Chapter 4

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"I'm sorry Dear, I must've heard something. Could you repeat yourself?"

3rd Person

The Greenette Glared daggers at the trembling blonde in front of him.

"Repeat yourself Dear...", he said walking back towards The blonde

" I said No---" he tried to say only to have been grabbed by the back of his hair, then to be thrown on the wooden floor.

"Kacchan... You just never learn to listen", the Greenette said now crouched besides his lover. "why can't you ever make this easy?", he sighs as He grabs the blondes hair to make their faces meet.

" p-please... let m----" the trembling blonde was interrupted

"Let you what? Leave? letting you live a life that's cruel and misera---" he was interrupted.

"BEING HERE WITH YOU IS CRUEL! I'D RATHER LIV----", the blonde was shouting in before his face met with a cold ground. "NHGH!", he  groaned in pain. /you clearly made a wrong move\, voices he began hearing, /could've kept quiet\.

"DON'T DARE to defy me babe, I can clearly give you what you need and anything you ever want", he stated in his ear. " but you want to want to leave me...", he said letting go of his hair and looking around the room.

"Y-you w-want t-to l-leave m-me?", tears began to form in his eyes, as he mumbles to himself, voice becoming inaudible.

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