Epilogue: Cookie Run Kingdom

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"And that is how the story of Unlikely Team, Unlikely Allies," Bean Settler Cookie finished his story to the cookies on a sunny day in the kingdom. He left out some details such as secrets not meant to be shared.

"Wow, it sounds epic! To think the legend about the two settler cookies is true and hearing the end of the Settler's challenges is worthy for one of the history books," Eclair Cookie said with eyes filled with excitement as he began to write in his scroll. Eclair Cookie clearly wanted to learn about the stories through their point of view and he finally got it.

Cotton Cookie giggles. "I was scared especially since they learn about her but how great to see you all alright," she said as she can empathize with the ghosts and what they had been through.

Tea Knight Cookie nodded. "I am sorry how you all been though but we are glad you are alright," Tea Knight Cookie gave bittersweet smile. He remembers he was only young and saw the sight of the Settler Cookies and how sad their story ends.

Bean Settler Cookie laughs it off and pats his back. "It's fine, Tea Knight Cookie. We are no longer young than you young cookies this day should learn to be young."

"But still..." Dark Cacao Cookie frown after listening to his story especially involving his son. "...even you don't deserve it like that and I am sorry that my son did horrible things during that time."

"Your majesty, don't say that," Caramel Arrow Cookie looks at her king with a worried look. "The prince did is wrong but I know he made a mistake and if he didn't, then he would have done so already."

"She's right, your majesty!" Crunchy Chip Cookie tries his best to help the king. "The prince still loves you no matter what happened and we will make sure to help find the prince for you two to reunite."

"I...don't think he wants to see him, I mean...learning about the true nature of the sword makes me blame myself for not helping get rid of his sword. It is bad enough that I couldn't help my kingdom and my citizens, especially what that snake did to us, but learning he suffered so much from that curse makes me blame myself and even worst that I couldn't even save my old friend," Dark Cacao Cookie looks guilty and sad look as his eyes have a bit of tear but tries to keep it

Bean Settler Cookie frowns as he listened to the Cacaonian Cookies talking about Dark Choco Cookie and how to calm their king, he heard what happened back from the Dark Cacao Kingdom on how the Cookie of Darkness made another attempt to steal the soul jams but failed in the end and what makes it shocking that Dark Choco Cookie immediately left the Cookie of Darkness and even the sword which is the last thing everyone has seen him. He is happy that Dark Choco Cookie finally left the Cookie of Darkness since he doesn't deserve this kind of treatment but he felt bad for what happened to him.

"My king, you made many mistakes and so are we. I could have stopped your son that time but I didn't, so don't blame yourself, your majesty," Bean Settler Cookie went to him as he held the king's shoulder. "Besides, your son finally left the pain and I think it is important to let me have this journey by himself. Just like you should have your own journey to be a better king with your subjects by your side, that's important for both of you to heal."

Dark Cacao Cookie looks down and smiles a bit as he touches his oldest friend's worst but he isn't what to say, eventually, he was surprised to see sandwiches in front of him. "I don't want any of you guys to feel sad, now have some tasty sandwiches," Cherry Blossom Cookie said with a sweet smile.

The Cacanoian Cookies look at her and smile as they each grabbed a sandwich, Caramel Arrow Cookie tasted it and she smiles in tastefulness. "Wow, these sandwiches are amazing, Cherry Blossom Cookie."

Cherry Blossom Cookie giggles. "Thank you," she said before giving everyone a sandwich. Everyone accepted it except Wildberry Cookie.

"No thanks, I am not feeling hungry," Wildberry Cookie denies the offer in a respectful way.

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