Chapter 3: Unexpected Encounter

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Day 2

Espresso eventually looked around the beach as he kept looking for the coffee bean. He felt hot from all the radiation when someone gave him a fresh glass of juice. "Why thank you very much." Espresso smiles as he drinks the juice, he looks at a long blonde cookie shining bright on the beach.

"In the name of the Divine, I wouldn't let a cookie fall from grace," Madeleine laughs and Espresso joins in as admiring the smile and personality the knight possesses. Madeleine holds Espresso's hand. "Come on, they prepare lunch."

Espresso smiles and nods as they run on the sunny sandy beach, admiring the shiny ocean that helps reflect the blue sky. They felt cold and discovered Snow Sugar creating winter in this part of the beach while Latte and Almond had a nice conversation while eating jelly steak.

Snow Sugar looks at Madeleine and Espresso being nearby and waves at them. "Come in guys, we got cooked jelly steak and it is tender."

Latte giggles as she holds her spoon. "Come on, you two love birds, we will finish it before you get it."

"I prepared coffee in case you guys are cold in here," Almond smiles as he holds his cup of coffee and sips on his coffee.

Madeleine looks at Espresso as Madeleine moves his long hair to see the clear view. "Come on, let's go have some fun."

Espresso focuses on Madeleine's face feeling with energy and a radiant smile. Espresso nodded and smiled, which Madeleine was happy to see as he kissed Espresso on the cheek.

"He is still not waking up," a female voice came.

Espresso slowly opens his eyes and discovers that a butter tiger licks his face multiple times. "Ack!" Espresso pushes the butter tiger away and steps backward on a sunny day.

"Oh good, you are awake," Tiger Lily happily claps and rubs the butter tiger. "Now let's wake up sleeping beauty."

Both of the tigers went to Lilac Cookie who was still sleeping. The butter tiger was about to lick his face but Lilac Cookie pushed the tiger as he eventually woke up. "You're not the first tiger to wake me up."

Espresso stands up as he fixes his glasses and puts on his coat while rubbing his face. "I want to be awake to start work but not the way your animal friend licks my face, it's gross and unethical."

Tiger Lily doesn't look amused as she holds her weapon. "There's no time to be ethical, we have to wake you up to tell you the child is missing!"

Espresso hearing what she said and looking around and no sign of Onion. "Oh gosh, she might have been all alone in the jungle without help! Oh, witches, Blackberry Cookie will be mad if she finds out"

Lilac grabs his chakrams as he prepares to get ready. "We must go deep into the jungle but hold on, where's Vampire Cookie?"

"Tiger Lily told him to go find her first before I wake you sleepy heads up, come on!" Tiger Lily grabs one of Onion's dresses and shows it to Butter Tiger to smell it. "Be a good tiger and track her senses.

"I don't think tigers have as strong a sense of smell as dogs," Lilac said based on his experience of tigers back where he came from and he looks at both of the tigers.

"Shut up! My friend is a natural and- wait? What do you mean she doesn't have a sense!?" Tiger Lily argues with her butter tiger.

Lilac rolls his eyes and crosses his arms. "As I said, tigers don't have a strong sense of smell."

Tiger Lily throws the dress to the ground out of frustration. "Forget it, let's find the little onion." Tiger Lily rode her butter tiger and moved onward to the jungle.

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