Chapter 9: Bittersweet Dreams

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(Warning: Despite not being real in the story, it contains on-screen death.)

Day 4

"YOU'RE THAT BROWN GHOST I SAW!?" Onion freaked out in fear as she pointed at the surprised brown ghost who stepped backward when Onion moved forward to him.

"THAT'S THE GHOST!?" Poison Mushroom pointed at them when they realize who they were.

"Easy, little Onion. We are not gonna hurt you," the brown figure said as his hands were in front of her.

Onion is still frightened but was surprised to know that the brown ghost looks like a cookie. She has seen ghosts most of her days despite not everyone seeing them for an unknown reason, but all the ghosts she met look like small cookies wearing a white bed cloth around their body and flying around.

"Wow, you're a ghost!" Poison Mushroom looks amazed since they never met ghosts like them that they made some shroomies. "Have a shroomie!"

Both the ghosts are weirded out despite knowing they wouldn't be affected by the poison, they slowly accept the mushrooms in their hands. Onion is still afraid that she ran off from the room where Poison Mushroom and the two ghosts are worried and surprised that they follow her. Onion opened one of the rooms leading where Lilac and Espresso stay, with Lilac in the bed sleeping while Espresso slept in the chair. Onion went in front of Espresso as he shook Espresso to wake up but no matter what, Espresso didn't wake up. She did the same to Lilac but it is the same result as Espresso.

Poison Mushroom and the ghosts look around where Onion enters but they hear the door slam open to see Onion immediately run out of the room and enter the next. The next room appears to look like Dark Choco, Licorice, Vampire, Red Velvet, and Tiger Lily just spend the night party with them laying everywhere but their beds and drinks splatter everywhere. She tries to wake them up each by each but they couldn't awaken even when Onion slapped Licorice in the face and he still hasn't woken up.

"It is no use waking them up!" Onion almost freaked out when she heard the red ghost's voice with the brown ghost and Poison Mushroom arriving. "They are already succumbing to my spell and they won't wake up until they complete the task in the dream."

"SPELL!? WHAT SPELL!?" Poison Mushroom was surprised to hear what the red ghost said.

"We are sorry to spook like this but we were just-"

"Spying from a distance and we're surprised by what just happened?" The red figure cut out the brown figure's sentence to prevent revealing much.

"Spying? Have you been spying on us since we got here?" Onion asked as she returned being afraid once she learned they could be spying this entire time.

The brown figure nervously laughs while he scratches his face. "It does sound creepy but you're right, we did spy on you. We're the ones responsible for why you are still stuck in the cave."

"WHAT!?" Onion and Poison Mushroom's eyes widen to learn the truth that two ghosts are responsible for why they are here. Poison Mushroom is even a bit afraid of them now but not much as Onion.

The red figure put her hands on both the children's shoulders. "Calm down, we will explain everything. Now we should move to the other room and listen." Onion and Poison Mushroom look at each other, they are both afraid but they make sure to listen to them as they follow the ghosts back to their old room. "Before we talk about the cave, we should introduce ourselves. My name is Red Settler Cookie and this is my longtime friend, Bean Settler Cookie."

Bean Settler smirks and shows his move with his staff. "Nice to meet you, kids. I'm sure you find me impressive."

"Red Settler Cookie? Bean Settler Cookie?" Onion mumbled to herself in sudden realization. "You're the two cookies that they mentioned since we came here."

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