Chapter 11: Separation

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"Licorice Cookie, I want to tell you something." Licorice looked at the person talking as she sat on her throne. The cookie he looks at is Dark Enchantress Cookie, with a menacing smile on her face while holding her staff.

Licorice Cookie, a recently joined member of the Cookie of Darkness, wore brown rag clothes, and bows down to showcase the respect of his new master. He admires her for admiring his magic talents, unlike the cookies he met, but a bit scared of having to work with the vilest cookie of Earth bread that he even let out a sweat.

Dark Enchantress stands up and moves forward in front of Licorice, making him sweat more and even avoid eye contact. "You reminded me of me for some reason," Dark Enchantress said, which made Licorice surprised and look up, revealing a huge bandage that covered his right eye. Licorice got this injury not long ago and still hasn't faded away.

"Is that true D-, I mean master," Licorice hesitantly said.

Dark Enchantress moves away from him. "Of course but I wouldn't tell you what it is but I can assure you that your necromancy can be of great potential to everyone!"

His eyes sparkled. "Of course master, no one gets me but you. That is why I admire you and I will do anything for you."

Dark Enchantress smirks and eventually looks at him once more as she puts her right hand on his chin. "That is why I will teach you some of the dark magic," Dark Enchantress said.

Licorice's eyes shine with the potential to learn more dark magic. "That's too generous but wonderful to hear, but are you sure?"

Dark Enchantress smirks. "Don't make me regret it but for now, you should rest up and prepare for the next day," she said as she let off his chin. "Pomegranate Cookie, come here immediately."

Licorice looks around at where Pomegranate Cookie and then she appears out of the shadow, she seems to not look impressed. "Yes, master."

"Take him to his new room and make sure to give him rules of this places," Dark Enchantress ordered Pomegranate Cookie.

Pomegranate Cookie bowed down in respect. "As you wish, master," she said Licorice can't help but feel impressed to see someone having respect for Dark Enchantress. Once they left the throne room, Licorice Cookie followed Pomegranate to his new room. As they arrived, Pomegranate opened the empty room which reveals to be his new room.

"Wow, it may be empty but a place on my own," Licorice's revealing eyes showed to shine in satisfaction. He never has his own place to call home after he has been through, he then went to Pomegranate. "Thank you for showing the room, and I promise myself I will do anything for the Cookie of Da-

Pomegranate faced Licorice with a glare on her face. "Listen here, wizard. Dark Enchantress may give you an easy time and even let you taught some dark magic, but you should know your place in the Cookie of Darkness. I am one of the cookies who has been here the longest than you and I know how she has been through in her life and her goal, so I have to make sure to help even eliminate those who weakened her like you. Is that clear, fool?"

Licorice can't help but feel scared to be threatened by Pomegranate Cookie. He eventually nodded out of fear and Pomegranate moved backward while giving him a glare as she left by his side. Licorice can't help but held his arms as he scratches them out of nervousness and fear on his first day, but he put on a determined face in order to make Dark Enchantress proud.

"LICORICE...LICORICE!" Licorice slowly opens his eyes and it reveals to be Espresso Cookie.

Licorice's eyes widen and shove him away. "What happened? Where are we?" Licorice looks around and they appear to be in a small cave with no sign of the exit except the door. Licorice realized that no one but Espresso was around.

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