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Hello everyone, I want to have a few announcements regarding the fanfic. The fanfic will be on hiatus for 3 reasons: (1.) Examination is next week and I need to focus on my studies, (2.) I need to proofread the next chapter to see how the flow goes, and (3.) With the Dark Cacao Cookie arc being near, I need to know about that arc relating to Dark Choco and his past as it might lead to changes in the fanfic. Hope you understand!

By the way, I want to point out that Unlikely Team, Unlikely Allies takes place before the winter (Meaning Cotton Cookie and the other cookies update after her, aren't in the kingdom yet) since this story I wrote started in November. This also means The War Under Shattered Skies storyline didn't come yet and if you wondering why Espresso is with Eclair, let's just say Espresso often forgets about him. I made some changes on how Licorice has fallen in love with Pomegranate since Eclair wasn't originally gonna be there as he hasn't debuted when I wrote it. But the idea of the museum made me think of Eclair and so I added him in the flashback.

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