Chapter 4: Deep Into The Cave

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As the entrance is covered by huge rocks, both Espresso's team and the Cookie of Darkness quickly try their best to get out of the cave as they keep moving the rocks away but it is impossible to move even with Red Velvet's cake arm.

Vampire Cookie transforms into a bat to find an exit fit enough for him but no exit is found and decides to transform back as he reaches the ground. "There's no way out, oh well. I guess I need a drink." Vampire Cookie grabs his flask as he is about to drink but Red Velvet throws the flask to the ground in Vampire's demise. "Insulting my sister is bad enough, but throwing away my precious grape juice. You monster!"

Red Velvet pointed out Vampire and the team using his cake arm. "This is all your team's fault, you bunch of gnats! We wouldn't have been stuck here if each of you weak cookies didn't come here!"

Vampire rolls his eyes as he glares at Red Velvet Cookie. "Didn't that Old Rag Cookie try to kidnap Onion Cookie which started this fight in the first place?"

Licorice glares at the Vampire as he prepares his weapon. "It's Licorice Cookie, and I would have kidnapped her successfully if she wasn't such a crybaby. Not to mention, she is the reason why we are stuck in this cave because of her weird powers!"

Onion realizes everyone is staring with some giving a glare that made her scared. "Waaaaaaahhhhhh! I'm sorry!" Onion cried as she hugs her doll.

"And seriously, why bring a child to an unknown island and leave her alone in the jungle?" Dark Choco asked as he pointed his sword at them.

Onion hugs Espresso as she didn't want to be near the cookie of darkness after what happened. Espresso pats Onion's head as she sympathizes with her and pays attention to Dark Choco as he gives a deep glare. "Your sentence is filled with hypocrisy given that you brought a child as well."

"I'm a child." Poison Mushroom Cookie smiles wave at everyone.

"At least our child is better and superior to you crybaby child," Licorice pointed at Onion.

"Onion is innocent compared to that brat," Lilac coldly pointed at Poison Mushroom which made them afraid of Lilac for a bit due to his intimate mood.

"And why are you cookies of dorkness doing here? Shouldn't you ruin everyone's lives in the mainland?!" Tiger Lily and the butter tiger growls at them showcasing their sharp teeth.

"It's Cookie of Darkness, you savage." Pomegranate does not want to set sight on Tiger Lily as she sees her as an unethical Cookie. "I want to ask you the same question about you, cookies."

Both groups of cookies are silent for a while, that's when Espresso noticed why they are here. "Hold on, you wanted to find that mirror on this island?"

"The mirror that the Pomegranate settler owns you mentioned in the book?" Lilac Cookie said as he cross his arms

"Figures that the reason you are here is that wasted coffee bean." Pomegranate uses her right sleeve to hide her mouth. "The founder of a coffee school trying to find a rare coffee bean to work on his wasted research."

Espresso went in front of Pomegranate with an intense look. "My research has great potential in the name of magic unlike your goal to take over earthbread!"

"Who cares about your stupid coffee magic, top student!?" Licorice yelled at Espresso.

Espresso rolls his eyes at Licorice. "Here we go again, Licorice. When will you just move on to something I didn't do wrong back in school?"

"YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN, EXPRESSO!!" Licorice yells at Espresso.


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