"Kacchan... Welcome back!",Katsuki's gaze met Izuku's, he was angry at him.
It was his fault that he was out for 19 months.
"You! Bastard!", he screamed as he lunged towards Izuku, hearing as the greenettes back hit the ground as katsuki towered over him with his knees planted on each sides of the floor.
"Kacchan, you really have to work on you attitude when you get up... Y'know it's not happy to start your day with a sour mood..", Izuku smiled at him as he brought his hand towards the blondes hair making sure to grab a fist full of it, and placed his other free hand on his thigh.
Right before katsuki was about to say something, the world seemed to spin for a second, before his back was met with the ground knocking the air out of his lungs, not to mention that his amulet was close to swinging to his back... Thankfully it landed near his neck.
His eyes widened from what just happened and pain came forth because his spine hurts a lot.
"Kacchan I know you just woke up, but sadly I didn't want to injure you... But can we please lay off for all this play fighting for today we have company over..(not like I'll/you'll stop)", Izuku whispered in his ear as he fixed his yakuta and then brought the blonde up to fix his and his amulet.
"Now! Where were we?", Izuku started again.
"Izuku, I thought you'd at least show a little manners", the black haired older male known as Hisashi Midoriya said, eyeing katsuki and a older yellow haired male next to him.
"Oh! Katsuki, this man next to my father is, Toshinori Yagi or you could call him All Might... That's his Code Name", Izuku said as katsuki looked towards the male, Yagi smiled and sent a wave towards him.
"Mr.Toshinori, this is Katsuki Bakugou or Katsuki Midoriya, My lover/wife/husband of 6 years... He just woke up from his coma today! Isn't that great?", Izuku smiled looking towards the man as his eyes widened a little but he congratulated him.
Katsuki was still angry, but he couldn't act up right now, and for most of the reason was because of Izuku but his father-in-law is here and he couldn't screw up. So that action that happened a couple of minutes ago had made him lucky.
Not saying that Hisashi would put his hands on him (like Izuku would ever let that happen) but if Izuku's father seen his son, brush off all the reactions that katsuki did... Well katsuki might as well be in another coma or dead.
The smell of Cigar smoke brought him out of his thoughts as he covered his nose, and looking towards the man, he just took a draft out of his cigar and was looking directly at katsuki.
"Katsuki... Seems like your going to tonight's event aren't you?", Hisashi said taking another drag out of his cigar before blowing the smoke towards katsuki,
"How long has it been since you last attended? 1..2 years? Things changed so I expect you not to..uh lose your temper?", he said as as he smirked looking at Izuku seeing as he looked mad or was it something else...Fanning the smell of burnt tobacco mixed with paper, katsuki tried to ignore the smell that bothered him so much but he wasn't use to the smell... Thankfully Izuku never smoked.
Glancing to the side of him Izuku pulled a box from under the table as he handed katsuki a red fan with gold laces traveling on the fabric.

HIS ONLY(DekuBaku)
Fanfiction(ART BELONGS TO RIGHTFUL CREATOR) I just want to leave, but he won't let me. I feel like I'm imprisoned in a never ending life of torture. Escaping won't do me no good he ends up finding every time. I know his secrets and I promised not to tell. Dek...