Chapter 22

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Making his way to the dining area katsuki noticed certain items that he liked, shaking his head to get his mind off of it he had a task to complete here at this party.

This would be like Katsuki's 5th mission... Shocking to be told that he never participated in any. Others have more than 15, katsuki being the one with less because he chose to leave and because back when him and Izuku use to get along they would do it all the time.

At this gala or 'event' Izuku called there was a particular object that he needed. However he was only told that it was highly dangerous and nothing to be concerned of.

A couple of Deku's team were here disguised as the servants or as an attendee. Midnight and Izuku weren't exactly close friends rather acquainted which each other through a friend.

Midnights her code name, real name:

Nemuri Kayama

Been in the Yakuza for 11 years,

Worked as a  High school teacher, at U.A. as a History Teacher.

32 years old, Married To Yu Takeyama; Code Name: Mt.Lady.

Not much is known about the two, only that they are married and have been in the business for a while.

Far from the crowd of others, katsuki makes his way down a different path, down the halls and a couple of left and right turns.

Thankfully he packed a smaller weapon that could come in any size.

|small description|

Tiuch-a-bomb- a basic bomb that can take any size or shape and can  provide satisfaction when in use.
Tiuch: basically to set the bomb off there's a button you have to press to activate it, And to deactivate just press the button again.
Bomb- basically an explosion, the smaller ones are easy to handle while the bigger ones are quite challenging. One wrong move and your dead.

-A small green cameo grenade was under Katsuki's kimono(Outfit still the same from chp.19), as it may have looked like buttons under his sleeves instead this kimono is able to hide sizable(small) weapons.

Making his final turn to his destination, katsuki looked around before looking at a small screen behind his pendant  noting one of Izuku's members were a bit far off in the distance while it appears that a few(two) others are traveling through the ceilings.

Seeing a gold dot on the screen showed him where the item might be, anything around the area he could take but it would have to be something small that wouldn't be known has stolen. Sure once he has taken the item he would have to replace it with a fake replica of it but that's a piece of cake, the tricky part might be how they are gonna escape.

Once you are in that room there is no way out. But that's why there are two people in the vents, once katsuki has reached the room they would make sure to assist him and help with an escape plan without looking suspicious. That's why deku is spending his time with midnight.

Finally reaching the door, katsuki taps the map on the screen showing the two in the vents a green haired girl with goggles on her head and Jirou who had a special type of earphones in her ears.

"Alright bakugo if you look at the door you would notice there's no handle or a lock. If you feel around the door you can find a keypad But be careful make sure to put on your gloves", The green haired who is known as Asui Tsuyu said as she looked back to see what the jirou was doing.

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