Chapter 19

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The sound of the door closed, eye lids open slowly as they looked around themselves, a slight pain in their stomach as he took the breathing mask off his face and sat up.

Footsteps were heard walking across the floor, as the blonde who was in a all white walked towards the bathroom.

The click of the door closing as he taken a step towards the large sink.

Katsuki's head ached and he felt a little dizzy. He ran the sink water while he took small amounts of water in his hands brushing it against his skin. Both hands took to the side of the sink as he clung to it for dear life.

He closed his eyes inhaling and exhaling, he felt as if his body was burning but it all went away in matter of seconds.

He opened his eyes again and felt something dripping from his nose.

He brought his hands towards it as it was a very dark color of blood but it looked odd. Wiping his nose with his sleeve, it was colored in red and no longer white.

Finally he looked up to the mirror and looked directly to himself. His red eyes were losing color as the side of his face began to look dead, a shade of black and grayish-blue.

He began hyperventilating, he didn't feel right, he needs to steady his breathing, he felt his skin boil but it ran cold, he felt cold, he felt like he was dead.

His body felt like it was about to fall. Again he holds himself steady by the sides of the sink as he clenched his eyes very tight. The water in the sink still running.

He couldn't think, his mind was being flooded to what is happening to him?!

Gripping the sides of the sink even harder he felt like he was about to break/rip it off at any given second and the only thing that brought him out of this nightmare was a knock at the door.

He looked back up to himself in the mirror and he looked perfectly fine. The blood and torn outfit was plain white, his nose had no blood around the area as to the sleeve of his shirt, And his face only looked a little pale as his eyes were still a beautiful color of a rose.

He jumped a little and took a step back turning off the sink because the water ran over causing his outfit to be soaked and the floor to have a puddle of water.

The door was knocked on again.

" Mr.Bakugou, are you okay in there?! I see that you also woken up.", a males voice was heard behind the door.

'woken up?', he questioned himself in his mind.

" Sir?", the male sounded worried.

"Y-yea... I'm f-fine.", his voice sounded weak his throat was dry and his lips felt chapped. Grabbing a nearby towel he patted his face dry.

" Do you need any assist in there? ", the male asked backing away from the door as it clicked open to an irritated look from the blonde.

" I don't need help. I just want to take a shower.", he stated as the male nodded but spoke again.

"Master Midoriya, said to keep an eye on you at all times. Therefore we have to assist you.", the man spoke gently trying not to sound rude but flinched a little when he heard the bathroom door slam.

" I DON'T CARE WHAT HE SAID, I DON'T NEED HELP AND IM GOING TO TAKE A SHOWER SO PREPARE ME AN OUTFIT!", katsuki hollered from behind the door starting the shower water.

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