie! I even look around to see if there is another path but there isn't one. Maybe you should help find another path."

"Can we just continue running?! I don't want to be with you gnats that long while this cave is getting darker and darker!" Red Velvet Cookie exclaimed as they all started running.

"Who are you calling 'cans', Red Cupcake Cookie?" Tiger Lily hiss at the hybrid.

"It's Red Velvet Cookie and it's gnats, you gnats" Red Velvet yelled back at Tiger Lily Cookie.

"So you're name is Gnat Cookie? What are gnats anyways?" Tiger Lily asked as she let out her claws.

Red Velvet's teeth clenched at Tiger Lily. "Are you really that secluded to the cookies? Even someone like me who was surrounded by cakes can be smart about-"

"EXCUSE ME CAN YOU KEEP IT DOWN PLEASE?" Licorice cut Red Velvet's sentence as he yelled at both of them as he tired of them complaining.

Both Tiger Lily and Red Velvet cross their arms as they keep running and distant themselves. Red Velvet took a look at the butter tiger who seems a bit hungry, Red Velvet didn't want the animal to be hungry throughout the journey and use some food meant for chiffon to give to the butter tiger. At first, the butter tiger almost growls at the hybrid but the tiger began to starve and immediately ate the food which after that, the butter tiger licks the Red Velvet. This made Red Velvet almost regret giving the food to the butter tiger but he can't help but find the butter tiger great.

As they are continue their journey, Onion began to cry. "Waaaahhhh! The dark is scary!" Onion kept hugging her doll.

"Keep your mouth shut or you'll make things worse, young one," Pomegranate said as she held Onion's hand to make her run faster as they run.

Dark Choco kept running but eventually heard something; "Hold on, did you hear that?" Dark Choco stops as he looks around to where the noise comes from.

"Tiger Lily heard a noise somewhere in front of the coffee mage," Tiger Lily prepared her weapon as she walked in front of Espresso to take a closer look. Dark Choco noticed a light coming from the dark, Dark Choco immediately tackled both of the tigers when lightning came that almost hit Tiger Lily.

"Dark Choco Cookie!?" Red Velvet went to check Dark Choco and they both stand up. "Are you okay?" Red Velvet asked which Dark Choco nodded that he is fine.

Tiger Lily stares at Dark Choco as she is surprised that Dark Choco saved him despite being on different sides. As Tiger Lily took a closer look at the tired Dark Choco, she clearly remembered an old memory that she couldn't recall what it was as she was a baby at that time. She was in her crib with another baby on her side, who appears to be familiar to her but doesn't know who. As she looked above, she saw two cookies who appear to look the same being emotionless and dark but one being older with purple eyes while the other is younger with red eyes. As they took a look at her and the other baby, they eventually smiled to see the sight of newborn babies. The older Cookie grabs the cookie from her side as he carries her like a father while the younger cookie grabs her as the red-eyed cookie peacefully smiles towards her face. They stare at each other with her giggling while the other laughs as well.

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