Chapter 8: Dream Manor Mystery

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//Warning: Drinking Alcoholic Substitute, Small Spoiler of CRK Episode 13//

Lilac coughs from the cold he got echoing the path they are in. Onion is a bit worried that she went in front of him. "If you are worried, I am sure you need to sleep and well good soup. Not to mention, enough vitamins and medicine to be a strong cookie. " Onion showed her doll in front of him. Her doll appears to be wearing a stethoscope around its neck and a hospital hat on its head.

"Um, where did you get that?" Lilac asked as he pay attention to the doll's appearance more than what Onion said.

"Oh, I bring this around since Dr. Milk Cookie thinks having my doll wearing it helps me to be healthy," Onion smiles. She remembers attending a small health seminar where Milk Cookie taught the kids about health.

"Dr. Milk Cookie?" Dark Choco listens to their conversation while holding Lilac by the arm. "Why do I feel like I recognize that name?" Dark Choco Cookie thought.

Onion nods. "Dr. Milk Cookie is such a great paladin, he always defended everyone with the nicest smile I've ever seen. I still don't get how is he friends with Purple Yam Cookie. Purple Yam Cookie is nice and strong that he even let me play with him and his hair, but he is always angry and screaming that got me scared," Onion put her hand on her chin.

"Purple Yam Cookie? Now, where did that name sounds familiar?" Dark Choco began to think who are the two cookies that Onion Cookie mentioned. He can remember one from a snowy area while the other one is in an arena. But he doesn't recall much about it.

"Now that I think about it, Milk Cookie mentioned wanting to meet the hero who save him and his village when he was young while Purple Yam Cookie mentioned trying to find that cookie who defeated him in the arena...that's you right?" Onion stares at Dark Choco. Lilac is a bit surprised to hear that.

Dark Choco sweats a bit and what Onion said is made him recognize who are those cookies, Purple Yam Cookie is one of the opponents he battles in the arena, and recognizes that constant scream. As for Milk Cookie. he indeed saves the milk cookies. He is also heard and remembers Milk Cookie especially when he wanted to meet him so badly. "You're right but that is the past, there is no way I am the cookie today because what I am before is no longer defined by the past but by the present."

Lilac heard what Dark Choco said, he bit his mouth and he felt conflicted if what Dark Choco said is true or not.

"There is no way I am the cookie today because what I am before is no longer defined by the past but the present."

Lilac remember what he said and it made me feel sorry for him especially when he felt the same about being defined in the past.

"Hm, I have never been to a hospital in a while. What is it like?" Poison Mushroom smiles since the last time they went there, Poison Mushroom is banned for being poisonous and infecting the patients and everyone in the hospital.

Onion scratches her head. "Actually...I had never been to the hospital before. Let alone a clinic." Onion then got a hit of sudden realization. "Now that you mentioned, I have never been sick before my entire life. It is a bit strange and I am always okay when it comes to health."

Poison Mushroom is a bit surprised when she said that. Poison Mushroom wanted to stop thinking about it but it made Poison Mushroom suspicious of her despite knowing her for a few days.

They all stop talking when Espresso discover and opened the door and as they entered it appeared to be inside of a blue manor with two floors and no sign of windows. "Ugh, a mansion. This place suited enough for those nobles and rich cookies." Espresso shows his disgust for nobles.

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