Chapter 11

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3rd person

Warm water fell on the blondes hand as he just finished washing the last dish.

With the sound of his friends laughter and chatters ringing his ears he had smiled to himself as he turned the handle as the water stopped.

Maids walking back a forth as they looked at the blonde and continued with their work. They knew for even a slightest moment he was happy they were here.

A loud phone ring could be heard as one of the house maids answered the phone placing it on the desks making her way to the kitchen.

"Ahem", she Uttered softly as she looked directly at her bosses lover 'katsuki'.

" yes?", he looked at her as he was drying his hands.

"Mr.Midoriya, wants to speak with you", she said looking away from the blonde as he went from peaceful to an irritated look, which scared her.

Rolling his eyes he walked towards her as she guided him to the phone and went to do her job.

"What could you possibly want?", he spoke with venom

" Now now kacchan, that's no way to greet me, I heard you broke the room door again", Izuku responded with an amused tone.

"Yea...I did didn't I? You should already know what my actions are like when you decided to lock me in there", he responded to him leaning on the wall.

" kacchan, don't get cocky", he said in a low deep tone sending shivers down the blondes spine.

"And don't get to smart", I say as the atmosphere changes, its quiet and the air seemed to thicken as I can hear A pin drop and the air becoming cold.

A deep laughter was heard on th other line, as Izuku spoke, " Kacchan that's a nice compliment."

"oh fuck you", katsuki said as he lifted his hand to signal the maids to continue what they were doing.

" well... Kacchan, You already know I'll fuck you anytime and anywhere ", he said in a low playful but serious manner.

" You know what do your fucking job--", he was cut off.


"You know what kacchan I'll see you later", izuku responded with as the line went dead.

One day I hope I get the chance to kill him

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