Chapter 21

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Somewhere in the room the two boys were negotiating plans on how their lifestyles would be.

One wanted to live in a large but not small apartment and travel, while the other wanted a big house far away from others; they both came up to an agreement to Live with each other as the other fears of the big house and the plans..


"Oh! Have ya heard that for tonight's event, Deku plans on bringing his mistress back after quite some time?"

"my my, where did ya get these news?!"

"The local hostess said so herself, the word is spreading quite fast"

"oh, how I do admire the blonde! But sadly I don't really like him... But I do feel bad about having to deal with that insane husband of his"

"Deku right? What has he done wrong"

"News came from someone that he killed his own mother and he creates his own species of abominations...yuck!"

"Those rumors wouldn't be true now right?..."

"Frankly I'm unsure of it, words do jumble around a lot but when it comes towards deku... I'm sure to believe it..... However their still isn't news about what he does to that mistress of his?... Maybe he casted some sorta spell on him or if he's one of his experiments"

"yes, they do now. But I doubt they are an experiment of his creation s"

"Ooh! Seems like they just put out a new stack of jelly filled powdered doughnuts! Care to join me eh?"

"Sure. I'm not busy at all"

3rd person

Commotion around the hall was a bit loud and tense but they were only speaking of the married duo who had just entered the establishment.

"Kacchan, I really think we should go out sometime? Don't you think... Just imagine living near a lake in a log house away from trouble.", Izuku spoke as he smiled at katsuki right next to him as their arms were locked together.

"Yea, away from trouble my ass... And if I wanted to go out sometime I would but not with you", Katsuki grumbled out before saying a quick 'sorry' towards Izuku when he looked displeased.

"Kacchan what did my father warn you about? I'm pretty sure you don't want to cause a scene.. Am I right?", Izuku reminded the blonde as he let out a huff and drew his fox mask down to his face.

"Sure. Deku..", katsuki mumbled out knowing the greenette heard him as he rolled his eyes, they walked across the room noticing how everyone's attention were on them as small chatter raised around the room.

"There they are, Deku the notorious gang leader and Some call him a mad scientist others.. Inventor of death", one whispered loudly as those around caught their breath afraid of the two as they walked by them, most likely hearing deku's amused chuckle.

"Ground Zero or known as Kacchan from Deku, the lover of the Inventor of Death: some say that his body had some lethal injections that caused him to stay away from the events held for almost 2 in a half years", the voice spoke as another cut in after

"Some say that rumor is fake others not so clearly, I feel bad for him being Wedded to that man... 6 years of marriage, how could anyone deal with hi--", the voice squeaked as a sharp object darted towards their head only missing them a mere second before their reflex came in.

The room was silent as the others began to act like nothing happened and chatted or ate snacks that was handed out.

"People are rather annoying with all those rumours..", Izuku mumbled as he pulled katsuki to a certain room.

"Who could blame them, it is us meaning you they are talking about."

"Hush now Kacchan, I suppose they are curious... But! I won't allow them to make lies of your name", Izuku said as his arm around Katsuki's arm brought them closer as he led them to a door with two guards standing at.

As the sight of the two caught the guards attention, information was  exchanged as the doors opened up.

A large room, with an even larger chandelier than the one outside of the room hung in the middle of the room. Candles were lit as the room had an aura of something relaxing along with the smell of chamomile.

In the middle of the room stood a women with long dark spiky purple hair as she was staring at the large window that showed the views from the mountains.(which the event was held at one of her estates which resides up in the mountains)

Turning around to look at the two incoming males, her long eyelashes batted towards the greenette before the rather tight kimono she wore(which was also revealing... Very Revealing!) Hung low off her shoulders as it showed the outlines of her breasts.

Smirking at the blonde on the greenette's side walked towards the two rather slowly as her attention was focused on the greenette.

"Ah! Nice to meet you again Deku!", the woman said as she hugged up on him not minding the annoyed blonde as his fox mask only showed his emotion through his eyes.

"Nice to see you again Midnight.", Deku smiled as he unlatched his arm from katsuki to pull her arms from around his shoulders.

"Yes it's been a while, ever since the accident it been a bit rough", she directed her attention towards the door on her left.

She seemed quite sad before smiling again hearing upon deku's response.

"Is she here? Mt Lady? She did get hurt from getting knocked upside her head a while ago...", Deku questions, as he looks towards her gaze before smiling back at her as he heard the door of their side open.

"Yea, the mission that was given to her left her injured for quite some time... But in a few more days she'll be better in no time", midnight responded as she sighed directing them to another room as she sat on the couch.

Following her deku glanced at katsuki before closing his eyes as he told him he could do as he pleases. And with that katsuki exits the room moving towards the dining room to where all the food was at.

--(Apologies for the late update and my impression on Midnight sucks cause I don't watch the anime... I'm only there for bakugou)--

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