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Thank you for reading my fanfic. I worked hard for this fanfic and am glad the results came. Many changes came in the fanfic and some parts were scrapped because of the influence of today and the new updates that happened in Cookie Run.

What made you have this idea?

Well, it started before the Frost Queen update, in which it will be interesting to see what it will be like for Cookie of Darkness to be with unlikely cookies to meet. And so I placed my four favorite cookies: Onion Cookie, Espresso Cookie, Lilac Cookie, and Vampire Cookie. Tiger Lily Cookie wasn't originally going to be part of it and it is supposed to be Twizzly Gummy Cookie, but she doesn't really fit the story and Tiger Lily Cookie is fitter as it gives her more story, which is why she is replaced.

Is writing the story hard?

I would say yes since it gives me how the plot flows and how the story goes which affects the relationship and everything. This results in many scrap ideas but gives out fresh story ideas.

Is there anything not change since the beginning?

There are a lot of things not change like the mirror room is planned in the beginning because it is a way for Poison Mushroom Cookie to learn the truth beforehand  (although that part is where Onion Cookie was originally gonna learn that she is a ghost), the pairing of the two is also part of it for a way to show the relationship between two cookies without interruption like Espresso Cookie and Licorice Cookie's old friends, and Lilac Cookie attempted murder and his origin reveal. 

How do you think of the idea for the Settler Cookies?

Well throughout writing the early before being released, there just ocs that wouldn't give many appearances because usually, readers aren't interested in ocs because they have low screen time but in my recent chapter before the fanfic was published that I added the Settler Cookies's official debut although they are mentioned in earlier chapters, just never part of it. So I figure to add some lines in the earlier chapters and even have distinct personalities. The idea of Red Settler Cookie being a pomegranate cookie and Bean Settler Cookie being a coffee cookie is not only are the settlers traveling Earthbread but is because of Pomegranate Cookie and Espresso Cookie as they are the reasons they are on the island and show influence to cookies.

Any changes that aren't in the beginning? 

There is a lot to say like originally that Strawberry Crepe Cookie was part of the Cookie of Darkness before the Odyssey and that there isn't a brother plot for Dark Choco Cookie and Red Velvet Cookie. Even Vampire Cookie's berserk form wasn't in the beginning and was thought of when I wrote the manor chapter. I did think of Onion Cookie being the one that caused destruction on getting the mirror and having to learn she is a ghost especially her creating an illusion of the mansion, but I never made a Ghost Mental State concept before. The influence came from Madoka Magica about witches which give me an idea of ghosts able to enter this state once they have uncontrollable negative emotions.

Who is your favorite cookie?

Out of the cookies, Lilac Cookie is my favorite cookie because I like his designs and his the first epic cookie in the Cookie Run Kingdom. Not to mention my favorite color is purple which made me intrigue him. When I learn about his background of him being an assassin, this made me love him even more since I love angst potential and how deep his voice is. I also knew right away he is a guy because he is shirtless. One of the reasons he is one of the main characters is.

What is your favorite chapter?

I will go with Lies and Broken Trust and Strawberry Jam because both chapters involved huge conflicts between the cast because of the secrets revealed and the tension towards everyone. Lies and Broken Trust showcase the start of the betrayal being revealed in which everyone is keeping secrets from one another to the point it was revealed. As the quote said, how the truth can hurt but knowing well the lie is revealed will hurt more and those who lie will reveal it. I also love how I did with the truth and punishment which is just info and trauma dumping to the cast and how their truth and lies change the relationship. The mirror scene is also my favorite because of how I drew all but Espresso Cookie, Onion Cookie, Poison Mushroom Cookie, and Red Velvet Cookie's attire and how it is just a reflection of the choices they made...but Onion Cookie because she is a ghost that led to Poison Mushroom Cookie making bad choices.

Strawberry Jam is when things get darker in which everyone is trying to kill each other with the main threats being from the hero's side: Lilac Cookie not wanting his secrets revealed while Vampire Cookie is in berserk form. This led to them almost getting killed with many strawberry jam in it.

So what's next? 

Besides posting my art content in my social media account, I did write and published a new fanfic called "Together From Different Worlds."

It is an au and a love story between Oyster Cookie and Captain Caviar Cookie, who is a mercookie

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It is an au and a love story between Oyster Cookie and Captain Caviar Cookie, who is a mercookie. Pretty much Little Mermaid but in its own way yet similar, with Black Pearl Cookie acting like Ursula. While it is a love story, it will be like Unlikely Team, Unlikely Allies when it comes to angst, fighting, and many more. Although this wouldn't have many drawings as this fanfic has many short chapters.

I did have a concept of a sequel of Unlikely Team, Unlikely Allies in fanfic but it will mostly just be shorter sentences that explain the event in each chapter because of my experience writing this that it will a while to finish. I will make sure to make it entertaining with some chapters.

It is called "Ghost Mayhem" which involves the ghosts from the world of death being released around Earthbread and how it caused trouble due to another CRK OC cookie name Candleworks Cookie, especially how he kidnapped Blackberry Cookie and Licorice Cookie for his plans. A lot of the main casts but the main characters are GingerBrave and Onion Cookie as it theme of the fanfic is life and death. I am not working on it yet but you can follow me on Instagram and Tumblr to find it, it is still the same name.

Now that this is over, thank you very much for reading, and hope you continue following me.

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